ISSN 1562-3009
versión impresa
ISSN 1818-1686
versión online



Scope and policy

The magazine accepts articles on various subjects of plant health, especially diagnosis of plant health, pest management, biological control, pesticide management, plant innovation.
All articles must be original and scientific research results, other than book reviews.
Our interest is to offer authors the possibility of any institution in Cuba and other countries to share their scientific results.
We also intend to raise awareness of advances in plant health in Cuba in connection with the transformation of agriculture and mitigation and resilience to impacts of climate change extreme events, among other issues.


Form and preparation of manuscripts

Define the types of documents published by the journal, or to specify the parts that make these types of documents, determines the extent and other instructions for submission of abstracts, determines the format, length and other instructions for the presentation of illustrations, figures, photographs, tables etc.. establishes reporting standards for the journal and the bibliographies of the work. Graphs or figures should be developed only in Word, Excel or another compatible program, not as images or color. Photos or images must be grayscale, avoid dark backgrounds and have adequate resolution. Tables preferably short and vertical (not landscape), with visible gridlines.



Sending of manuscripts

Original must be handed a typed, double spaced, on white paper size 28 x 21.5 cm (letter), using a single-sided, with margins of one inch. Pages listed. Arial, scoring 11. Furthermore, it must submit a copy in digital version, using the Word word processor, is accepted to send manuscripts by email as attachments to the message or letter, provided they do not have figures. Manuscripts will be sent to:

Instituto de Investigaciones de Sanidad Vegetal. Calle 110 no. 514 e / 5a.B and 5a.F, Playa, Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba

They can also e-mailed to Jany Casals Vázquez : .We do not accept manuscripts that are not accompanied by the author's statement


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© 1997 Instituto de Investigaciones de Sanidad Vegetal

Calle110 No. 514 e/5tab y 5taf, Playa
Ciudad Habana, Cuba
Tel.: 537 2023720
