Our instructions are based on the recommendations contained in the uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (Vancouver Style). To access, click here.
Front page
Title in Spanish and English (up to 160 characters including spaces).
Short title, maximum of 80 characters (including spaces).
Name, initial of the middle name, if applicable, and last name (s) of the authors.
Academic degrees, scientific or both of each.
Department or service, and institutional affiliation of the authors (name and municipality or province).
Type of manuscript.
Number of words.
Statement of conflicts of interest.
Complete postal address and email of the author responsible for the correspondence and, if possible, telephone and fax.
Main document
It is all the text of the manuscript that does not in-clude the first page, figures or supplemental mate-rial. This main document must not contain any identifying data of the authors. To facilitate the work of the Editorial Committee, it will include the title (in one language) before the abstract.
For original and brief articles, the abstract must bestructured, with a maximum of 255 words and head-ings: a) Introduction, b) Objectives c) Method, d) Re-sults and e) Conclusions.
Editorial articles, images in cardiology, and letters to the editor do not require abstract.
In the rest of the manuscript the abstract, unstructured, must have up to 150 words.
In no case bibliographical citations must appear, and only two abbreviations, in addition to the units of measurement, are accepted (See corresponding section).
Key words
Up to three to six key words or phrases are included, preferably derived from the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) of the National Library of Medicine. Available at: www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/meshhome.html
Avoid improper use of abbreviations. The ones you use should be of wide use and when they appear for the first time in the text, they will be preceded by the complete term.
Up to six are accepted throughout the document, a larger number must be fully justified.
Two abbreviations can be included in the ab-stract, only if they appear three or more times in that section.
An "Abbreviations" section should be included before the Introduction, arranged in alphabetical order.
Bibliographical references must follow the recommendations for the preparation, editing and publica-tion of academic articles in medical journals, from the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) of the National Library of Medicine, available at:
They are cited consecutively, in Arabic numerals, in superscript and bold format, according to their order of appearance in the text.
Only published bibliographies will be included, neither personal communications, articles approved for publication (in press) –except when they have some identifier (DOI) or they can be reviewed on line– nor other unpublished documents; they will only be mentioned in the text, in parentheses, if it was essential.Most of the bibliography should be recent.
The abstracts of articles from medical journals of less than two years old are cited, identifying them with: [Abstract], placed after the pages and followed by end point.
The bibliography will be referred as normal text, without using codes from the bibliographic manage-ment programs.
For the reference to medical journals, the same abbreviations that appear in the Index Medicus are used: List of Journals Indexed, available at:
Medical Journal
Authors. Article title. Journal. Year;Volume:Pages.
Up to six authors, all are included; if more than six, the first six will be included and the Latin ex-pression "et al." will be added. Example:
- Moreno-Martínez FL, Aladro-Miranda IF, Ibargollín-Hernández RS, Vega-Fleites LF, Nodarse-Valdivia JR, Lara-Pérez NR, et al. Circumflex angioplasty in a patient with type IV dual left anterior descending coronary artery. Proposal for updating the classification of Spindola-Franco. Arch Cardiol Mex. 2012; 82:297-302.
Book chapter
Authors of the chapter. Title of the chapter. In: Edi-tors. Title of the book. Edition. City: Publishing House, Year; Pages. Example:
- Valencia Serrano FM, Moreno Martínez FL. Guía de presión en lesiones intermedias del tronco co-
ronario izquierdo y lesiones coronarias en tán-dem. En: Gómez Menchero AE, Sánchez González C, eds. Manual de técnicas de diagnóstico intracoronario. Madrid: Ergon; 2014. p. 89-97.
Cite specific pages, if applicable. Example:
- Calvo DM, Cires M, Cruz MA, Delgado I, Freijoso E, Pérez J, et al. Formulario nacional de medicamentos. Ciudad de La Habana: Editorial Ciencias Médicas, 2003; p. 293-6, 302, 325.
Digital material
Journal article in digital format. Example:
- Juffé Stein A. Surgical treatment of aortic dissec-tion. CorSalud [Internet]. 2014;6 [Accessed Oct 21, 2016]:129-39. Available at:
Article on the Internet with authors.Example:
- Schena RA, Forcada P, Gozza J, Schena RG. La res-puesta presora al stress físico en adolescentes y jóvenes puede ser un marcador primario de hiper-tensión arterial. Foro de Cardiología del ejercicio. [Internet]. [Accessed Oct 21, 2016]. Available at: http://www.fac.org.ar/fec/foros/exercise/docs/schena01.htm
Article on the Internet without authors.
- The Framingham Heart Study: The Town That Changed America's Heart. [Internet]. [Accessed Oct 21, 2016]. Available at:

Elaborated in Web Table 1 or grid 1 format, with all edges, they will be classified with Arabic numerals, according to their order of appearance in the text. Each table will be written double-spaced on a separate sheet, after the bibliography or caption figures. Those that contain few data can be discussed in the text instead of appearing as tables.
They include a title in its upper part and in the lower it describes the abbreviations used in alphabetical order and the symbols. The content is self-explanatory and the data it includes must not be reiterated in the figures.
Tables are not accepted in image format.
Figures corresponding to graphics, drawings and photos will be delivered in digital format (JPEG, PNG, BMP or TIFF), with sufficient resolution to guarantee the quality of their printing (not less than 300 dpi), and they are not included in the main document, but in separate files or as complementary files through the online manuscript submission system.
They will be ordered with Arabic numerals ac-cording to their order of appearance in the text.
The graphic elements, symbols, letters, etc., must be of sufficient size to be clearly identifiable when they are reduced (manual labels will not be accept-ed, except for excellent works). The special details are indicated with arrows, asterisks and arrow heads, using the maximum contrast with respect to the figure.
The caption figures are included on a separate sheet after the bibliography and the abbreviations used are identified in alphabetical order. In the fig-ures should not appear data that allow to know the identity of the patient. Photographs of people must be taken in such a way that they are not identifiable or, if not, they must be accompanied by the consent of their use by the photographed person.
Supplementary material
Authors can enrich their manuscript with additional images, tables, multimedia files, or other materials that do not conform to the format of the type of ar-ticle that is presented, but which favors its comprehension.
The additional material will be published only online.
The images and tables must comply with the established requirements that are shown in the corresponding sections; and audios or videos:
a) Must be referred, logically, to key aspects of the article or research.
b)Anonymous (do not include any identifying infor-mation).
c) Of little size: <5 Mb.
d)Duration: <2 minutes. If they are longer they should be split into two or more short sequences.
e) In formats normally reproducible by computers, tablets and mobiles (Audio Video Interleave [.avi] Moving Picture Experts Group [.mpeg, .mpg] and MPEG Audio Layer III [.mp3], preferably).
f) A brief description of each stream audio or video will be included after the caption figures.
g) They will only be included in the publication by decision of the Editor.
They have a maximum of 6000 words, not including front page, abstract, tables, caption figures and supplementary material.
Order of presentation: 1) Front Page, 2) Abstract and keywords, 3) Abbreviations, 4) Introduction, 5) Method, 6) Results, 7) Discussion, 8) Conclusions, 9) References, 10) Caption figures and 11) Tables.
Acknowledgments, if any, appear after the conclusions.
Introduction: The background of the problem is briefly discussed. At the end of the introduction the objectives are included in paragraph form.
Method: It must be explicit enough to clarify the type of study, sample selection, variables used and statistical processing.
Results: The obtained results are mentioned.
Discussion: The results are discussed and com-pared with other similar studies.
Conclusions: They expose briefly the findings of the research and they are written in paragraph form.
The sum of tables and figures must not exceed 8. 2. BRIEF ARTICLES
They are very similar to the original articles, but its
maximum length is 4000 words (See table).
They are articles where the authors (maximum three) analyze a topic exhaustively, from their first appearances in the world bibliography, to the cur-rent state of art of the subject, and they should make contributions of their own experience and know-ledge which provide a better understanding of the subject of the problem addressed. It is not only a passive and more or less detailed revision of the bibliography literature, but an active review that nurtures with something else that everyone could obtain by reading what was previously published. Hence, they can include tables and explanatory illus-trations (See table).
They generally conform to the standards mentioned above, but their extension, as well as the number of tables, figures and bibliographical cita-tions will depend on the needs of the article and the authors' sense and scientific level, which will be highly valued by CorSalud.
Figures or tables in this section, that are not unpublished, must have the corresponding reproduc-tion permission and clearly state the original source.
The title up to 100 characters, including spaces. The authors (maximum four), center of origin and address, are specified according to the rules already described. A maximum of three images or high quality records are attached, following the rules as defined in the “Figures” section of the general instructions.
The explanatory text should not exceed 350 words; it contains the most relevant information, without bibliographical citations or caption figures. All the symbols contained in the images are adequately explained in the text.
Interesting case reports are presented, with a maximum of 3000 words.
The title, authors (maximum ten), center of origin and address are specified in accordance to the general instructions (See table).
They contain: 1) Front Page, 2) Unstructured ab-stract and keywords, 3) Introduction, 4) Case report, 5) Comments, 6) References, and 7) Caption figures. The figures must meet the requirements specified in the general instructions; like the tables, if applicable.
Manuscripts that include aspects of basic or clinical research will be considered. Its maximum length is 1700 words.
The title, authors (maximum six) center of origin and direction, as well as other characteristics of this type of article are specified in accordance with the general instructions (See table).
They must have a maximum of 1300 words.
The title, authors (maximum four) center of origin and address are specified in accordance with the general instructions (See table).
They include any type of communication regard-ing the subjects accepted by CorSalud. Those that refer to articles already published in the journal should be sent with a maximum period of six weeks after the last issue. They must be written in an appropriate language and respecting the ethical guide-lines of the profession, although this does not pre-vent ethical criticism of a particular topic.
They are requested by the Editorial Committee of CorSalud.
If you consider that you can send a manuscript to these sections, before doing it, you should get in contact with the Editorial Committee. |