ISSN 1028-9933
online version




Scope and policy

Revista Información Científica (RIC) is an Open Access journal, official organ of scientific communication of the Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Guantánamo, Cuba.


It publishes in continuous way. Every issue is arranged bimonthly, with summaries in English and Portuguese, as well as supplements dedicated to different topics in the medical sciences.


It uses the evaluation process by external peers (double-blind and single-blind) and is aimed at all health professionals or those linked to this field (philosophers, psychologists, pedagogues) both from the country and abroad, who need to communicate the results of their research, cooperate, exchange and manage scientific health information.


This journal complies with the Uniformity Requirements for Manuscripts sent to Biomedical Journals of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and with the certification established for scientific-technological serials, provided for in the third section, Article 20 of Resolution No. 59/2003 of the Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente (CITMA) of the Republic of Cuba.


With the advent of the new Open Science paradigm and its gradual implementation, RIC accepts manuscripts previously available on recognized preprint servers (MedRXiv, ArXiv, SciELO Preprints), as well as recommends the deposit of the data obtained on the research developed for the article in repositories of recognized prominence of the FAIR type (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable), preferably in open access, as is the case of Zenodo, DataCite and SciELO Data or in the journal itself as a supplementary file.


Likewise, it promotes the application of international standards or established good practices, both for the preparation of manuscripts and for their publication (Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA), International System of Units (SI), International Classification of Diseases, International Common Denomination of drugs, CRediT Taxonomy, ORCID and Descriptors in Health Sciences).


The editing and publication of contributions is completely free for authors; likewise, the arbitration process by the arbitrators or reviewers is carried out without any type of remuneration.


There is no commercial or lucrative use of any kind nor is it accepted or hosted advertising of any product, person or service that is mentioned.

Form and preparation of manuscripts


Document written by an editor, a member of the Editorial Committee or a visiting researcher on guidelines in the technical domain of publication at the request of the Editorial Committee of Revista Información Científica. You can express your point of view on a current problem, not necessarily related to the content of the magazine; It could also present the journal's point of view on a topic, as well as discuss editorial policy.
It will consist of Title, Text (in italics), Signature of the author with his/her highest curricular level and position he/she holds in the Editorial Committee, Bibliographic References (maximum three), if any.
Its length should not be more than 1,000 words. It will not present graphics, figures or tables, except in justified exceptions.

Letter to the Editor

A space that has become very important today in magazines as it allows readers to publicly issue their comments, considerations or objections regarding published articles, in this case, from Revista Información Científica; very important fact for the construction of new knowledge.
You will be able to comment on some aspects of RIC's editorial policy; issue a critical judgment on a medical fact in the public domain; expand, interpret or explain some aspects of recently published research (no more than three weeks); point out the methodological defects or interpretation of the results of some work or briefly communicate the results of a similar study in another journal.
It will consist of Title (it has the concession of being striking, use of interrogatives, exclamations), Text and Signature of the author with its highest curricular level and no more than five Bibliographic References if necessary
Up to 1,000 words in length will be allowed. It may have a table or figure and three authors appear.

Reply to Author

Provided by the Editorial Committee to one of the letters received.
Original Articles

Report that communicates experimental results, new knowledge or experiences based on known facts for the first time. Its purpose is to share and contrast these results with the rest of the researchers and, once validated, they are incorporated as a bibliographic resource for the availability of the scientific community.
It will include in its structure: Preliminary parts (Title, Author/s, Structured Abstract, Keywords), Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments (may or may not have them) and Bibliographic references (from 12 to 15). An annex if necessary.
It will have a maximum length of 4 500 words and no more than five authors. Up to five tables and/or graphics will be accepted.
The authors are invited to consult the standardized evaluation guidelines for international use to increase their acceptance probabilities: CONSORT (for randomized clinical trials), PRISMA (for systematic reviews), STROBE (for observational studies) and SQUIRE (standards for excellence in the quality of the reports).
The Editorial Committee of Revista Información Científica prioritizes this type of article.

Pedagogic Articles

Type of original article that offers a set of bases and parameters to analyze and structure education and teaching-learning processes; It contributes to the improvement and enrichment of the educational teaching process both in undergraduate and graduate studies.
It will be adapted to the structure of an Original Article: Preliminary parts (Title, Author/s, Structured Abstract, Keywords), Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments (may or may not have them) and Bibliographic References (from 12 to fifteen). An annex if necessary.
It will have a maximum length of 4,500 words and no more than five authors. Up to five tables and/or graphics will be accepted.

Case Reports

Type of article in which the results of a study on a particular situation are referred to, with the aim of disseminating representative technical or methodological experiences. It includes the analysis of the bibliography on similar cases.
The cases should not necessarily be rare, they may be conditions with unusual forms of presentation, management or evolution; unexpected association between symptoms and infrequent signs; impact of one disease on the evolution of another; unexpected complications of procedures or treatments.
One or more clinical cases can be described in the same article. It will be structured as follows: Preliminary parts (Title, Author/s, Informative summary, Keywords), Introduction, Presentation of the case, Discussion of the case (includes the conclusions) and Bibliographic references (from 10 to 12).
Reports with a maximum of 3,000 words, three authors and up to five figures will be accepted.
Revista Información Científica suggests using the CARE checklist to refine your proposal.

Bibliographic Reviews

Documents derived from an investigation, consisting of the analysis, systematization and integration of the original reports, published or not, of the most up-to-date investigations carried out within a specific field of knowledge. Its purpose is to make visible the progress and development trends in the area, present the state of knowledge of a problem.
They may be presented narrative (descriptive or traditional), exhaustive, systematic (evaluative) or clinical cases combined with a bibliographic review.
It will consist of: Preliminary parts (Title, Author/s, Structured Abstract, Keywords), Introduction, Development (structured at the author's convenience), Final Considerations and Bibliographic References (from 25 to 50).
Up to 5,000 words will be accepted without including bibliographic references and four authors. No more than three figures, tables and/or graphics.

Historical Articles

Articles that are published as a reference to know the history of events and personalities linked to Public Health, sanitation and the institutions of the sector or related to their activities. They will provide a brief and general view of the object reviewed in a descriptive-informative format. A logical chronology of the topic will be followed and may include personal testimonies.
They will have a similar structure to bibliographic reviews: Preliminary Parts (Title, Author/s, Structured Abstract, Keywords), Introduction, Development (structured chronologically at the author's convenience), Final Considerations and Bibliographic References (from 25 to 50).
Up to 5,000 words will be accepted without including bibliographic references and four authors. No more than six figures, tables and/or graphics.


Taught at all kinds of events of importance to the sponsoring institution and to the entire scientific community.


Section created to pay tribute and at the same time make known to the scientific community the recent loss of one of its medical personalities.
You will receive the text accompanied by a photo of the deceased person. It will have a Title, Author/s, it will not have an Abstract, an Introduction that may or may not be reflected and the body of the writing.
It will not exceed 1,000 words and only three authors will be accepted

Written conversation about aspects or points of view of interest to the local or international medical scientific community.


Modification or correction of material previously published in the journal.


Denial of a previously published material.

Other aspects of interest

Tables: Will only be used to show very significant results within the article. They will be presented included in the text of the work not in annexes. They should be numbered Arabic and consecutively in order of appearance in the text and assigned a concise title. Each column will have a short or abbreviated title (if abbreviations are used, clarify in a footnote) but easily understood.

Figures: It must have the quality required for electronic publication. They must be listed consecutively in order of appearance in the text. They will be delivered in * .jpg format and will have a dimension no greater than 1024 x 768 pixels and do not exceed 500 kb. If photographs of people are used, they must not be identifiable or, otherwise, the patient's consent must be attached. In case they are not original, the source should be reflected with all the data from where it was taken. Take care and watch over the other ethical aspects.

Graphics: Information should not be duplicated in tables and graphs. They have short descriptive title and legend. The use of one or the other responds to its capacity to facilitate the understanding of information (bar graph, pie, etc.). The use of these is preferred over tables with multiple entries. They should be simple, explanatory and without striking colors, little contrasting or embellishments. They will faithfully represent the facts without falsifying the data, or modifying the scales.


Sending of manuscripts

Upload digital format to the journal's platform, after its registration, at:

In case of doubt, write to: or call (53) 213-57884 with Ing. Lee Yang Diaz Chieng or Lic. Yasnay Hodelín Hodelín.


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All the content of the journal, is under a license

The online journal has open and free access.

1212 5th West St. between 6th and 9th North St
Zip Code 95200. Guantanamo, Cuba
Tel.: (53) 21 384092