ISSN 1561-3127
online version



Scope and policy

The RCSP offers the opportunity for health professionals and related professionals to publish, subject to an expert arbitration process, the results of their researches, public health reflections on political, economic, social, epidemiological or other trends, and revisions of topics according to the journal's profile. We do not limit authorship to Cuban nationals. Our pages are open grandstands to every effort to defend and improve the health of peoples. It is also the purpose of the RCSP to promote health, contribute to the prevention of diseases and injuries and to the better management of sick and injured patient's care, to prolong life and to improve the quality of life of individuals and human groups.

Frequency: quarterly

The journal is indexed in:
SCOPUS, SciELO, SciELO CitationIndex (WoS), LILACS, LATINDEX, Imbiomed. Redalyc, Ebsco, DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), Dimensions, Google Scholar., Cumed, SeCimed

The journal publishes articles in Spanish in PDF and XML format.

All the content of the journal except where otherwise specified is under the terms of the Creative Commons Non-Comercial Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0) and follows the SciELO Publishing Schema (SciELO PS) publishing model for publishing in XML format.

The derivation of all or any of the works published in the Cuban Journal of Public Health must be communicated in advance to the editorial committee of the journal.
The authors are responsible for the opinions they express in their work.

The edition of the journal is done taking into account the recommendations of the International Committee of Directors of Medical Journals (IMCJE).


Manuscript preparation

In the event that the manuscript is not "unpublished", the authors will have the obligation to communicate when it has been made public or, instead, where it is available (preprints...) The article must not contain fragments of texts from previously published works or in process of being published in journals or other mean without proper quotation.

First page will contain:

Title: must not include whether acronyms or abbreviations; if institution names are used, they must be the official ones and updated. In Spanish and English. It must not exceed 15 words

Authors: The full name and surnames of the authors must appear, sorted by their participation, each in separate lines and identified in consecutive Arabic numerals in superscripts. For each author must be specified the ORCID number ( and institution to which he/she belongs to, province or department, country (not positions or study and scientific degrees), the scheme to follow is: Institution, (Faculty), department. City,Country. Example: National School of Public Health (ENSAP). Havana, Cuba.
The author in charge of the correspondence and his/her email address must be identified.

Second page, and subsequent, shall include:

Abstracts: in Spanish and English. The abstract will be structured in the case of original articles like this: Introduction, Objectives, Methods, Results and Conclusions; and in review articles like this: Introduction, Objectives, Methods and Conclusions. It should not include information that has not been addressed in the article. Do not use acronyms or abbreviations. They have a maximum limit of 250 words.

Keywords: The author will reflect the content of the document from 3 to 10 terms or phrases (keywords) at the bottom of the abstracts, in order of importance and separated by semicolons. At least one of these keywords must appear in the title. It is recommended to use the thesaurus DeCs (Descriptors in Health Sciences), available at: For the English language it is suggested to consult the MeSH (Medical Subject Headings), available at:

Acknowledgement: Individuals, institutions or organizations that have collaborated for the performance of the work and do not meet the criteria of authorship, can be identified and recognized in the acknowledgements. The declaration of authorization of each person to be mentioned in this subheading shall be sent.

Collaborators who are not considered authors, who have contributed to the research, may also be included, but should be recognized in acknowledgements. The acquisition of funds, the supervision of a research group, administrative support, writing aid, technical editing, translation or correction of printing tests, without other input do not qualify a collaborator as an author.

Bibliographic references: they must be placed in superscript, in parentheses and after the punctuation mark that precedes it and should be mentioned consecutively; for example: from 1-5 you type:(1,2,3,4,5)

Quotations of relevant and up-to-date published documents will be included. No capitalized or underscored items will be highlighted, only URLs. The mention of personal communications and unpublished documents should be avoided as far as possible; they will only be mentioned in the text in parentheses if necessary. References to articles approved for publication shall be included indicating the title of the journal and the "forthcoming" clarification in parentheses. All authors of the quoted text shall be related; if it 7 or more authors, the first 6 will be mentioned, followed by the Latin phrase et al.

Between 50% and 70% of bibliographic references should show relevance in relation with what has been published on the subject in the last 5 years, depending on the type of article.
Journal titles will be abbreviated by the IndexMedicus (List of Journals indexed in Index Medicus) (https://

Both the order of bibliographic elements and the use of punctuation marks will be done in the Vancouver style, as recommended in the Uniform Requirements for Preparing Manuscripts proposed for publication in biomedical journals, prepared by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors:

In the case of personal communications or other bibliographic elements that do not have a location for reference, it shall be placed as unpublished work as follows:


Author(s). Title of the article. Journal title. forthcoming (Forthcoming if it is in English) year (if it is known the date it will be published).
(The term 'Forthcoming' is preferred over ''In Press'' because not all items will be printed).

Models and annexes: they will be presented at the end of the article, after bibliographic references, and in vertical form numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals, and mentioned in the text.

Last page at the end of the manuscript will contain:
Conflict of interests: Authors must declare the existence, or not, of conflict of interests during planning, implementation, writing, peer review, editing, and publishing of the submission. There is a conflict of interest when primary interests may be influenced by secondary interests. Economic interests are not the only ones, there may also be personal relationships, academic competitiveness, intellectual beliefs, rivalries, among others.

Authors' contributions: The authorial contribution statement must appear after the conflict of interests' statement, depending on the roles taxonomy of CRediT contributor for the original articles. For more information, see the following addresses: and

The editorial committee reserves the right to omit authors or decrease their number in consideration of the type of research, previously informing the author who submits, and as described in the guidelines for authors.

Funding: The institutions that financed the research should be declared, where appropriate, at the end of the manuscript.

Requirements to consider:

Figures and tables:

Figures: Photographs, graphics, drawings, schematics, maps, computer outputs, other graphical representations and nonlinear formulas, will be called figures, they will be inserted in the corresponding position in the text. If any image of another publication is used, the author must request the corresponding permissions from the publisher that owns the images and enter the source. The figures bear a caption, must be quoted in the text and they will be numbered with Arabic numerals, consecutively according to their first mention, the detailed explanations will be included in their captions, the graphics and schematics must be sent in editable format (avoid the presentation of them in image formats (JPG, GIF, others), they should not repeat information that appears in the text or tables, and the photographs in JPG format mush have a resolution of 300 dpi. In case the articles have images or figures, it is mandatory to present them in high resolution as complementary files.

Tables: they will be inserted at the corresponding position in the text after their mention, they are titled, and they will be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals, there will be no empty cells in the column headers, which will be written in bold. They will not be presented as a photograph; the notes will be displayed at the table foot. They may be modified if they have technical difficulties. They should not repeat information that appears in the text. They must be presented tabulated (each data in a cell). They must be self-explanatory, i.e. contain enough data so that the reader can understand it without reading the text.

Abbreviations, acronyms and symbols: their use should not be excessive. They will be preceded by their full name or meaning the first time they appear in the text. They shall not appear in titles or abstracts. International use ones will be used.

International System of Units (SI): All clinical laboratory results will be reported in SI units or the ones allowed by it. If you want to add traditional units, they will be written in parentheses. Example: glycoemia: 5.55 mmol/L (100 mg/100 mL).

Ethical considerations: the researches submitted must comply with all ethical statements for the types of study, whether in humans or animals (Helsinki Declaration). Any ethical violation related to the document will be resolved using the protocols established by the International Ethics Committee in scientific publication (COPE). (

Clinical trials: Clinical trials should shpw the number of registration obtained in a Clinical Trials Registry. This number must be verifiable, so the font will appear. In addition, they shall conform to the evaluation parameters expressed in the CONSORT international guide.

Writing: The document presented must have clarity and coherence in the writing, syntax and orthography. The meaning of the abbreviations, acronyms and symbols used will be described.


Manuscript submission

Applying publication fees

The journal uses an online editorial management system (Open JournalSystem). The author, upon registration on the site ( must submit an article after declaring that a group of mandatory requirements has been met, the stipulated conditions has been accepted and the metadata associated with the article has been entered.

Registration and sign-in are required to submit items online and to check the status of recent submissions.
Once registered, it must be added the username and password, then log in and the profile will come out; when you click on author, it will give you the prompt to START A NEW submission and, you should start the first step.

Step 1. Start submission.
Keep in mind that the data marked with * are mandatory.

In Section you must click the box select the corresponding section for the item type.
Verify that all the necessary aspects for uploading the item to the checklist have been met and mark each item.


Accept the conditions in the Copyright Notice section.

Step 2. Enter metadata.
All data for each of the authors must be entered. The introduction of each author's membership and ORCID number is mandatory. The format for the input of membership is explained in the Authors' Guidelines. To add each author, click Add Author until the total number of authors is completed.

Add the title. Do not place the word title in front of it, or put an end point. Add the Abstract below. Add the Keywords below separated by semicolons (;) and all in lowercase.
Fill in this subheading other data that may be of interest for the indexing of your article, if necessary. Click SAVE & CONTINUE.

Step 3. Upload the submission.
In Upload Submission, click the key that says browse and look for the location of your article and click open and the item is placed in the blank, but you have to click UPLOAD to complete the operation. At the end click SAVE AND CONTINUE.

Step 4. Send supplementary files.
In this step the documents required for the publication of your article are uploaded, according to the requirements of the journal. In addition, complementary high-resolution images related to your research are uploaded too.
In normative documents where authors' names are revealed, do not select the option display supplemental documents to reviewers. At the bottom of the page click SAVE AND CONTINUE .

Step 5. Confirmation of submission
If everything is correct, click CONFIRM and it will be ready

The editorial committee will notify the authors of the decision about publication.

The communicatio with the RCSP is by email

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Licencia Creative Commons

All the content of the journal, is under a license

The online journal has open and free access.

Centro Nacional de Información de Ciencias Médicas. Infomed.
Calle 23 # 654 entre D y E,
Vedado, Ciudad de La Habana,
CP 10400, Cuba
Tel.: 537- 8330268