for authors
6.1. Type
of articles and sections
The journal publishes 7 types of articles distributed in the same number
of sections:
-Original articles
-Review articles
-Presentation of cases
-Reflection and debate, current approach (opinion)
-Letter to the editor
-Special articles
6.2. Common
methodological requirements for all types of articles
- The works must be unpublished. If they has been made public, the author
has the duty to communicate it.
- Authors. The full names and surnames of all authors must appear. Avoid
the initial ones. It is essential that each author has ORCID. Authors
without ORCID will be recognized as collaborators in the acknowledgments
of the article. It is also necessary that each author has reflected the
full name of their institutional affiliation, province and country. The
name of each author may be accompanied by the professional title, their
scientific degrees, their academic degrees, their teaching and/or research
categories, as appropriate.
- The author for the correspondence and email address must be defined.
- Authors must provide the primary data records used if requested by the
- The authorization of each of the people mentioned in the section of
Acknowledgments must be shown.
- Clinical trials: Clinical trials must carry their proper registration
number obtained in a Clinical Trials Registry. This number must be verifiable,
so the source will appear. In addition, they must conform to the evaluation
parameters expressed in the CONSORT international guide.
- Writting: The document presented must have clarity and coherence of
the wording, syntax and spelling. The meaning of the abbreviations, acronyms
and symbols used will be described. The use of these should not be excessive,
which prevents fluent reading and comprehension of the work.
- Forms of presentation of manuscripts: The articles will be presented
in electronic format of WORD text, in Times New Roman 12 font and spaced
1.5. Compressed files in any format are not allowed.
- Copyright: This journal is available in Open Access without restrictions,
complying with the international policy on open access to information.
The contents presented here can be used, without commercial purposes,
as long as reference is made to the primary source.
- Other aspects
- The presentation of your publication proposal must have an adequate
quality in terms of writing and spelling, and comply with the ethical
principles of the research.
- Articles that do not meet these conditions will be rejected immediately.
6.3. General
structure of the different types of articles
It should correspond to the topic of the article. Be concise, understandable
and informative. It should not exceed 15 words. In Spanish and English.
It should not include acronyms or abbreviations. If names of institutions
are used, they must be official and up to date.
Most types of articles have Abstracts and are presented in an structured
way. The following sections will address the specific characteristics
of each type of article, the presence or not of Abstract and its characteristics.
It succinctly offers an idea of what the work is about without specifying
details. It is written in past tense and must be submitted in Spanish
and English (ABSTRACT).
They must be concrete and representative of the semantic content of the
document. They must be in a range of 3 up to 7 keywords, terms or phrases.
It is recommended to use the DeCs thesaurus. (Descriptors in Health Sciences)
It presents the brief, clear and appropriate background of the topic to
be addressed. The theme of the research to be described and its relevance,
importance and usefulness are presented. It should end up taking up the
objective described in the Abstract.
It defines the type of research or study, period and place. The population
or study group is specified, as well as the criteria for inclusion, exclusion
and elimination. It describes the criteria and justification for sample
selection if required.
The variables analyzed must be clearly described. It clearly sets out
the methods of information collection, and processing and analysis that
were used. The statistical method should be appropriate according to the
type of study. It must comply with the principle of being able to be reproduced
by other researchers.
Ethical considerations: Research submitted shall comply with all ethical
statements for types of studies, whether in humans or animals. (Declaration
of Helsinki)
The article
must not contain fragments of texts from previously published works or
in the process of publication in journals or others without proper citation.
Any ethical violation related to the document will be resolved using the
protocols established by the International Committee on Ethics in Scientific
Publication (COPE). (
It shows data according to the objectives of the work. Appropriate use
of statisticians (when required). It can be supported by pictures and
tables to highlight the relevant results without incurring repetitions
of information between them.
-Pictures and Tables
They must be submitted in jpg format, in the case of photographs (300
dpi). Charts and outlines are also considered images and must be presented
in an editable format. All must have the appropriate quality and must
not exceed 800 pixels in width.
The maximum between pictures and tables will be 6 in most articles. (See
table). Exceptionally, a higher amount will be accepted by request from
the Journal to the Publisher.
The title of the table must correspond appropriately to its contents.
The information they present must justify their existence. Do not repeat
information already indicated in the text.
Only those that are necessary and relevant will be submitted. The feet
of pictures must correspond properly to these. They will not exceed 500
kb each.
Charts and
They are seen as images. They must be editable, the editor must be able
to work within them without having to redo them if they need changes.
They will not exceed 500 Kb each.
It is in this section where the critical analysis of the results of the
study is carried out in the light of the works published by other researchers
in the national and international area. The scope and limitations of the
results achieved are explained. The possible applicability and generalization
of the results is described.
They must have an adequate degree of generalization. They respond to the
objectives of the study and are in correspondence with the results and
debate. The limitations of the study, the recommendations and suggestions
of the authors are presented.
-Bibliographic references
They must be necessary and well bounded. 50% of them must correspond to
works published in the last five years. Relevant national and international
literature on the subject must be represented.
They will be numbered according to the order of mention in the text and
must be identified by Arabic exponentially within the text itself, after
the punctuation mark and in parentheses. Citations of relevant and up-to-date
published documents will be included. Mention of personal communications
and unpublished documents should be avoided. They will only be mentioned
in the text in parentheses, if it is essential.
Electronic references must be accompanied by their electronic address
and the dates of consultation, except those submitted by DOIs.
This journal complies with the regulations described in the Recommendations
for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals (Vancouver style).
All the authors
of the cited text will be listed. The surnames are cited first and then
the initial of the name. If there are 7 or more authors, the first 6 will
be mentioned followed by "et al". Journal titles shall be abbreviated
by the Index Medicus (List of journals indexed in Index Medicus). No items
will be highlighted with capitalization or underlining. The ordering of
the bibliographic elements and the use of punctuation marks prescribed
by the Vancouver style will be observed.
The following are examples of some of the main cases:
Author(s). Title of the article. International abbreviation of the year
journal; volume (number): initial-final page of the article.
Diez Jarrilla JL, Cienfuegos Vázquez M, Suárez Salvador
E. Adventitious respiratory noises: confounding factors. Med Clin (Barc)
in electronic format
Author. Title. Abbreviated journal name. year [date of access]; volume
(number): pages or extension indicator. Available in:
Author. Transmission of Hepatitis C Virus infection associated infusion
therapy for hemophilia. MMWR. 1997 [accessed on 14/04/2001];46(26). Available
Author(s). Title of the book. Edition. Place of publication: Editorial;
Jiménez C, Riaño D, Moreno E, Jabbour N. Advances in abdominal
organs transplantation. Madrid: Cuadecon; 1997.
The first
edition does not need to be recorded. The edition is always put in Arabic
numerals and abbreviation: 2aed. 2nd ed. If the work is composed of more
than one volume, it must be quoted after the title of the book Vol. 3.
Book chapter
Author(s) of the chapter. Chapter title. In: Director/Coordinator/Literary
editor of the book. Title of the book. Edition. Place of publication:
Editorial; year. Chapter home page - final chapter page.
Rader DJ, Hobbs HH. Lipoprotein metabolism disorders. In: Barnes PJ. Longo
DL, Fauci AS, et al, editors. Harrison principles of internal medicine.
Vol 2. 18th Mexico: McGraw-Hill; 2012. p. 3145?3161.
on the Internet
Author(s). Title. Web site name; year [date cited]. Available at: URL.
Pérez Pacheco Y, Peraza Rodríguez G. Consumption of fruits
in the diet of diabetic patients. Antidiabetic Center of Cuba; 2013 [accessed:
25/03/2014]. Available in:
To facilitate
the preparation of bibliographic references, authors are guided to consult
the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Sent to Biomedical Journals.
of interest
At the end of the article it should appear the comment on the existence
or not of conflict of interest by the authors. (The authors declare that
there is no conflict of interest.)
6.4-General considerations for all types of articles
and specific instructions of the sections of each type of article
7.1. Editorial
Express positions and / or criteria directly related to a topic to be
treated by the journal or circumstantial scientific situation. There should
be no stories referring to the development of scientific events, awards
ceremony, anniversary of institutions or others; these can be pointed
out in short communications.
Its length shall not exceed 1 500 words.
-They can
have up to 3 authors.
They contain neither tables nor figures.
They must not have more than 15 bibliographic references.
Conflict of interest
7.2. Original
research articles
It is a written report that communicates for the first time the results
of an investigation.
- Its length will not exceed 4 500 words, not including bibliographic
-The bibliographic references should not be more than 50.
-Its length will not exceed 4 500 words.
-They can have up to 8 authors.
-Abstract. It should be structured by sections (Introduction-Objective-Methods-Results-Conclusions).
It has a maximum limit of 250 words.
-Results. Can contain tables and figures (max. 6)
-Discussion. At the end of this section, the Conclusions are included
as the culmination of this same section.
-Acknowledgements. Optional
-Bibliographic references
-Conflict of interest
-Contributions from the authors. At the end of each article, the authors'
contributions should appear according to the Credit Taxonomy of the 14
roles described below. Not all articles include all roles.
Data Curation:
Formal analysis:
Acquisition of funds:
Project Management:
Writing of the original draft:
Writing, proofreading and editing:
7.2. Review
It is an investigation carried out on a specific topic in which already
published information is gathered, analyzed and discussed. Compacts and
synthesizes fragmented knowledge. Updates and reports on the status of
a given topic. Compare information from different sources. Detect new
lines of research.
-Its length will not exceed 5 000 words.
-They can have up to 3 authors.
-It can have up to 100 bibliographic references.
-Abstract. It should be structured by sections (Introduction-Objective-Methods-Conclusions).
It has a maximum limit of 250 words.
-Development. It will have as a title of the section one that alludes
to the topic to be developed. It can contain tables and figures (max.
5) that highlight the relevant aspects without incurring repetitions of
information. The differences and coincidences of the analyzed studies
are contrasted.
-Acknowledgements. Optional
-Bibliographic references
-Conflict of interest
7.3. Presentation of cases
One or more specific cases of interest, rare ones or a novel treatment
for already known conditions are discussed.
-The bibliographic references should not be more than 20.
-Its length will not exceed 3 500 words.
-They can have up to 5 authors.
Abstract. Structured (Introduction-Objective-Case Presentation-Conclusions)
of the case. Includes:
General data and Background.
History of the current disease.
Physical exam.
Complementary exams.
Ethical comments
-Acknowledgements. Optional
-Bibliographic references
-Conflict of interest
7.4. Reflection
and debate, current approach (opinion)
They are articles that, due to the content they deal with, can generate
some controversy or reflection and the editorial committee proposes them
to readers with the aim of encouraging debate among researchers. It is
a review in which the author has experience in a particular field, which
proposes or suggests the current trend and criteria of both the author
and the scientific community. The selection for this section is exclusive
to the editorial committee and can be any type of article from which it
accepts the publication or another obtained from another source, previously
selected by its own editorial committee. Comments derived from the exposed
documents must be presented as "letters to the editor."
-The bibliographic references should not be more than 30.
-Its length will not exceed 4 000 words.
-They can have up to 3 authors.
7.5. Letters
to the Editor
They will be documents that express the ideas, positions or disagreements
of the authors in relation to some of the contents published in the journal
or topics of the specialty after evaluation by the editorial committee.
-It should not have more than 2,500 words.
-It does not contain tables or figures.
-It will not exceed 2 authors.
-It will not have more than 15 bibliographic references.
Name and surname of the person to whom the letter is addressed
Name and surname of the author of the letter, ORCID, his/her employment
affiliation and electronic address.
7.7. Special
This category of article corresponds to a document that due to the importance
of its contribution, the editorial committee includes it as such. They
are generally commissioned documents and their length is variable, depending
on the consideration of the editorial committee on the depth of the topic.
-It should not have more than 4,000 words.
-It will not exceed 3 authors.
-It will not have more than 30 bibliographic references.
-Its structure will be the same as an original article.
8. Manuscript
evaluation system
All articles will be subjected to a double-blind "peer" evaluation
process. The evaluators will not receive absolutely any data identifying
the origin of the article. Authors also receive no reference on who evaluates
their manuscript. The evaluation period shall not take more than 90 days.
Within this period the authors will be informed about the editorial decision.
If for any reason the author does not wish to publish the article, he/she
must communicate it in writing to the management of the journal in order
to avoid an ethical conflict.