ISSN 0864-0394
print edition
ISSN 2078-8452
electronic edition


Reach and editorial policy

The editorial policy of the Pastos y Forrajes journal is to consider articles from preprint servers, as well as open data and open peer review. The publication of the work will depend on the approval of the Editorial Board, which will be based on the opinions of the reviewers of the Editorial Committee. The review of the works will be carried out in pairs.
The articles published here have been ceded by their authors for editorial reproduction and the results, criteria and opinions that appear in the articles of this journal are the responsibility of their authors.
The articles of the journal can be reproduced totally or partially, as long as the corresponding credits are granted.

Form and preparation of manuscripts

Types of contributions. The papers will be sent in Spanish language, and three types of contributions are considered:

  • Review article (up to 17 pages). Presentations relative to significant topics of development or application of technological systems, in which the author makes an exhaustive review of literature and, in addition, offers his/her own criteria on the subject.
  • Research article (between 10 and 12 pages). The results of the research or the application of results in the topics defined by the editorial committee will be presented in deep and detailed form.
  • Short communication (up to 7 pages). Preliminary relevant reports about research results or application of results. It should have the same structure as the research paper.
  • Analysis and comment (it will not exceed 10 pages). The analysis of a specific situation, written by a specialist with known antecedents in the topic will be presented. It can contain data, points of view or opinions, as well as personal observations; and it should include a review of the literature appropriate for the nature and extension of this modality, which will not exceed 10 pages. In addition, it should have an introduction, the topic development and the conclusions, with recommendations.

Manuscript submission. Manuscripts must be submitted electronically through the journal's main website on its Open Journal System email management platform ( where the information necessary to make the submission, accompanied by a letter in which the author and co-authors declare that it is an unpublished article and that it has not been sent simultaneously for publication in another journal. The corresponding author's signature must be included on the letter.

Edition process: The articles received will be initially analyzed by the editorial committee, and, if the established requisites are complied with, they will be subject to double-blind peer review. These specialists will be selected based on their experience on the topic of the paper and their academic training. The revision results will be emitted in no more than a month and they will be immediately sent to the author so that he/she adapts the paper to the referees’ suggestions. The author will highlight the changes made in another font color, and will send the article back to the committee. Responses by the author regarding corrections or additions to the manuscript will be accepted; likewise, the referees’ considerations will be taken into consideration; and the editorial committee will finally decide the acceptance or rejection of the contribution. The author will have a month to send his/her changes. The communication between the Editor-in-Chief and the author will be maintained until the paper is approved to go into the edition process or is rejected, which will be officially reported to him/her. If there were no response after the period granted for sending the changes, the paper would be left out of the work flow; and, after 60 working days, it would be rejected under the criterion of not complying with the journal policies. If the revision process is delayed, due to the editorial committee’s fault, the author will be asked whether he/she agrees to wait more time, or he/she can withdraw the article.
When the journal design is completed, including the changes proposed by the author and with the approval of the editorial committee, the PDF version of the paper will be sent to the author so that he/she makes a final revision and indicates to the editor, via e-mail, if he/she agrees with this version or if he/she proposes modifications of form. The author will have a maximum of five working days to respond, after which the editorial committee will assume that he/she has agreed with the changes.

Presentation form of the papers: The articles must be typed in Microsoft Word® text processor, with size-11 Arial font, 1,5 cm between lines and 2-cm margins. No effects will be applied to the text (such as italic, bold, underlining, space over or below the paragraph, indentation, table format, among others), in order to facilitate the later design applying the predefined styles. The papers must comprise the following parts:

Title. The title should be concise and not exceed 15 words; the following phrases should be avoided: “Studies of …”, “Research on …”, “Observations about …”, and other similar ones. It will not include meaningless words.

Authors full name and affiliation. As general rule, no more than six authors should appear. Only those who participated in sufficient degree to assume the public responsibility for the paper content, because they participated in the conception or design of the study, in obtaining the results or in their analysis and interpretation; as well as in the writing or the intellectual critical revision, will be considered as authors. The two surnames of the authors must appear (separated by a hyphen) and in full postal addresses of the institutions of the involved authors' and the electronic address of all the authors, as well as their ORCID identifier ( /).
The participation in obtaining the data, in the facilitation of research processes or in the coordination of the work and/or general supervision of the research group does not justify authorship. In these cases, those involved should appear at the end of the paper, in the section of acknowledgements.

Structured abstract. The abstract will not exceed 250 words with the following headings: objective, materials and methods, main results and conclusion.

Key words. A minimum of three key words and a maximum of five will be included, which can be compound and they should not appear in the title. As reference, the AGROVOC Thesaurus of the FAO (, and the Tesauro agrícola of the National Agricultural Library –of the Department of Agriculture of the United States– ( agt_Espanol/download_es.shtml).

Introduction. The introduction should briefly include the importance of the problem within the framework of the study, the limitations of the research, the most relevant antecedents and the concrete objective of the work. All the information must be supported by updated bibliographic citations, which can be easily accessed in information centers, libraries or through the Internet. In this item, the full scientific name of all plant or animal species mentioned should be included, followed by the classifier. All later references to that scientific name will be made only with the initial letter of the genus followed by the species, or using common names which have been previously introduced. The name of the species should be written in italics, unlike the classifier. The names of the varieties should start with lower-case letter (for example: Megathyrsus maximus Jacq. var. trichoglume) and the names of the cultivars, with capital letter (for example: Choris gayana Kunth cv. Callide). The common names will be written with lower-case letter (for example: Pangola grass, elephant grass, rhizobium, leucaena, star grass, among others):

Materials and methods. The use of subtitles is suggested to separate the different aspects of the section of materials and methods. It will include the site where the study was conducted, the period and the climate conditions –if necessary–, the detailed description of the materials used (soils, seeds, plant and animal species, etc.) and the experimental procedure. The methods should clearly indicate the variables to be measured and their accuracy, for which the experimental design, treatments, experimental unit, sampling methods and type of statistical analysis should be included.

Results and discussion. The results should be presented concisely, with the aid of tables and/or figures (the data that originated them will be included in an additional file, to adequate their design to the defined styles in the journal template), and the duplication of information between them and the text should be avoided. Likewise, the information obtained from the variance analysis will be described. In the discussion the author’s criteria and the references to other works directly related to this one, should be reflected. The conclusions and recommendations should appear at the end of this section.

Acknowledgments. The source of funding that allowed the research to be carried out (research projects, international organizations, institutions, among others).

Authors contribution

This section is mandatory for all articles, including those by individual authors.
This statement must describe the contributions of each author and, in doing so, all authors agree to be responsible for the content of the work.
Determining authorship of the manuscript, the following criteria should be observed:
Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis or interpretation of data for the work.
Writing of the work or critical review of its intellectual content.
Agreement to be responsible for all aspects of the work to ensure that questions regarding the accuracy or completeness of any part of the work are properly investigated and resolved.
Contributors who do not meet all the defined criteria for authorship should not be listed as authors, but should be in the acknowledgments.

Conflict of interests. It must be declared in the manuscript, if there is a conflict of interest.

Tables, figures, photographs, drawings and maps. They should have a self-explanatory title, independent from the text; and they must appear immediately after they are mentioned, not as annexes. The graphs, photographs, drawings and maps will be considered as figures. In them, the title will be at their foot; while that of tables will be on top of them. The information in the tables should be logically structured, regarding the heading and the different columns and rows. The photographs should be sent in separate file, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi and in .jpg, .eps or .tiff format. The abbreviations included in the tables and figures, with the exception of those of universal use, must be clarified in a legend at the foot.
The figures and photographs can be included in colors in the electronic version of the journal, but in the printed version they will be designed in black and white, for which the author should present them in these colors or in grayscale.

Bibliographic citations and references. It should contribute to the knowledge about the topic and be as updated as possible. The references that appear in the text of the paper should indicate the author’s last name and the year of publication. In the case of the cited works which have more than two authors, the last name of the first author, followed by et al. Each citation included in the text must appear in the section of “Bibliographic references”, at the end of the paper, in alphabetical order according to the last name of the first author. It will include the authors’ last names, initials of the names (in the bibliographies with more than six authors the first six will be mentioned followed by et al.), the full title of the work and information of the document in which it was published (article, book chapter, thesis, etc.) and the year of publication. In the case of periodic publications their title, volume, number and page range should be indicated; non-periodic publications (books, event proceedings, theses) will also include the institution or publishing house, city, country –if the city is little known– and the total pages (or the page range if it is a chapter).

It should contribute to knowledge on the subject and be as up-to-date as possible. The references are of great importance, so each one must be entered correctly. References are one of the quality indexes of a scientific article.

The cites must be made in the place of the sentence in which they apply. References must be related to publications and documents of public access by ordinary means (journal articles, books, congress articles, doctoral theses, patents, conferences and accessible technical reports from companies, universities and research centers).

It will be arranged in alphabetical order by the author's last name and will comply with: At least 60 % must belong to the last 5 years.

At least 60% will be scientific journals.

The reference to a document on the Internet must show the full url. Do not write, but

Those works that have been published by recognized entities will be cited as published in any digital or printed medium: universities, research centers, international organizations and high-level companies.

Avoid excessive references. Only references that are really necessary and directly relevant to the research topic should be cited.

Do not support, by reference, statements that the entire audience knows.

Avoid using as references: theses, abstracts, or project reports if the information has been published in a scientific journal, as well as books that are not available to the reader. Preference should be given to recent publications in journals.
Avoid using more than one citation to support a claim. If there is more than one, always cite the most current one.
If there are more than 6 authors:
Scapini, L. B.; Rorig, A.; Ferrarini, A.; Fülber, L. M.; Canavese, M.; Silva,  A. et al.

Reference style examples 
Document types

Author. Title|. Journal|. Volume| (Issue)|:Pages|, Year.
Palomo-Couoh, J. G.; Aguilar-Caballero, A. J.; Torres-Acosta, J. F. & Magaña-Monforte, J. G. Evaluation of different models to segregate Pelibuey and Katahdin ewes into resistant or susceptible to gastrointestinal nematodes. Trop. Anim. Health Prod. 48 (8):1517-1524, 2016.
Author. Title|. Journal|. Volume| (Issue)|:Pages|. URL|, Year.
Castillo-Duvergel, Yoannia & Miranda, Ileana. COMPAPROP: Sistema para comparación de proporciones múltiples. Rev. Protección Veg. 29 (3):231-234. scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1010-27522014000300013&lng=es, 2014.
Author. Title|. Journal|. Volume| (Issue)|:Pages|, Year. DOI:
Scapini, L. B.; Rorig, A.; Ferrarini, A.; Fülber, L. M.; Canavese, M.; Silva, A. M. et al. Nutritional evaluation of soybean hulls with or without β-mannanase supplement on performance, intestinal morphometric and carcass yield of broilers chickens. Braz. J. Poult. Sci. 20 (4):633-642, 2018. DOI:

Author. Title|. Series Editor, `ed.`^`eds`|. Place Published|: Publisher|. Series Title|. Vol.  |URL|, Year.
Lopez, Guadalupe & Várguez, A. Jatropha curcas en Mexico. Avances y perspectivas de un cultivo bioenergetico. Jalisco, México: Centro de Investigacion y Asistencia en Tecnologia y Diseno, 2018.
MINAG. Lista oficial de variedades comerciales 2017-2018. Registro de variedades comerciales de certificacion de semillas. La Habana: Ministerio de la Agricultura, Direccion de Semillas y Recursos Fitogeneticos, Registro de Variedades Comerciales, 2017.
FAO. Produccion animal: El papel de la FAO en la producción animal. Roma: FAO., 2019.
Book section
Author. Title. In: Editor, `ed.`.^`eds`.| Book  Title|. Series  Title|. Volume|. Edition ed|.  Place Published|: Publisher.| p. Pages|, Year. DOI:
Walia, S. S.; Dhawan, V.; Dhawan, A. K. & Ravisankar, N. Integrated farming system: enhancing income source for marginal and small farmers. In: R. Peshin and A. K. Dhawan, eds. Natural resource management: ecological perspectives. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature. p. 63-94, 2019
Magne, M. A.; Martin, G.; Moraine, M.; Ryschawy, J.; Thenard, V.; Triboulet, P. et al. An integrated approach to livestock farming systems’ autonomy to design and manage agroecological transition at the farm and territorial levels. In: J. E. Bergez, E. Audouin and O. Therond, eds. Agroecological transitions: from theory to practice in local participatory design. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature. p. 45-68, 2019. DOI:

Conerence proceedings
Author|.   Title|. `Ed`.^`Eds`. Conference Name.Conference Location|. Place Published|: Publisher|. p. Pages|. URL|, Year of Conference.
Galloso, M.; Rodriguez-Estevez, V.; Simon, L.; Soca, Mildrey; Alvarez-Diaz, C. A.; Dublin, D. et al. Can trees replace the need for wallowing in river buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) in the tropics? Preliminary results. C. Dupraz, M. Gosme and G. Lawson. Book of Abstracts, 4th World Congress on Agroforestry. Montpellier, France: CIRAD, INRA, World Agroforestry, 2019.
Ribeiro, R. S.; Sacramento, J. P.; Calsavara, L. H. F.; Freitas, D. S.; Delarota, G. D.; Minighin, D. C. et al. Tithonia diversifolia para la alimentacion de ganado lechero en Brasil. IX Congreso Internacional de Sistemas Silvopastoriles "Aportes de la ganaderia a los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible". Manizales, Colombia: Red Global Silvopastoril. p. 406-411, 2017.

Author|. Title|. Thesis Type|. Place Published|: Academic Department, University|, Year|.
Montenegro, O. Absorcion de macronutrientes por Jatropha curcas L. para la produccion de biodisel en un inceptisol de Colombia. Tesis presentada en opcion al grado cientiífico de Doctor en Ciencias Agrarias. Bogota: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2017.
Stark, F. Impact of crop-livestock integration on the agroecological performance of mixed crop-livestock systems in the humid tropics. Comparative analysis across Latino-Caribbean territories. Ph.D. Thesis. Montpellier, France: INRA, UMR-SELMET, 2016.

Statistical aspects

1. An explanation of the models and methods used in the statistical analysis should be included in Materials and method.
2. If classic designs are applied (completely randomized, randomized blocks, Latin square, etc.), it will not be necessary to include information about the mathematical model used, but only the name of the design and the number of replications.
3. If non-classical designs are applied, the mathematical model used should be reported (with the corresponding explanation) or the author should be cited.
4. The multiple comparison test must be mentioned (Duncan, Scheffe, Tukey, Newman-Keuls, etc.).
5. Variance analysis tables will be included only when they provide important additional information.
6. The tables of means (with their standard errors SE) should summarize the information. No original data will be included, except in cases that require it.
7. When multiple comparison tests are represented superscripts can be included on the means, simplifying their interpretation.
8. When transformations are used with the objective of validating the statistical analysis, there are variants for the mean presentation:

a) Reporting the transformed means, with their corresponding SE, and the retransformed means.
b) Including the means and SE of the retransformed data, and also providing the original means.

9. The SE will be included in the regression equations.
10. In the curves that represent regression equations, the data dispersion around them will appear
11. In the figures the measurement units and all the essential elements will appear

Other aspects of interest.

  • The authors of the submitted contributions have the right to present their papers in public events, to prepare manuscripts derived from them, to reproduce them and distribute them.
  • The reception date of the manuscript will be established after the first revision by the editorial committee of the journal.
  • The different numbers of the journal will be disseminated in printed and electronic formats, and on the Internet based on the divulgation regulations and the cession of copyright by the authors.
  • The printed version of the journal will be distributed only to the documentation centers, institutions and enterprises related to the agricultural sector, as well as to universities and libraries. It will also be sent to those foreign institutions with which document exchange takes place.

Abbreviations, symbols and acronyms

The Pastures and Forages journal will only accept the symbols of the International System of Units and the official regulation of the international system of weights and measures; and with regards to abbreviations, the indications of the Royal Spanish Academy.
All the acronyms, except those known by all kinds of public (for example: UNESCO), should first appear between parentheses, preceded by the full name of the concept or entity they refer to.

Delivery of manuscripts

Directly and through e-mail .

The papers should be sent by e-mail to the following addresses:;

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Licencia Creative Commons

All the contents of this journal, Pastos y Forrajes, is licensed

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