ISSN 1729-519X
electronic edition


Articles and sections.

5 types of articles are accepted: Original research, review articles, clinical presentation, historical articles, portrait articles and editorials.

Articles will be inserted in different journal sections: Biomedical Basic Science, Clinical Science, Epidemiological Science, Surgical Sciences, Social Sciences, Educational Sciences, Technological Sciences and Letter to Editors.

Methodological requirements common to all types of articles.

  • Articles should be unpublished; if it has been published author (s) have obligation of communicate.
  • Full name of author´s institution (s).
  • Title. In case of use names of institutions don´t use acronym or abbreviation, should be the official and updated names in English or Spain.
  • Authors. The full name of all author (s) should appear , avoid the use of initials ´names. Each author (s) should declare their scientific degree, professional titles, academicals degree and teaching/research categories.
  • Authors should provide primary data register used if are asked by peer reviewers.
  • The statement allowing to be mentioned of each people acknowledged appearing in the issue of "Acknowledgement" .
  • References. The journal take in described normative in Manuscripts recommendations send to biomedical journals (Vancouver´s normative) 2012.pdf.
  • Charts and Graphics should be presented in jpg. To pictures (300 dpi). Graphs and diagrams should be presented in editable format and with a good quality.
  • Ethics considerations. Research presented must have fulfill all the ethics statements according to the type of study both in human and animals (Helsinki´s statement)
  • Articles should not have fragments of articles published previously or in publishing process in journal or other type of support without the proper authorization, in case that belong to the author (s) are consider like auto- reference.
  • Any ethic infringement related to the document will be solved using the established protocols of the International Scientific Published Committee (ISPC) Flowcharts Spanish 0.pdf
  • Clinical trials. The clinical trials should be presented its corresponding register number obtained by Clinical Trials Register. This number must be verifiable and have to appear the source and be adjusted to the assessment parameters expressing in the International Guide CONSORT
  • Writing. The use acronym or abbreviation should not be as many to avoid a fluid reading and comprehension of the article. The meaning of each acronym or symbols should be described. Clarity and coherence in the writing and syntaxes. Perfect orthography is required to be published the article.
  • Presentation form of manuscripts. The articles have to be presented in electronic format in WORD text, letter Arial 12 and spaced 1.5 cm.
  • Authors rights. The journal is available in open access without restrictions fulfilling to the international policy about open access to information. The contents here expressed may be used without commercial aim when the referring primary sources are always expressed.
  • Interest conflicts. Author (s) has/have obligatory declare if there is/are or not interest conflicts in relation to the submitted research.

La Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas is under liscence: Creative Liscence Commons Acknowledge-No Comercial-equal sharing 3.0 Unported.

Specific description and instructions of each section according to the type of article.

I. Results of Original research.

The extension is not more 4500 words including bibliography references.

Each article should be accompanied of a letter expressing the contribution in the study by author.

For instance:

Pedro González Pérez: Performed the statistical process.
María Rodríguez Morales: Selected the study sample.
Alberto Pérez Gómez. Creates the measuring instrument.


The Title should correspond to the theme of the article. Must be concise, clear and informative. It should not have more than 15 words and should be write in English and Spanish. It should not include acronym or abbreviation and if are used institutions names must be officials and updated.


Abstract is structured by section following the structure:

Introduction, Objective (s), Methods and Patients/materials, Results, Discussions of results and Conclusions.
Abstract has a word limit of 250 words and has to give an adequate idea about the research. Abstract has to be writing in third person in English and Spanish.

Key words.

Key words should be precise and representative of document semantic contents both to main contents and secondary. Should appear at least three key words and it is recommended the use the Health Science descriptors,


Brief background clear and appropriated has to be presented. Scientific problem justification and describe the objective (s) clearly.

Material/Patients and Methods.

The types of study or research have to be described as well as periods of observations and place. Population or studies groups have to be described as well as exclusion/inclusion criteria and the sample selection justify if it is required.

Variable analyzed should be described with clarity and to expose with clarity the information´s collection methods, processing and analysis methods used. The statistical method has to be appropriated and should fulfill the principle of reproduction by other researchers. Particular ethics aspects have to be declaring.


Results should be according to the research´s objective (s) using the appropriate statistics (when ever are required) Graphs and Tables stand out the most relevant results without repeat the information between them. It is allow a maximum of 5 Tables and 3 pictures or statistic graph.


The discussion is a critical review of results taking in consideration the published paper of the own author(s) or other researchers both in the national and international areas. Results have to explain the results reached and their limitations as well as to describe the applicability and generalization.


Conclusions cannot be a repetition of results; conclusions must have a generalization that corresponding with the goals of the study and have to be in correspondence with the results and discussion.


References have to include 50% of paper published in the former five years represented in remarkable the national and international scientific literature about the subject.


Table´s title should correspond with its content. Information showed should justified its existence. Don´t repeat information set in text.


Only the necessaries. Foot notes have corresponded adequately with the picture. A maximum of 3 and not more than 500 kb each one.

Other aspects.

The presentation of your proposal of publication should have adequate quality in relation to writing and orthography and fulfill the ethics principles of the research.

II. Revision articles.

Extension cannot exceed more than 5000 words, including bibliography references.
No more than 3 authors are accepted.


Title has correspond with the subject of the article, be concise, compressible and informative. Extension cannot exceed 15 words and has been write in English and Spanish. Should not include acronym or abbreviation if is used institution´s name must have official names and update.


Abstract is structured by section following the structure:

Introduction, Objective (s), Methods and Patients/materials, Results, Discussions of results and Conclusions.

Abstract has a word limit of 250 words and has to give an adequate idea about the research. Abstract has to be writing in third person in English and Spanish.

Key words.

Key words should be precise and representative of document semantic contents both to main contents and secondary. Should appear at least three key words and it is recommended the use the Health Science descriptors,

Brief background clear and appropriated has to be presented with their bibliography justify. Should be a remarked and pertinent. The scientific problem orienting the review must be based. Describe clearly the goal(s) of the paper.

Methods and material.

Criterion and justification of the consultant's selected sources. Searching methods used and period of time take in consideration in the review,


Exposition according to the paper´s objective(s). Graphs and Tables remarking the main aspect without information repetition. Results interpretation showed in the consulted literature. Contrast difference and coincidence of the analyzed results. To criticized the results according to the state of art published by both the own authors and other researcher. To describe the applicability and generalization of the results. To include new aspect to take in consideration (if it is necessary).

To show and remark limitations and contribution of the revision.


Conclusions answer the goal (s) of the study. To expose clear conclusions, concise and pertinent.

Bibliography references.

The 70% of reference should be published during the last 5 years and been represented in the national and international literature about the research subject.

Other aspects.

The presentation of your proposal of publication should have adequate quality in relation to writing and orthography and fulfill the ethics principles of the research.

III. Clinical pictures presentation.

Extension cannot exceed more than 3000 words, including bibliography references.
No more than 3 authors are accepted.


Title has correspond with the subject of the article, be concise, compressible and informative. Extension cannot exceed 15 words and has been write in English and Spanish. Should not include acronym or abbreviation if is used institution´s name must have official names and update.


Abstract is structured by section following the structure:

Introduction, Objective (s) of the presentation clinic case, Presentation the clinical picture of the case Conclusion offering an adequate idea about the research subject. To show reasons to be presented the case. To summarize appropriately the clinic case. Words limit are 250 words. Abstract has to be writing in third person in English and Spanish.

Key words.

Key words should be precise and representative of document semantic contents both to main contents and secondary. Should appear at least three key words and it is recommended the use the Health Science descriptors,

To show a brief background, clear and appropriated. To describe the objective and reasons to the case be presented.

Clinical case presentation.

To describe suitably the antecedents (family inheritance, personal, pathology and non pathology, surgical and obstetrics, etc.) relating to the case. To indicate the beginning, evolution and actual state of procedure. Summarize the main clinical finding, lab and radiology remarking those that make the clinical case peculiar. To indicate the treatment used and to show the case´s evolution.


To analyze and compare the main finding with other reported. To indicate the pathology and physiopathology and its meaning. To describe the difficulties to find the diagnosis and/or treatment of the presented case. To discuss the differential diagnosis. To analyze theories and hypothesis about the implications finding.


Conclusions should be clear and justify the case´s presentation.

Bibliography references.

References must be cited using the Vancouver style according to the instruction for authors. Will be cited those studies considered relevant about the research subject both national and international and the 40% of reference should be published during the last 5 years


Are accepted the maximum of three image. Image should have a good quality and been necessaries and pertinent. Graph and chart should have good quality also. Data that present cannot repeat information indicated in the text. Are adequate what it define?

To protect the identity of patient and to respect the ethics principles. Sources from where the figures and/or pictures were taken.

The description of figures should be adequate. Foot notes have corresponding to figures. Describe the meaning of abbreviation or symbols used in figures.

IV. Historical.

Extension cannot exceed more than 5000 words, without including bibliography references.
No more than 3 authors are accepted.


Title has correspond with the subject of the article, be concise, compressible and informative. Extension cannot exceed 15 words and has been write in English and Spanish. Should not include acronym or abbreviation if is used institution´s name must have official names and update.


Abstract has to indicate the objective clearly. To describe the methodology used. To indicate the main contribution and conclusions. The maximum words admitted are 250 and have to be writing both in Spanish and English.

Key words.

Key words should be precise and representative of document semantic contents both to main contents and secondary. Should appear at least three key words and it is recommended the use the Health Science descriptors,


To show a brief background, clear and appropriated. To precise the scope, importance, originality and pertinent of the research subject. To describe with clarity the goal (s) of the paper.

Methods and Material.

To mention the primary and secondary informational sources. To do triangulation of sources. Criterion and justification of the consulted articles selection.


Should have a correct organization and presentation of the research subject. To divide by sections facilitating the theme´s development and comprehension. Is supported in primary and/or secondary sources. To include a critical analysis of the consulted sources.


Conclusions answer the goal (s) of the study. To expose clear conclusions, concise and pertinent.

Bibliography references.

Are enough and pertinent according to the treated theme. Should be cited according to Vancouver style.

Figures and Tables.

The amount of tables and figures should not been excessive, pertinent only. Data presented do not repeat information point out on the text. Information presented on tables should justify its existence. Figures should be the necessaries and pertinent only and they have the required quality. In case of use abbreviation or special symbols used the meaning have been described. Include credits in the figures.

V. Editorials.

The editorials express the position and criterion related directly with the subjects treated by the journal or scientific circumstantial situation. Will be by Editorial Committee order to determined personalities. Its extension not over 1000 words, May include bibliography references.

Assessment´s manuscript system.

The journal has double blind peer review system. Process of assessment does not last more than 90 working days date which the authors should receive a verdict about destination of their contribution. The final decision concern to the Editorial Committee only.

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