ISSN 1814-151X
online version



Scope and policy

It publishes original and unpublished scientific articles, which constitute the results of research related to Educational Sciences in all its branches.

It uses open peer review. As a quality assurance procedure and adjustment to Luz's mission, the scientific articles submitted for publication are evaluated by specialists in the field. Each article is reviewed by at least two external evaluators.

We have an anti-plagiarism policy and we use the plagiarisma tool to detect possible fraud in the submissions we receive, regardless of the fact that our authors must issue a letter of originality that certifies that their article is totally original and unpublished.


Form and preparation of manuscripts

Manuscripts (written in Spanish, English or Portuguese) are received with the understanding that they are original and unpublished, which the author must make clear in their communication with the editor. Authors must declare their commitment not to simultaneously submit their articles to this or another publication.

The opinions expressed by the authors are their sole responsibility. Lack of design consistency invalidates all information and is cause for rejection.

All research received that meets the standards will be judged by academic peers. When a disparity of opinions occurs, a third arbitrator will be consulted, or it will be the director of the journal who decides. The average time between the acceptance of an article and its publication is 15 months.

Other contributions will be accepted as partial results of research projects, master's theses, doctorates, specialties, monographs, short communications, news and advanced pedagogical experiences, provided they meet the requirements of research, review, reflection articles, among others.

The selection of the material proposed for publication is based on the following general criteria:

•Adjustment to the themes of the magazine.

•Coherence of the design (statement of the problem and logic in its solution)

•Scientific rigor.

•Appropriate use of language and scientific style.

•Novelty, impact and sustainability of research from the economic, social, environmental, among others.

•Appropriate use of tables, graphs and images.

• Compliance with ethical standards on the use of scientific information.
For publication, submitted research articles must:

•Title (Spanish and English), must not exceed 15 words, must not include abbreviations or acronyms, must not be stated negatively.

•Name and surname(s) of the author(s) (up to three), e-mail, graduation specialty, teaching and scientific category, center of origin, position held, address of said center, postal code and telephone number. This sheet will be attached to the article on a separate sheet.

•Abstract (Spanish, English and Portuguese) of up to 150 words in a single paragraph.

•Key words (Spanish, English and Portuguese), under each corresponding abstract. Use up to 7 terms to facilitate the location of the document, which must be adjusted according to the possibilities of each author, to a thesaurus or list of headings.

•Introduction. Have the most recent bibliography, preferably within a range of 5 years. Express the problem, the objective and background of the research that is argued.

•Materials and methods. The methods used by the author - whether qualitative or not (documentary analysis, interview, observation, others) - will be reflected, and will explicitly indicate what each of them was used for.

•Results and Discussion. Present the results and discuss them. This does not mean explaining the results only, but comparing them with other criteria of experts in the literature who obtain similar research results to those revealed.

• Conclusions. They respond to the objectives set by the researcher (stated in the introduction and summary) and constitute generalizations.

• Bibliographical references bounded by the APA standards (7th edition).


Sending of manuscripts

Manuscripts must be sent to the publication platform of Luz, which is accessed through the web address:

[Home] [About the journal] [Editorial Board] [Subscription]

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All the content of the journal, is under a license

The online journal has open and free access.

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