ISSN 2077-2874
online version



Scope and policy

EDUMECENTRO is the informative scientific journal of health sciences educators in the central region of the country; however, it extends its services to teachers who work in medical universities in Cuba and the world, and to all higher education teachers interested in these topics.

Its headquarters are the Academic Vice-rectorate of the Villa Clara University of Medical Sciences, and it has the support of the Cuban Society of Educators in Health Sciences of Cuba. EDUMECENTRO adopts from this year 2022 the continuous publication modality, conducive to immediacy in the editorial flow and the contents will appear within the established period and its access address is:


Disseminate the results of the scientific work of health sciences educators from Cuba and other countries that comply with the requirements for serial scientific publications in Cuba, and get inserted in national and international databases to achieve greater visibility of its content, thus contributing to the development of Cuban and global medical education, and promoting the exchange of the scientific production of educators from different scientific communities.

The journal considers articles from preprint servers, as well as open data and open peer review.


  • History and development of medical education
  • Quality and relevance of learning processes
  • Curriculum design and its improvement in health sciences undergraduate studies
  • The process of evaluation and accreditation in medical universities
  • Information and communication technologies in the transformation of university processes
  • The universalization of higher education in health sciences
  • Education science and its special didactics
  • Postgraduate Education and its transformations
  • University Extension and its potential
  • Medical University and sustainable development

The article type

Original article. Its constituent parts are: introduction, body and conclusions. It will have approximately ten pages (not counting the first sheet, references and appendices). A maximum of six authors are accepted. The introduction must include the objectives of the authors. The body of the article must contain the methods used, type of study, period of time in which it was conducted, among others aspects. It should also set forth the main results and their discussion. Finally, the conclusions must be explained.

Review article. It must have an introduction, and then use subheadings to expose the contents addressed. It is essential to explain the ideas advocated by the author. At the end, these fundamental ideas must be specified. This type of article has a maximum length of 20 pages (not counting the first page and the references). A maximum of four authors are accepted.

POSITION ITEM. It is a form of written composition, whose purpose is to try to answer a question or solve a specific problem through arguments or logically expressed and duly supported statements, which try to demonstrate the validity of what is stated. It is used as a way to encourage critical and independent judgment of the authors.

Communication. These are educational research results that are expressed synthetically, with novel aspects that reflect the viewpoint of the author. Its maximum length is four pages, and a maximum of three authors are accepted.

Letters to the Editor. They are intended for the rapid dissemination of some findings of controversial nature, or a topic that encourages scientific debate. They may be used to show the features of a useful product. It is a single text without abstract, with a maximum of four pages and three authors.

Editorial. It shows the author's ideas in an analytical way, and serves to defend a thesis or to address an issue of current importance. Generally, it addresses only one issue, but it can also engage in two or more subjects, when considered of similar importance. If the editorial is divided, it is essential that each section is preceded by its own heading. It is always commissioned by the direction of the journal.

History. These are articles related to the history of medical education, medicine, training institutions, biographies of important figures, or other relevant aspects. They should reflect the results of an inquiry or the experiences of the author. Constituent parts: introduction and body (where ideas will be presented by sections). They can have up to 15 pages and a maximum of four authors.


Form and preparation of manuscripts

The articles must meet the following requirements:

The first page will contain:

  • Name of the institution sponsoring the work
  • Type of article
  • The title will not exceed 15 words, should be clear and concise, and should not have acronyms or abbreviations.
  • Full name of all authors, sorted by their participation, separated by semicolons and listed with a superscript (stating academic degree, academic rank or research rank of each one), e-mail, telephone, home address and workplace. The author who is responsible for the publication and the correspondence will be recorded here.

The second page includes the abstract and keywords.

The abstract may be informative or traditional (150 words), or structured (200 words, divided into sections); and it will reflect fundamental information. It should be written in past tense and express the objective, procedures used, relevant results and main conclusions, as well as any novel aspect. All articles require an abstract, with the exception of the letter to the editor. Keywords will appear below the abstract. From 3 to 10 terms will be used in order of importance.

From the third page on, the content of the article is shown according to its type.

  • Original article. Its constituent parts are: introduction, body and conclusions. It will have approximately ten pages (not counting the first sheet, references and appendices). A maximum of six authors are accepted. The introduction must include the objectives of the authors. The body of the article must contain the methods used, type of study, period of time in which it was conducted, among others aspects. It should also set forth the main results and their discussion. Finally, the conclusions must be explained.
  • Review article. It must have an introduction, and then use subheadings to expose the contents addressed. It is essential to explain the ideas advocated by the author. At the end, these fundamental ideas must be specified. This type of article has a maximum length of 20 pages (not counting the first page and the references). A maximum of four authors are accepted.
  • POSITION ITEM. It is a form of written composition, whose purpose is to try to answer a question or solve a specific problem through arguments or logically expressed and duly supported statements, which try to demonstrate the validity of what is stated. It is used as a way to encourage critical and independent judgment of the authors.
  • Communication. These are educational research results that are expressed synthetically, with novel aspects that reflect the viewpoint of the author. Its maximum length is four pages, and a maximum of three authors are accepted.
  • Letters to the Editor. They are intended for the rapid dissemination of some findings of controversial nature, or a topic that encourages scientific debate. They may be used to show the features of a useful product. It is a single text without abstract, with a maximum of four pages and three authors.
  • Editorial. It shows the author's ideas in an analytical way, and serves to defend a thesis or to address an issue of current importance. Generally, it addresses only one issue, but it can also engage in two or more subjects, when considered of similar importance. If the editorial is divided, it is essential that each section is preceded by its own heading. It is always commissioned by the direction of the journal.
  • History. These are articles related to the history of medical education, medicine, training institutions, biographies of important figures, or other relevant aspects. They should reflect the results of an inquiry or the experiences of the author. Constituent parts: introduction and body (where ideas will be presented by sections). They can have up to 15 pages and a maximum of four authors.

The last page will contain the references. They will be presented according to the Vancouver style and marked numerically in order of appearance in the text. References must be updated (within the last 5 years). In all cases, the number of references shall not be less than 10, except in the review articles that require no less than 15 references with 90% of them dated in the last five years.

Tables, figures and appendices

  • The size of tables must not exceed the established margins for the text. The tables and appendices must have their title and state the source of the data they show. Tables will be inserted into the article in a vertical form, numbered consecutively and mentioned above in the text.
  • Pictures, graphics, drawings, diagrams, maps, and other graphs and nonlinear formulas will be called figures and will be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. They will be delivered separately from the text and in jpg and gif format. All of them will be mentioned in the text, and should have their figure caption or explanatory note that should not appear inside the figure.

Note: The title and abstract of the article in English is provided by the journal’s editorial team.


Sending of manuscripts

A printed version of the article should be given in, and another one in digital format must be sent to:

Authors who do not work in the implementing institution will send the digital version only. The request for publication should express clearly the authenticity of the article and the authorization for its full dissemination in the databases used by the journal.

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All the contents of this journal, EDUMECENTRO, is licensed under a
Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional


Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara
Carr. de Acueducto y Circunvalación
Santa Clara, C.P. 50200 Villa Clara, CUBA.
Tel.:53 42 273597