ISSN 1815-5901
online versión





Dra. Miriam Lourdes Filgueiras Sainz de Rozas

Universidad Tecnológica de La Habana, "José Antonio Echeverría", Cujae, Cuba


Lic. Olga B. López Prado
Universidad Tecnológica de La Habana, "José Antonio Echeverría", Cuba


Computing and Composition

Henry Alberto Quiñones Valiente
Universidad Tecnológica de La Habana, "José Antonio Echeverría", Cujae, Cuba


Scientific Director

Dr. Miguel Castro Fernández
Universidad Tecnológica de La Habana, "José Antonio Echeverría", Cujae, Cuba.


Associate Editors

Dr. Edward Albert Cherney
Universidad de Waterloo, Canada


Dr. Ricardo Albarracín Sánchez

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, España

Dr. Roberto Giral Castillón
Universitat Rovira i Virgili, España

Dr. José Luis Martin González
Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU), España

Dr. Edson Guedes da Costa
Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Brazil

Dr. Tarso Vilela Ferreira
Universidad Federal de Campina Grande, Brazil

Dr. Jorge E. Carrión González
Universidad Nacional de Loja, Ecuador

Dra. Marta Bravo de las Casas
Universidad Central de las Villas, "Marta Abreu", Cuba

Dr. Davel Borges Vasconcelo

Universidad de Camaguey "Ignacio Agramonte y Loynaz", Cuba


Dr. Percy R. Viego Felipe

 Universidad de Cienfuegos, "Carlos Rafael Rodríguez", Cienfuegos, Cuba

Dr. Alberto Eduardo Calvo González
Universidad Tecnológica de La Habana, "José Antonio Echeverría", Cujae, La Habana, Cuba

Dr. Alexander Fernández Correa
Universidad Federal de Campina Grande, Brasil

Dr. Orestes Nicolás Hernández Areu
Universidad Tecnológica de La Habana, "José Antonio Echeverría", Cujae, La Habana, Cuba

Dr. Ariel Santos Fuentefria
Universidad Tecnológica de La Habana, "José Antonio Echeverría", Cujae, La Habana, Cuba


Henry Alberto Quiñones Valiente
Universidad Tecnológica de La Habana, "José Antonio Echeverría", Cujae, Cuba


Portuguese language translator

MSc. Maykop Pérez Martínez

Universidad Tecnológica de La Habana, "José Antonio Echeverría", Cujae, La Habana, Cuba


English language translator

Dra. Miriam Lourdes Filgueiras Sainz de Rozas

Universidad Tecnológica de La Habana, "José Antonio Echeverría", Cujae, Cuba


Publishing production

•Intellectual property
• The originals sent for their presumed publication in the Energetic Engineering journal must not have been sent to any other publisher. If previously published images are used in an original, the author must have permission to reproduce them. The articles accepted for publication become the intellectual property of the journal, which reserves the right to introduce the style corrections it deems necessary in the final version.
• Presentation of articles:
• The article will be sent to the Editorial Committee via email: 
• You must attach:
• -A letter of Request for Publication addressed to the Editorial Committee of the Energy Engineering journal requesting the evaluation to be considered for publication (where the Copyright Session is included). The letter must include the title of the work, the full name of the authors and the signature of each one. In this request, the authors must indicate that the article presented is their intellectual property and accept the Ethical Obligations of the authors, stating that they transfer the permanent rights of the work to the journal of Energy Engineering for publication and dissemination as provided by the journal. keeping the recognition to their authors. In addition, the authors attest that the article has not been submitted, partially or totally, for evaluation or publication in another journal. Regarding the contribution, all the articles published in the journal require a Declaration of Contribution from each author dedicated to the work, presented at the end of the article and after the references. The authors of a manuscript must have contributed significantly to the development of the research, in all or most of its phases. To protect the integrity of the authorship of the work, only the professionals who have collaborated in the research or the project and preparation of the article will be listed as co-authors. The main author attests to the fact of having included all the co-authors of the work when submitting the request for publication.
All co-authors must have reviewed the article, agree with the order of their names, with the content and final form, and be in a position to publicly defend its content. When submitting the request for publication of the article, the Editorial Committee assumes that this has been fulfilled, under the moral responsibility of the author that sends it.
Partial contributions to only some of the phases accredit the inclusion of their names in the Acknowledgments section, but do not justify co-authorship of the article.
In the Acknowledgments section, the authors must attribute the respective credits to all the people and institutions that have contributed to the research, including students. Likewise, the sources of financing or logistical support that made their work possible should be acknowledged.
The author should not submit changes to the content of his work after it has been accepted and returned to him to make the proposed corrections. If there is a compelling reason to make changes, the author must inform the Editorial Committee, which has the authority to approve or not the proposed changes.
Sending by email:
The works must be included in a file attached to their presentation message. The email is: 
Peer Review
In order to ensure a high quality of the content, all published works are subject to the open arbitration system by peers of specialists related to the area of ​​knowledge of the contribution. The average time stipulated for the review will be approximately 15 days. The principles for selecting the reviewers are: Experienced professionals with an adequate performance in the topic presented in the article.
The Energy Engineering magazine intends to be a publication in electronic format. Its objective is to promote communication and exchange between the community of professionals who work on energy issues in the fields and specialties focused on it. Showing results from Scientific-Technical research: of relevance, novelty and important contributions of performance in the profession on the development of technologies, studies on energy policy and management, as well as the under and postgraduate training of engineers in energy issues.
Provide the dissemination of research work and projects as well as teaching, scientific and technical experiences in the field of energy in the country and in the world. In this way, the journal contributes to the updating and feedback of professionals and students, as well as to scientific discussion and exchange.
All the content of the magazine is under a license

The online journal is free and open access. 

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© 2022

Facultad de Eléctrica,
Centro de Investigaciones y Pruebas Electroenergética, CIPEL,
Univeresidad Tecnológica de La Habana
José Antonio Echeverría, Cujae.
Calle 114 #11901, entre Ciclovía y Rotonda.
Marianao 15. La Habana. CP 19390. Cuba.
Teléfono: (537) 266 3007.