ISSN 0034-7507
print version

ISSN 1561-297X
electronic version



Basic Information

Readers and authors: Professionals and technicians in the field of stomatology, health administration, and related specialties.

Mission: To publish scientific articles that report on the development of dental sciences for the benefit of the health of the population.

Frecuency: Trimonthly.
Fundation year: 1964.
Available in digital format since 1995.

The sending of manuscripts, the processing and the publication do not offer any cost to the authors, it is totally free.

Indexed in:

Scopus, SciELO Citation Index, DOAJ, SciELO, Latindex, LILACS y CUMED.


Cuban Dentistry Society.

Peer review process

The Cuban Journal of Stomatology does not receive charges for the sending, processing and publication of its articles. All published research is open access and all processes are free of charge for authors and readers.

The proposed articles are sent to two members of the Review Committee, formed by external evaluators, or not, to the Cuban Society of Stomatology. In the event of a discrepancy of opinion between the two reviewer pairs initially convened, a third reviewer will be invited with a criterion of opinion. The decision of approval, revision or rejection is communicated by the section editor or editors to the author. In case of rejection, the section editor sends the results of the evaluation form to the contact author with the suggestions of the peer reviewers regarding the improvements that could be applied to the article. If accepted, the article goes through the editorial format review and the Advisory Committee.

Each article is reviewed taking into account specific online review guides for each type of article, which can be requested by authors and reviewers.

The maximum time elapsed between the arrival of the article and the first response of the arbitrators is 1 month. Likewise, the time between the reception of the article and its acceptance for publication is 6 months to a year, although this may be delayed depending on the final approval of the submitted proposal and / or response delays by the author and / or reviewer . At the end of each article there are the dates of receipt and approval of the same, with the exception of the articles of the sections: editorial, obituaries, events and recognitions.

The entire peer review process is carried out through the Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform for editorial management automation. Receipt of documents of any process is not accepted by another way.

Open acces policy

The Cuban Journal of Stomatology is subject to the Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) and follows the publication model of SciELO Publishing Schema (SciELO PS) for publication in XML format.

This journal provides immediate free access to its content under the principle that making research available to the public free of charge supports a greater exchange of global knowledge.

Plagiarism detection policy

The Cuban Journal of Dentistry, has a policy of plagiarism detection, which aims to ensure that the authors comply with the ethical standards necessary to ensure a process of transparency in the publication process.

International Editors of the journal carry out the plagiarism detection process through the Turnitin software, and it takes place in the first edition stage (once the article is received). When plagiarism is detected, it is rejected immediately and the authors are informed of the situation.

In the same way, the reviewers are asked, during the evaluation stage, to inform if they detect any form of plagiarism in the manuscript.

Policy for preservation of digital archives

The Cuban Journal of Dentistry is ruleded by the current data preservation policy established by the Medical Sciences Publishing House (ECIMED) with the National Information Center of Medical Sciences (Infomed).

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Licencia Creative Commons

All the content of the journal, is under a license

The online journal has open and free access.

Centro Nacional de Información de Ciencias Médicas. Infomed.
Calle 23 # 177 entre N y O - Edificio Soto, Piso 2
Vedado, Ciudad de La Habana,
CP 10400, Cuba
