1560-4381 |
Topics related to History of Medicine and Public Health focus on local histories and histories of institutions, specialties, and personalities. On the subject of Social Studies of Science and Technology, the publication of theoretical studies and case studies is encouraged so as to improve the practice of public health and the Cuban System for Science and Technological Innovation. In relation to developing ethical studies, materials deal with Ethics, Medical Ethics, Bioethics, Ethics of the Research Activity, and the work of Committees and Commissions of Ethics. Other equally valuable contributions include studies on subjects such as Philosophy, Esthetics, History, Sociology, Psychology, Health Communication, Pedagogy, Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, and Teaching of English as a Foreign Language, as well as pedagogic and educational experiences, and sociocultural themes. Manuscripts ought to be unedited. The journal’s peer review system evaluates all materials received, including those previously revised by Scientific Boards or Committees from authors’ institutions. Manuscripts requiring modifications are returned to authors for carrying out emendations suggested by peers. Once improved, materials should be sent back in less than three weeks for a second revision. The editorial staff carries out any necessary revision, reduction or omission of texts, graphs, figures, and annexes so as to improve the quality of the editorial product. A Spanish-English and English-Spanish translation of titles, abstracts, and keywords is available for articles approved, which are to decline other journals’ revision. CCM has the right to accept manuscripts partially presented in events or published in a different language and turn down materials violating the ethics of scientific publication. Approvals are notified by the Editorial Committee. Publication certificates are provided once articles are available online. Partial or total reproduction of publications is illegal unless previously authorized and whenever the source is cited. Authors’ opinions are of their responsibility exclusively and unnecessarily reproduce either the journal’s criteria or editorial policy. Important note: Manuscripts that fail to comply with these instructions are unacceptable |
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articles, review articles, short contributions, views, educational articles, event
summaries, letters to the editor, case presentations, contributions to news and
information literacy. To send other types of materials, a prior approval of the
Editorial Board of the journal must be considered. The editorials articles are
only presented by the Editorial board request. -The
type of study. The
results must be clear, synthetic, logical and coherent, according to Discussion It
must be concise and clear. |
The works, in printed version and in electronic format, they will be sent to: University of Medical Sciences of Holguin, Lenin Avenue, number 4, Aguilera corner. Holguín, Zip Code: 80100, Cuba
Telephone: (53) (24) 465024 |
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of Medical Sciences of Holguin
Lenin Avenue, number 4, Aguilera
corner. Holguín, 80100, Cuba
Telephone number: 53 - 24
- 465024