ISSN 1560-4381
Online version


Aims and editorial policy

The journal accepts the publication of essays, theoretical reflections, and other sections pertaining to the area of Social Sciences and Humanities. Both national and international collaborations are accepted in Spanish, English, and Portuguese, whenever authors agree to comply with the instructions to present materials. 

Topics related to History of Medicine and Public Health focus on local histories and histories of institutions, specialties, and personalities. On the subject of Social Studies of Science and Technology, the publication of theoretical studies and case studies is encouraged so as to improve the practice of public health and the Cuban System for Science and Technological Innovation. In relation to developing ethical studies, materials deal with Ethics, Medical Ethics, Bioethics, Ethics of the Research Activity, and the work of Committees and Commissions of Ethics. Other equally valuable contributions include studies on subjects such as Philosophy, Esthetics, History, Sociology, Psychology, Health Communication, Pedagogy, Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, and Teaching of English as a Foreign Language, as well as pedagogic and educational experiences, and sociocultural themes.  Manuscripts ought to be unedited. The journal’s peer review system evaluates all materials received, including those previously revised by Scientific Boards or Committees from authors’ institutions. Manuscripts requiring modifications are returned to authors for carrying out emendations suggested by peers. Once improved, materials should be sent back in less than three weeks for a second revision.

The editorial staff carries out any necessary revision, reduction or omission of texts, graphs, figures, and annexes so as to improve the quality of the editorial product. A Spanish-English and English-Spanish translation of titles, abstracts, and keywords is available for articles approved, which are to decline other journals’ revision.

CCM has the right to accept manuscripts partially presented in events or published in a different language and turn down materials violating the ethics of scientific publication. Approvals are notified by the Editorial Committee. Publication certificates are provided once articles are available online.

Partial or total reproduction of publications is illegal unless previously authorized and whenever the source is cited. Authors’ opinions are of their responsibility exclusively and unnecessarily reproduce either the journal’s criteria or editorial policy.

Important note: Manuscripts that fail to comply with these instructions are unacceptable  

Form and preparation of manuscripts

Focus and Scope
It is the journal of health sciences, Holguin Province, Cuba. Edited by the Provincial Information Center of Medical Sciences, attached to the University of Medical Sciences of Holguin. This journal publishes papers on medicine, dentistry, nursing, health technology and a group of disciplines such as psychology, medical informatics and language for specific purposes in these sectors,etcetera.

Original articles, review articles, short contributions, views, educational articles, event summaries, letters to the editor, case presentations, contributions to news and information literacy. To send other types of materials, a prior approval of the Editorial Board of the journal must be considered. The editorials articles are only presented by the Editorial board request.

Frequency of publication: Quarterly

Electronic Format: HTML and PDF
The Journal Editorial Committee consists of experts who assess contributions; does not accept those works published in other publications and rejects those papers whose thematic issues are extensively treated. This clause does not include those incomplete contributions submitted in scientific events, as well as those that are published in a preliminary way. When the Editorial Board of the Journal detects a duplicate or redundant publication, publishes a note in the journal so that readers know about the infringement committed by the authors.

Submission of manuscripts
Before sending the articles, authors should check that their contributions meet the following requirements:
The title
It is short, concise, and reflects the content of the work. It does not exceed 15 words.
In versions of Word, the Word Count Tool option helps to determine both the number of characters, and the words of the previously selected text.
The authors´ names, their academic degrees and affiliations (institutions, provinces) must be identified correctly. The mail of the author that keeps communication with the editorial board must be also identified in the manuscript.

The authors must be considered as such, as recommended by Vancouver standards. An author is the person who makes important contributions to conception, design, analysis or interpretation of data, processes or checks the intellectual content and finally approves the version of the proposed work to be published. Those who meet these three conditions are considered the authors. People who cooperate to the study, but do not meet the above conditions, must be identified and recognized as collaborator in the section of acknowledgments.


It contains a brief summary of the article content. Original articles, review and brief contributions have an abstract, that must be written in impersonal style, past tense, with the objectives, materials and methods, and a brief description of the main results and conclusions. Abstract must be submitted in a structured way.It  must not exceed 250 words.
It contains from 3 to 10 words or phrases to facilitate indexing work.


It contains:
-The research problem and its background.
-The research method and why it is selected.
-The problem (explained empirically and theoretically)
- The expected benefits of the research.
-The objectives and hypothesis of the study is presented in an explicit and precise way


It contains:

 -The type of study.
-The place and period (or time) of the study.
-The universe and the sample. It explains the sampling method.
-The inclusion and exclusion criteria of the study object (individuals, documents, etc.).
- The necessary details about the participants or objects of study.
- The design description, which should correspond to the objectives
- The operationalized variables and identification
- The details and interventions
- The difference between primary and secondary outcomes
- The measurement criteria and its valuation
- The procedure followed for the development of research.
- The statistical procedures (type of sampling, testing, etc.) and the purpose of its use.
- The statistical techniques of quality control (confidence interval, sensitivity tests, etc.).
- In the case of well-known methods, references must be provided, and if such methods are less known, a brief description must be added. When using unknown methods, to add complete information about them as well as the reasons, advantages and disadvantages of their use.
-The reader could repeat the study with the information provided by this section.
-A specialist must be able to reproduce the study performed by the author, by using the similar information as such, as well as the original data used in the research.
-The equipment and materials, its brands, production companies, and other aspects on modernity to infer its technological quality.
-The computer programs that were used for data processing.


The results must be clear, synthetic, logical and coherent, according to
their formulation in the Methods section.
The occurrence of adverse or collateral effects is described.
Tables, graphs and appendices are used to facilitate the understanding of the information. The content must not be duplicated. They show the most relevant outcomes of the research, considering its objectives .


The results of the study and its implications are interpreted and discussed. It specifies the novel aspects found through the research. The significance of the results is compared with those of similar works. No results are repeated in the discussion.
The scope and limitations of the results are evaluated. The conclusions are outlined in correspondence to the objectives.
If necessary, new hypotheses are formulated and further studies are recommended.


Useful contributions of those persons who collaborated with the research, are recognized.
Acknowledgements are placed before the references.


The references are presented as recommended by the Vancouver style, they must be appropriate, sufficient and updated for the issues discussed in the study. The list of references must appear at the end of the text.

Appendices or Annexes

They are necessary for a better understanding of the work.


It must be concise and clear.
To use impersonal style.
To avoid the use of the passive voice, whenever possible.
Do not abuse in using capital letters and to be careful considering gender and number.
To reduce the use of participles and gerunds, as much as possible.
To avoid the use of long sentences and excessive subordinate clause.
To use, punctuation marks to separate statements.
To use rationally the necessary ways for highlighting text or key elements.

Sending of manuscripts

The works, in printed version and in electronic format, they will be sent to:

University of Medical Sciences of Holguin, Lenin Avenue, number 4, Aguilera corner. Holguín, Zip Code: 80100, Cuba

Telephone: (53) (24) 465024


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Licencia Creative Commons

All the contents of this journal, Correo Científico Médico, is licensed under a
Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 3.0 Unported License.

University of Medical Sciences of Holguin
Lenin Avenue, number 4, Aguilera corner. Holguín, 80100, Cuba

Telephone number: 53 - 24 - 465024
