ISSN 0034-7523
print edition
ISSN 1561-302X
electronic edition



Basic Information

Readers and authors: Professionals and technicians from the field of internal medicine and related specializations.
Mission: Disseminate scientific findings in the field of internal medicine through the publication of original and other types of scientific papers, both Cuban and foreign. Other topics of interest related to scientific novelties from the field of internal medicine are also published.

Frequency: Quarterly
Year founded: 1962
Available on electronic format since 1995


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Cuban Society of Internal Medicine

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Licencia Creative Commons

All the content of the journal, is under a license

The online journal has open and free access.

Address: National Medical Sciences Information Center. Infomed
Calle 23 # 654 entre D y E,
Vedado, Ciudad de La Habana,
CP 10400, Cuba
Tel.: 537- 8330268