ISSN 0864-0394
print edition
ISSN 2078-8452
electronic edition


Basic Information

Sponsor Organization : Estación Experimental de Pastos y Forrajes  “Indio Hatuey”

Frequency: Continous publication

Foundation year : 1978

Created by : EEPF  “Indio Hatuey”

Readers and Authors : Professionals and technicians who work in agricultural production, as well as students and professors related to this topic.

Mission: To disseminate new scientific and technical knowledge, through the publication of original papers related to the agricultural sector, which contribute to the solution of the limitations of agriculture in Cuba and the tropics.

Electronic format : HTML and PDF

Indexed in

The papers published in Pastos y Forrajes are indexed or summarized by:

  • DOAJ
  • Redalyc
  • SciELO
  • CAB Abstracts
  • Fuente Académica de EBSCO
  • Cubaciencia
  • Actualidad Iberoamericana (Chile)
  • PERI (Brasil)
  • TROPAG (Holanda)
  • PERIODICA (México)
  • ORTON (Costa Rica)
  • BAC (Colombia)
  • AGROSI (México)
  • EMBRAPA (Brasil)
  • Forrajes Tropicales - CIAT
  • Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory
  • Catálogo de Publicaciones Seriadas Cubanas


The publication of this journal is funded by:

  • Estación Experimental de Pastos y Forrajes  “Indio Hatuey”- EEPFIH

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Licencia Creative Commons

All the contents of this journal, Pastos y Forrajes, is licensed

Central España Republicana, CP 44280, Matanzas, Cuba
Tel.: 45 57-1260 ext. 133, 134