ISSN 2221-2434
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Scope and policy

Finlay is the official scientific body of the Center for the Study of Non-Communicable Diseases of the University of Medical Sciences of Cienfuegos. It publishes serial numbers quarterly, in addition to supplements and special numbers dedicated to noncommunicable diseases. Finlay has a wide publication profile in this field. It considers those works that are related to Noncommunicable Diseases in: Public Health, Health Administration, Basic Sciences, Clinical Sciences, Nursing, Pediatrics among other areas that are linked to Health and Health Services. Each issue is edited electronically on the Finlay website ( People subscribed to it will receive, through electronic mail, a newsletter with information on the works published in each issue.
The aim of the journal is to disseminate the scientific results of professionals related to health and human resources training for health, anywhere in the world. With priority in the territory of the province of Cienfuegos, Cuba.
In Finlay authors can publish letters to the editor, editorials, original articles, case presentations, scientific theories, brief communications and all information relevant and important for the development of scientific activity. Accepted manuscripts remain the property of the journal and, therefore, their partial or total publication in another scientific journal must be authorized by the editor of the journal. However, since Finlay accepts the policy of open access to the scientific publication, it allows its copying and distribution as long as it maintains the recognition of its authors, does not make commercial use of the works and does not make any modification of them. The Editorial Board reserves the right to introduce changes in style and / or to limit the texts that require it, committing to respect the original content.

Finlay magazine does not contain or accept publicity materials, it is not responsible for the opinions or criteria of the authors, nor accepts works that have been previously published or are under the consideration of the Editorial Board of another national or foreign magazine.

The Finlay Journal only publishes experimental or quasi-experimental studies in human beings, if these studies are approved by the competent national regulatory bodies and registered in the Cuban Public Registry of Clinical Trials.

Finlay complies with the certification requirements established for scientific-technological serial publications, provided for in section third article 20 of resolution no. 59/2003 of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment of the Republic of Cuba and is certified as Serial Scientific-Technological Publication with the code: 1343212

The information provided in the Finlay magazine has been designed to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between a patient / visitor to this website and, their doctor.


Form and preparation of manuscripts

Section Policies

Editor'S Letter

The letter to the Director constitutes a brief comment in agreement or disagreement with aspects contained in the published works and that may be related to: concepts, methodologies, interpretations, results, etc., on articles published in Medisur magazine. Letters exchange ideas and opinions between authors and readers of the magazine, this activity being as interesting as the original article triggering the exchange of correspondence. In addition they must be dynamic and offer the magazine added value by allowing the scientific community to publish: - A brief result of an investigation. - Present results of an original article, not yet published or an original article that promote reanalysis of already available data and its later explanation in letter format. -Develop opinions, ideas and hypotheses that are shown to the scientific community and health professionals. Rules for drafting letters The title should be informative and allowances not allowed in other original articles. They can be flashy, in an interrogative, exclamatory, or by using wordplay. It must begin with an explicit and clear reference to the fact that motivates it, be the article appeared in the magazine or another cause; And from there an expository scheme and in progressive form. The following paragraphs should be the arguments for or against; Or additional comments regarding the reason for the letter. If original data are to be submitted, the main features of the methodology (more summarized than the original article) should be explained in a very brief manner. In the following paragraphs should appear, the discussion that is made of the reasoning or data provided and end with a final paragraph as a conclusion. The length of the letter will be a maximum of 700 words. Up to 5 bibliographic references are accepted.


May be of scientific content or opinion.
Scientific publications. They imply a rigorous updating or interesting punctuation on a certain theme.
Editorials of opinion. Collect points of view or positions
Socio-scientific aspects of the scientific community on a topic of common interest to researchers and health professionals.
The editorials will be made by order of the Editorial Committee
Of the Finlay Magazine. They will have a maximum extension of 6 sheets and may include up to 4 figures or tables.

Original article

These works will have the following structure: abstract, keywords, text (introduction, material and methods, results and discussion), acknowledgments and bibliographical references.

Taking into account that it is an electronic publication will not restrict the maximum extent of the works but the authors must conform to the methodology and extension of an original work. A maximum of six figures and six tables are supported. It is advisable that the number of authors does not exceed six.

The title page should contain: a) the title of the article, which should be brief, but informative, both in Spanish and English; B) the name and surnames of each author, with the highest academic degree or degrees obtained and their institutional affiliation; C) the name of all departments or institutions to which the work should be attributed; D) the name, work address and e-mail of the author responsible for carrying the correspondence on the manuscript and e) all sources of funding in the form of grants.

The abstract must be delivered in Spanish and English of no more than 250 words and 3 to 10 keywords. The abstract should be structured in: foundation, objective, method, fundamental results and conclusion. The keywords will be obtained from the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). Http://

The introduction will be brief, it should not be more than one page, it should provide only the explanation necessary so that the reader can understand the text that follows. In the same one the scientific problem is exposed and it is justified being left in a clear way the importance of carrying out the study. It should not contain tables or figures. It should include a last paragraph in which the objective of the work is clearly stated.

The material and method will express the place where the research was carried out; The duration period; The characteristics of the series studied; The criterion of sampling and selection of the population employed; The variables studied; Study design; The mode of data collection; The techniques used, whether experimental or of such research is treated as statistics. In general, sufficient detail must be provided so that the investigation can be repeated on the basis of this information.

The results, they relate, do not interpret, the observations made with the method employed. These data will be exposed in the text with the complement of tables and figures, not to repeat in the text all the data of the tables or figures and if to keep a logical sequence of the text, tables and figures.
The discussion should highlight the novel and relevant aspects of the study and the conclusions derived from them. The authors have to present their own opinions on the subject. They emphasize here: 1) the meaning and the practical application of the results; 2) considerations about a possible inconsistency of the methodology (study limitations) and the reasons for which the results may be valid; 3) the relationship with similar publications and comparison between areas of agreement and disagreement, 4) indications and guidelines for future research, and 5) in the last paragraph, the conclusion should be related to the purpose of the study. On the other hand, it is not necessary to establish priorities or draw premature conclusions from work still in progress, it should be avoided that the discussion becomes a revision of the subject and that the concepts that have appeared in the introduction should be repeated. Nor should the results of the work be repeated.

Acknowledgments: When deemed necessary, persons, centers or entities that have collaborated or supported the performance of the work will be cited. If there are commercial implications, they should also be included in this section.

In addition, the author must take into account the following aspects referring to tables, figures, units of measures abbreviations and symbols.


The tables summarize the information and present it efficiently. They also allow you to display information with the desired level of detail and accuracy. The inclusion of data in the tables instead of in the text usually allows to reduce the extension of the same.

Each table will be contained in the text of the article, they must be numbered consecutively, in the same order with which they are first mentioned in the text. Each table should be accompanied by a brief title. Tables should not contain horizontal or vertical interior lines. Each column in the table must contain a short or abbreviated header.

Explanations should be included in footnotes, not titles or headings. In the footnotes all unusual abbreviations must be explained. For the table footnotes the following symbols must be used, following the same order presented:

*, †, ‡, ‡, †, **, ††, ‡

Statistical dispersion measures, such as standard deviation or standard error of the mean, should be appropriately identified. Authors should ensure that each table is conveniently referenced in the text. If data from other sources, whether published or not, are presented in the tables, the corresponding permits must be obtained and the sources in question publicly acknowledged. Decimal numbers must be separated by commas, not points.


Professional-quality figures should be drawn and photographed, or digital photo-quality reproductions should be submitted. The figures (like the tables) must be sent or delivered in the corresponding electronic files in a format that allows the reproduction of high quality images in the electronic version of the magazine (eg JPEG or GIF). Authors should check these images on the computer and verify that they meet the necessary quality requirements.

In the case of x-rays, ultrasound or other diagnostic imaging techniques, as well as photographs of pathological specimens or microphotographs, photographic reproductions in black and white or in color, sharp and satin, generally of a size of 127 × 173 mm . The letters, numbers and symbols included in the figures must be clear and uniform and of sufficient size for each character to remain legible in the reduced version of the published article. The figures should be self explanatory as much as possible, since many will be reproduced directly as slides for scientific presentations. However, titles and detailed explanations should be included in the legends, not in the body of the figures.

Microphotographs must contain scale markers. The symbols, arrows or letters included in the microphotographs should stand out clearly on the background.

If photographs of people are used, they should not be identifiable or accompanied by the corresponding written authorization allowing their use. Whenever possible, a specific permit should be obtained for the publication of these materials.

The feet of figures must be numbered consecutively in the order they are first cited in the text. If a previously published figure is used, the original source must be identified and the written permission of the copyright owner to reproduce the material be submitted with the manuscript. Unless it is a public domain document, this authorization is necessary regardless of who the authors or the publishing company are.

Authors should consult the magazine's instructions on sending figures in electronic format.

The legends of the illustrations should be prepared in separate pages, with the same Arabic numerals corresponding to each illustration. When symbols, arrows, numbers or letters are used to identify parts of the figure, the meaning of all of them must be clearly identified and explained in the legend. Also explain the internal scale of the image. In microphotographs the method of staining should be described.

Units of measurement.

Metric units (meters, kilograms or liters) or their decimal multiples must be used for length, height, weight and volume measurements. The temperature should be expressed in degrees Celsius. Blood pressure should be measured in millimeters of mercury, unless the journal expressly requests the use of other units.

All clinical laboratory results will be reported in SI units or permitted by SI units. If you want to add the traditional units, they will be written in parentheses. Example: glycaemia: 5.55 mmol / L (100 mg / 100 mL).

Abbreviations and symbols.

Only common abbreviations should be used; The use of unusual abbreviations can be extremely confusing for readers. Authors should avoid using abbreviations in the job title. The first time an abbreviation appears in the text must be preceded by the full term to which it refers, except in the case of common units of measure.

Review articles

Taking into account that it is an electronic publication will not restrict the maximum extent of the works but the authors must fit a maximum of 20 screens. Optionally the work may include tables and figures (which will follow the same rules as for the original articles). The review articles should be made on the most updated bibliography of the subject in question (more than 50% of the bibliographical consulted in the last 5 years and more than 25 of the last 3 years). They will consist of a small continuous summary; Brief introduction, including the purpose of the review; Development, a fundamental part of the review and conclusions, which should synthesize the essence of the review and be written in a paragraph. The authors will make the presentation of the reviewed subject in a critical way, expressing the criteria specific to their practical experience. It should never be a simple transcript of the revised literature.

Special Article

This section publishes original papers, case reports, bibliographic reviews, as well as brief communications that have a significant impact on some of the components that relate to the health of the population and which the editorial team of the journal considers as special.

Items should be written according to guidelines for sections.

short communications

Brief communications are scientific articles formed by structured summary (see section of original articles), in Spanish and English; The keywords; An introduction, of a maximum folio; The material and method, where the essential elements for the development of the work are exposed; The one or the results, in one or two tables or figures and a discussion of a folio that expresses the essential elements. Finally, the authors will place the bibliographical references, which should not exceed 20 citations.

Case Report

They will have the following structure: First page (same as the original articles), summary in Castilian and English; Then introduction (including goal); Presentation of the case (the whole presentation will be reflected in chronological order, from the time the patient was first treated until the outcome); Discussion and bibliographic references. Tables, figures and illustrations should follow the same guidelines as the original articles.


It is a short essay in which the author presents his opinion on a specific topic related to health or teaching of medicine and frequently controversial. The text must have a maximum of 1500 words 10 references.

In general an introduction (a folio), the development and the conclusions are requested.

Images in medicine

This section aims to show images of interest in the exercise and learning of medicine. The image should capture important visual information obtained from the physical examination or the diagnostic means used for the clinical evaluation of a patient.

Requirements for sending materials:

Title: no more than 8 words.
Authors: can be considered until 3. Inform profession, teaching, scientific and research category of each, as well as email of the main author.
Image: it must have good technical quality, it can be unique or divided into several panels properly indicated (Panel A, Panel B, Panel C). Send in GIF or JPEG format.

If necessary, signs may be used which define structures to which reference is made in the accompanying text.

If photos of patients are presented, use elements that make it difficult to identify them.

Accompanying text: maximum extension of 150 words. Include relevant clinical information on patient history, clinical and laboratory findings, outcome and treatment (if any).

It is important to emphasize that it is not a case report, that the fundamental element is the image and that the accompanying text is to comment it



Peer Review Process

Finlay follows the peer review policy for most scientific articles submitted by authors, which meet the publication standards. Indistinctly, in adherence to the open science guidelines, she can submit certain articles to the open peer review system, which comply with the publication standards. In all cases, this review process protects both the authors and the experts who review the manuscripts, maintaining special care with the established ethical standards and avoiding conflicts of interest.

The editorial office of the magazine will acknowledge receipt to the authors of the works that arrive and will later inform of their acceptance or rejection. Manuscripts will be reviewed anonymously or by open peers by three experts in the object of study and/or methodology used. The editorial staff of the journal reserves the right to reject articles that it does not deem appropriate for publication.

Before it has been published on the Finlay website, the authors will be notified by email in order to review its content and notify the editorial secretary, as soon as possible, if there are or not errors in their text. Once each issue is published, the authors of the works in it will receive a letter signed by the director as I state the publication.


Publication Frequency

The contents of each number will be displayed at the end of the construction of the number, that is, at the beginning of the period established for the output of each number (three months). January-March, April-June, July-September, and October-December.

Open Access Policy

All the content of the magazine, is under a license
The online magazine has open and free access.


This magazine uses the LOCKSS system to create a file distributed among the participating libraries, allowing the libraries to create permanent files of the journal for preservation and restoration purposes. To amplify information...


Data Openness

Finlay journal promotes the openness of research data, for which authors are invited to publicly post and reference the data used in their research, so that they can be shared and reused, which favors transparency and credibility of science. In addition, each original article, as well as a brief communication, must be accompanied by the analyzed database (upload as complementary material), in editable format for Excel (.xlsx or .xls) or SPSS (.sav)


Sending of manuscripts

To publish in Finlay

In order to publish in Finlay, authors must follow the uniformity requirements for manuscripts sent to biomedical and health science journals, which are established by the International Committee of Directors of Medical Journals (CIDRM). Papers must be written according to the publication format established by the journal for each of the sections (see sections policy), otherwise the Editorial Committee reserves the right to publish.

The process of submitting articles will be done completely online (from the magazine's Internet space), filling in the author responsible for the article, all the metadata available for this purpose. Here are a few considerations to keep in mind when sending articles.

Papers related directly to the work of chronic diseases, especially those related to vascular, metabolic and cancer processes, will be published, subject to acceptance by the Drafting Committee.

The works will be unpublished, the same could be reproduced with authorization of the director of the magazine and following the principles of the policy of open access to which this magazine is hosted. The works will be in electronic format in 1.5 or two spaces, in Word 2003 or higher, Arial, Time New Roman or Tahoma and score 12, in letter paper (21.59 x 27.94 cm ), With margins of 2.5 cm on each side. The sheets should be listed consecutively from the title page.

The author who uploads the work must fill in the metadata in the submission process that includes: selection of the section of the article; Filling in all items on the checklist, includes the copyletf commitment; Upload the original work file organized in the manner that sets the sections policies; Filling in all the data concerning the authors of the work, it is important to fill out the data of all the authors correctly including the email of each one; Enter the title of the article and the abstract, the latter should be in correspondence with the section of the article and should be copied using the HTML option that appears below the text box of the abstract; Indexing the articles by placing the keywords, for that they must use the descriptors in health sciences (DeCS); Copy the citations in the citation table in the same order as the work, it should be noted that the citations comply with the norms of Vancouver (citations that can not be verified through online databases or online scientific journals will not be accepted Or books); Upload the complementary files whenever they have and then approve the shipment.

To receive the works through the system of online delivery, implies to be in agreement with the policy of the magazine that, among other purely technical points, it raises the following ethical and rigorous aspects:

1-The documents cited in the text are issued by authorized sources such as: prestigious organizations recognized by national or international bodies; National or international scientific journals that allow to consult the data of the articles through Internet, either in data bases or directly in the site of the own scientific magazine; Or books and other documents that offer elements that identify authors or editors responsible for the content used.
2-The main author of the manuscript is responsible for all contents of the manuscript and states that there are no plagiarism, conflicts of interest or ethical conflicts. Freeing Finlay magazine from any such compromise.

Finlay's editorial team urges authors to read each of the elements that form the checklist as it establishes a formal commitment to the journal in relation to the ethical and legal aspects of the scientific content of the article.

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Licencia Creative Commons

All the content of the journal, is under a license

The online journal has open and free access.

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Postal code: 55100 Cienfuegos, Cuba
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