ISSN 1815-5901
online versión




Scope and editorial policy

Theme and Scope of the Magazine
Among the topics covered by the magazine are:
Industrial applications: includes issues of generation, distribution and transmission of electrical energy; power systems; electric machines; power electronics and power quality; electric drives; oil, gas and coal; electromagnetic fields; electrical circuits; supply to electrical installations; illumination; high voltage and insulation of conductors; nuclear, thermal, combustion plants and installations with renewable energy sources.
Studies on energy policy and management: includes the regulatory frameworks of the electric energy service; energy security; promotion of alternative energy sources; local and regional development in the innovation and dissemination of energy technologies; energy planning; energy investment projects, projects for the implementation of energy management systems.
Studies on improvements in the environmental impact of electrical energy: includes sustainability indicators; energy sustainability; rational usage of energy; renewable energy; biofuels; chemical and hydraulic resources; greenhouse effect; gas emission; emissions bonds and analysis of protocols at the national or global level in relation to electrical energy.
Studies on technology and society: the contents referred to the social impact of electrical energy are considered; alternatives for communities without access to electricity and the efficiency of energy consumption.
Studies on the under and postgraduate training of engineers in energy issues
Form and preparation of manuscripts


Author guidelines for Ingeniería Energética proceedings manuscript

Guía para los autores de artículos a publicar en la revista Ingeniería Energética

Miriam Lourdes - Filgueiras Sainz de Rozas
Olga Beatriz - Lopez Prado
*Corresponding author
The Abstract must not present any information or conclusion that is not included in the article. It must be written in Spanish and English (abstract), in a single paragraph and must not contain quotes, tables, references or mathematical expressions. It must be written in the past tense, because it refers to a job already done. The extension of the summary (abstract) should not be more than 150 words nor less than 140, where the results obtained and the methods used to achieve them are briefly expressed. In the event that the article is written in the Portuguese language, it must have the abstract in the three languages ​​(Portuguese, English and Spanish). The keywords must be no more than five and no less than three, they will be presented in alphabetical order and must not be contained in the title. They will appear correspondingly in Spanish and English (abstract).
Keywords: writing standards, scientific publication, serial publications. (Time New Roman 9 points)

El Resumen no debe presentar ninguna información ni conclusión que no figuren en el artículo. Debe escribirse en idioma español e inglés (abstract), en un solo párrafo y no debe contener citas, tablas, referencias ni expresiones matemáticas. Debe escribirse en pretérito, porque se refiere a un trabajo ya realizado. La extensión del resumen (abstract) no debe ser mayor de 150 palabras ni menor de 140, donde se expresen brevemente los resultados obtenidos y los métodos utilizados para alcanzarlos. En el caso que el artículo se escriba en el idioma portugués debe tener el resumen en los tres idiomas (portugués, inglés y español). Las palabras clave deben ser no más de cinco y no menos de tres, se presentarán organizadas en orden alfabético y no deben estar contenidas en el título. Las mismas aparecerán correspondientemente en español e inglés (abstract).
Palabras clave: normas de redacción, publicación científica, publicaciones seriadas.
(Time New Roman 9 puntos)


The relevance and timeliness of the research carried out is defined, a review (without being extensive) of the literature on the subject of the article is presented, including the collaborations of the authors, State of the Art. If you use abbreviations or acronyms, first write the words that identify them and then the acronym in parentheses. The problem, the research question or hypothesis, the objectives of the work, as well as the importance and limitations of the study are stated. Sets the method used in the job. It is written in the present tense.
Manuscripts must be written in Spanish, English or Portuguese, in acordance with the established specialized nomenclature. Terms in a language other than the one used in the writing of the article should be written in italics. For the selection of the works to be published in the Scientific Journal of Energy Engineering, the Editorial Committee evaluates the articles submitted according to their correspondence with the declared topics of interest, originality and novelty, quality of content and structure, timeliness and importance. bibliographical references and, in general, compliance with the publication standards established by the journal. If an article does not meet these requirements, it will be rejected or returned to the authors for rewriting. The decision to go to arbitration will only be made once the submitted work meets the previously declared requirements.
The accepted paper size is 21 cm wide by 29.7 cm high, that is, A4 format. The top, bottom and right margins will be 2.5 cm while the left margin will be 3 cm. All the content of the documents presented (including the text, illustrations and tables) must be included in the area designated for it.
Articles must be submitted in digital format of Microsoft Word 2007 or higher.
Extension of works
The text of an original, reflection or review article, including figures and tables, should not exceed ten (10) pages. These limits can only be exceeded, exceptionally, after consultation with the Editorial Committee of the journal.
Fonts to be used
The following font types are used in the body of the article: Title in the writing language (“Title” Style Time New Roman 18): Title in the English language (“Title_English” Style size 16 in italics): For the titles of section (Style “Heading 1”):Time New Roman CAPITAL LETTERS SIZE 10 in bold.
• For section subtitles (Style «Heading 2»): Time New Roman bold, size 10.
• For the titles of sections (Style «Heading 3»): Time New Roman bold, size 10.
• For the authors, the abstract (in both languages), the body of the document and the references are used (“Normal” Style): Time New Roman size 10. keywords, Time New Roman size 9
• For the foot of the figures (Style «Heading»): Time New Roman bold, size 9.
• For table headings (“EncTabla” Style): Times New Roman bold, size 10.
Numbering and Bullets.
Paragraph Numbering will be used exceptionally and, as shown below, only up to two levels
The vignettes will be used exceptionally and, as shown below, only up to two levels. The exemplified vignettes will be used. In no case images will be used as vignettes.
Each figure or photo will have a numbered title (for example Fig. 1.), followed by a brief information, but sufficiently explanatory, so that it can be understood without having to refer to the text. The numbering and title of the figures and photos will be placed below them. The figures will be processed in the graphic editor selected by the author and their resolution will be 72 pp. Photos must be of good quality. In the text they will be cited by their number, for example, figure 1. In the example illustration it can be seen that only the label and the number are in bold.
Each figure or photo must be embedded in a frame and appear immediately after being cited and all the characters that appear in it must be perfectly legible.

Fig. 1. Perspectives for the identification of industrial energy conservation potentials
Each table will have a numbered title (for example Table 1.), followed by brief information, but sufficiently explanatory, so that it can be understood without having to refer to the text. The numbering and title of the tables will be placed above them. In the text they will be cited by their number, for example, table 1.
In the example table it can be seen that only the label and the number are in bold. Each table must appear immediately after being cited. Each table must be done in Word. The title of the table must come inside the table.
It is good to clarify that in an article, the number of figures and tables must not exceed 10. These limits can only be exceeded, exceptionally, after consultation with the Editorial Committee of the journal.
Tabla 1. Input parameter values ​​for variant 1




Resistencia de entrada R1



Resistencia de retroalimentación R1



Tensión de entrada U1

Módulo: 2,5

Fase: 45o





SI system
Except in cases where it is inappropriate, the International System of Measurement Units (SI) will always be used. If it is convenient for a better understanding of the subject matter, after the magnitude expressed in SI, the value and units in another system can be added in parentheses. On the other hand, it is convenient to use no more than five significant figures. Note that all SI quantities must be 1 space apart from numerical values ​​(examples: 450 kW, 10%, 30°C). Additionally, it will be ensured that the numerical values ​​and the corresponding magnitudes or the symbols listed above must appear on the same line.
Equation editor
Mathematical formulas and equations should be placed one space apart from adjacent paragraphs, centered at the width of the margin, and numbered consecutively to their right. These equations must always be stated before putting them (as is done with figures and tables, never put expression (1)). Example: equation (1). After the equations, a description of the variables (the variables of the equation, when they are announced in the text is done in Word) that compose it will be placed. Using the equation editor built into Microsoft Word 2013 or 2016 is not recommended. Use of the MathType equation editor is recommended. Example in the equation:


Where Btotal: Number of workers x salary/days; CUP (peso, national currency of Cuba)
P_x: Quantity of materials used for their respective costs; cup
The variables within the text must be incorporated in word format and NOT in any equation editor.
The symbology to be used within the equations and within the text must be taken from the character map of the Time New Roman font. All symbology on this map can be used.
The articles are divided into:
1. Primary Partition (Section Title)
2. Second Order Partition (Section Subheadings)
3. Third order partition (Section title)
Invariably the article will consist of:
The introduction should provide the reader with a brief and sufficient overview of the objective of the article and the theoretical framework on which it is based. After the introduction, the development of the article is presented, the following sections must follow an explanatory and clear order of the relevant aspects of the research.
In this section, which may have a different title, the samples or study objects, the experimental installation and its general characteristics relevant to the study must be described.
In this section, which may have a different title, the key results of the research must be presented objectively, without interpretation and in an orderly and logical sequence of the illustrative materials (tables and figures) and the text.
This section shows the real contribution to knowledge, therefore the authors must interpret the results and translate the findings into a practical, conceptual or theoretical meaning; these interpretations should be made in the same logical order in which the results were presented. In addition, they can reflect on the implications of these results, mentioning previous and future research, as well as possible uses of the results and trends on the topic or problem addressed. Potential limitations of the study, such as sample deficiencies, design problems, difficulties in data collection, etc., should be included.
This section should highlight the most important contributions and compare them with previous ones and their limitations, if any, suggesting possible research. Here the current and possible applications must also be proposed, as well as the recommendations that it proposes for the universalization or extension of the published results.
In all cases, repeating what is stated in the summary will be avoided. AND VERY IMPORTANT The first conclusions presented must be those that correspond to the stated objectives.
If necessary, this section should be located after the conclusions. It is recommended that the authors thank those who have allowed, helped and collaborated in obtaining the results referred to in the article. In case it is appropriate to express thanks, it is suggested to use a typical heading such as: “The authors wish to thank…”
References are important to the reader, so each citation must be correct and complete. There is no editorial verification of the correctness of the data (authors, titles, journal, congress, volume, number, pages, date, etc.). Yes there will be about its style and completeness. Therefore, an error in the data of a reference will reduce the authority and value of the article. References should be made in the place of the sentence in which they are applied, and avoiding listing at the end of a paragraph more than 3 or 4 references related to your study and that were not really important in it, such as: [1-2 ; 4; 7; 10; 12]. Articles with fewer than 10 nor more than 25 references will not be accepted, except for bibliographic reviews whose number of references will be approved by the editorial committee for each particular case and all must be cited in the text, as well as all the references cited in the text, should be listed in this section. References must be related to publications and documents that are generally accessible to the public through ordinary channels (books, magazine articles, congress articles, patents, doctoral theses with ISSN, conferences, application notes and accessible technical reports from companies, university departments and research organizations).
The following is a list of sources that should not be included in this section:
— TV shows and newspaper articles.
— Preparation of postgraduate courses or any other related document, such as course manuals of any kind.
— Programs of subjects, careers, teaching guides of any kind.
— Manuals of equipment, instruments, etc.
— Software, software manuals and software sites.
— Reports, unpublished books and monographs.
— Catalogues, brochures and bulletins.
— Unregistered journals and non-scientific journals.
— Standards of companies or other entities not recognized internationally.
— Documents from Internet sites not recognized for their scientific rigor.
— Works from events not recognized internationally.
— Diploma papers that do not have an ISSN or DOI and that are not published in a virtual repository.
— Master's theses, which do not have an ISSN or DOI and which are not published in a virtual repository.
— Doctoral theses that do not have an ISSN and that are not published in a virtual repository.
— Any other type of document that is not accessible by the general public.
• If you want or need to reference the previous sources, you can include them within the text, although their use is not convenient, since the reader does not have access to them.
• Avoid using references that are hard to find.
• Avoid listing related references that were not relevant to the study.
• Use peer-reviewed journal articles published on the internet as essential references.
• All references used in an article must be available to the reader.
• They must have an actuality (last 5 years) of 70%.
• Avoid self-citations, only 10% of author self-citations are allowed.
Even if doctoral theses and papers at scientific events are published on the Internet, use should be moderate. Remember: References are one of the quality indexes of a scientific article.
The criteria for creating bibliographic references (content, form and structure) established by the Energetic Engineering journal, which must be met for the article to be sent for review, is the one established by the Vancouver standard.
If such a reference seems absolutely essential, it may be added to the text in parentheses. In the bibliography, a work that has been accepted for publication can be included, citing the name of the journal, followed by "accepted for publication".
Use as many updated and quality references as possible, mainly those published in the last 5 years and from scientific journals, both national and international. Avoid excessive self-dating.
Any information that does not pertain to your experiment and is not "common knowledge" should be acknowledged by citation.
References should be made in the place of the sentence in which they are applied, and avoiding listing at the end of a paragraph more than 3 or 4 references related to your study and that were not really important in it, such as: [1-2 ; 4; 7; 10; 12].
Articles with less than 10 references and no more than 25 will not be accepted, all must be cited in the text, as well as all the references cited in the text, must appear in this section.
The numerical citation system of the references will be used. This system refers to the citation of the work of origin by means of a number that refers to a list of works cited at the end of the article, so these must be identified with a consecutive number between brackets and grouped at the end of the text in the order of appearance. In the sentences, do not refer to the reference number, "as in [1]", but write it at the end of it, always before the punctuation marks. Multiple references should be listed separated by a hyphen [2-3]. If you wish to mention the name of an author, do so in the context of the sentence, writing the author's first surname and the year of the work consulted in parentheses, for example: "Anglada (1999) defines…"; at the end of the idea expressed by that author, place the number corresponding to that reference [8].
Any reference that does not appear in the Latin alphabet must be transliterated in accordance with international regulations.
The criteria for creating bibliographic references (content, form and structure) established by the Revista Ingeniería Energética, which must be met for the article to be sent for review, is that established by the Vancouver standard.
They will be listed in order of appearance and will comply with:
-At least 70% must belong to the last 5 years.
-At least 70% will be foreign references and scientific journals.
-There must be a correspondence of 70/25/5 in articles of serial publications, books, monographs, manuals and other types, between the references used.
Those works that have been edited by recognized entities will be cited as published in any medium: universities, research centers, international organizations, high-level companies, etc.
The reference to a document on the Internet must show the full URL and the date it was consulted.
For example:
 • The content, form and structure of the Electronic Texts, Databases and Computer Programs, whether they are accessible online, or whether they are on a tangible computer medium (floppy disk, magnetic tape, cd-rom, etc.) must respond to the following model:
   Primary author. Title [media type]. Edition. Secondary author(s). Place of publication: publisher, date of publication, date of update / revision. [Date consulted] (Collection). Normalized number. Availability and access. Notes [1].
 • The content, form and structure of Collaborations in Electronic Texts, Databases and Computer Programs must respond to the following model:
   Main author (of the collaboration). "Title" (of the collaboration). In: Main author (of the source document). Title (of the source document). [Media type]. Edition. Secondary author (of the source document). Place of publication: publisher, date of publication. Numbering and/or location of the collaboration within the source document. Date of update / revision. [Date of consultation]. Normalized number. Availability and access. Notes [3-5].
 • The content, form and structure of Electronic Serial Publications. Complete Series or Entire Copy of a Series must respond to the following model:
   Title [media type]. Edition. Place of publication: publisher, date of publication. [Date consulted] (Collection). Normalized number. Availability and access. Notes [5-6].
 • The content, form and structure of Electronic Serial Publications. Articles and Contributions in serial publications must respond to the following model:
   Main author (of the collaboration). "Title (of the collaboration)". Title (of the serial publication). [Media type]. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher, date of publication. Issue number. Location of the part within the source document. [Date of consultation]. Standardized number Availability and access. Grades. [7-8].
 • The content, form and structure of the Electronic Bulletins, Discussion Lists and Electronic Messages must respond to the following model:
   Author of the message Title of the message. Messaging system title [media type]. Date of the message. Message time. [Date of consultation]. Availability and access [7-8].
The self-citation rate for the Energy Engineering journal will be less than 10%.
Those works that have been published by recognized entities will be cited as published in any digital or printed medium: universities, research centers, international organizations and high-level companies.
Avoid excessive referrals. Only references that are really necessary and directly relevant to the research topic should be cited.
Do not support, by reference, statements that the entire audience knows.
Avoid using as references: theses, abstracts, project reports if the information has not been published in a scientific journal, as well as books that are available to the reader. Preference should be given to recent publications in journals.
How to cite
The brief textual citation, of less than five lines, is inserted within the text between quotation marks, and the corresponding number is placed at the end, after the quotation marks and before the punctuation mark.
“A bibliographic citation is a very abbreviated expression of a bibliographic reference inserted in the text which refers to it and adopts different notations depending on the system or style used (Harvard, AMA, Vancouver). Bibliographic citations are located within the text or at the foot of the pages” (1).
Author citations: “The citations of an author can be made by a number or by integrating the author's name followed by a number in the text. When an author is mentioned in the text, the reference number is placed after the author's name. If the author is not named, the number will appear at the end of the sentence”(2).
Example: Watkins and Marsick (1, 2) provided an integrative model of a learning organization.
Author registration:
• The names of the authors, publishers, etc., must appear as follows: Surname First letter of the name: Santos A.
• If an author is used to using his two surnames, they must be joined with a hyphen: Vilaragut-Llanes M.
• If an author uses two first names (compound names), their initials must be joined: Filgueiras-Sainz de Rozas ML
Reference style
They must be written with Arabic numerals in brackets, example: [23], [1, 5, 12]. If specific parts of a document are cited, the pages can be indicated, example: (2 p. 57), if several consecutive references are cited: [2-6].
Do not support a claim with more than three citations, such as: [2, 4, 7, 10, 12, 15].
The references are written with all their main data, including the normalizing identifier: ISSN and ISBN, or the DOI.
DOI: digital object identifier, known in English as digital object identifier and abbreviated DOI, which is nothing more than a permanent link in the form of an alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies an electronic content. In the format:

DOI directory:

A suffix identifying the publisher
A suffix that identifies the digital object (it has a variable structure, depending on the publisher)


The reference to a document on the Internet must show the full URL and the date it was consulted.
Do not write, but, 
Example: ...[Accessed December 2011]. Available at: 
The names and surnames of the authors are written inverted, separated by commas, the names with their initials, example: Buroni, F. C.,
if there are more than 2 authors and up to 3, Gang, D. and Tsutomu, N. E.
if there are more than 3 authors: Ashman, B.; et al.
Bibliographic entries always appear in Roman type, that is, without italics.
Types of documents:
Printed and digital book
Authors. Title of the book. Edition. Place of publication (city and country): Publisher; Year of publication. ISBN. DOI. [Consulted on: day of month of year]. Available at: full URL
Montgomery D, Runger G. ``Engineering statistics´´. USA: John Wiley & Sons; 2008. ISBN 0470526947.
Dillon, B. S. ``Engineering maintenance a modern approach´´. USA: Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data. Printed in the United States of America, 2002. [Accessed on: February 15, 2011]. Available at: 
ISBN 1-58716-142-7.
Parts of a book
If it is published on the internet, the date of the citation and the url are added in the same way as for the book.
Authors. Title of the part. In: Title of the book. Edition. Place of publication (city and country): Publisher; Year of publication.
Bathe K. Book Section. Finite Element Method. In: Wiley encyclopedia of computer science and engineering. USA: John
Wiley & Sons; 2007. ISSN 9780471383932. DOI 10.1002/9780470050118.ecse159.
Serial publication
Publication title in italics. Edition. Issue identification. Place of publication: publisher, date of the first volume-date of the last volume. Series. Grades. ISSN.
Serial article
Surname name. "Article title". Serial title in italics. Year, vol. number, pages. ISSN. DOI.
Yang, S. C. "Mathematical model of a helical gear with asymmetric involute teeth and its analysis". Springer International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2005, vol. 26, no. 5-6, p. 448-456. ISSN 02683768. DOI 10.1007/s00170-003-2033-z
Digital Serials Article
Surname name. "Title". Title of the publication. Year, vol, no, p. consulted pages. [Consulted on: day of month of year]. Available at: full URL. ISSN. DOI.
Negrín, L. and Franco, R. "Study of epicycloid and involute curves to form the profile of gears that operate with variable distance between centers". Mechanical Engineering. 2007, vol. 10, no. 3, p. 71-76. [Accessed on: December 12, 2006]. Available at: . ISSN 1815-5944.
If it is accessible on the internet, the citation date and the URL are added, otherwise you can cite it within the text.
Authors, inventors. Title. Country, patent number; date.
Martín Carvajal L, Cisneros A, García A, inventors. Device for rolling shaft journals on horizontal lathes.
Cuba, patent 23418; 2009.
ENTITY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE STANDARD. Title. No. or code of the standard. Edition. Place of publication: publisher, year of publication.
International Organization for Standardization. Gears-Calculation of load capacity of Wormgears. ISO TR 14521: 2010. Geneva. Switzerland: Edited by ISO. 2010.
Cuban standard. Toothed belt drives–calculation of nominal power and distance between pulley centers. NC-ISO 5295:2010. Havana. Cuba: National Office for Standardization. 2010
Presentations at scientific events
Surname name. "Qualification". In: Title of the event, Place, Year, p. Pages. [Consulted on: day of month of year]. Available at: full URL. ISBN.
Rodríguez, L. "Stainless Steels for Orthopedic Implants used in the Ortop–RALCA Industry of the CCOI Frank País". In: VII Congress of the Cuban Society of Bioengineering. Havana Cuba. 2007. p. 160-172. ISBN 978-959-212-236-9
Cocca, J. A. "Professional Competencies and the Engineering Curriculum". In: CONFEDI-FCEIA – UNR Workshop. Argentina. 2006. [Accessed on: February 8, 2011].
Available at:,com_docman/task,doc_view/gid,141/ 
Digital thesis
Surname name. "Title of the thesis". Tutor: Type of thesis. Academic institution in which it is presented, Institution, place, year. [Consulted on: day of month of year]. Available at: full URL
Rosete Suárez, A. "A flexible and efficient solution for graph tracing based on the stochastic hill climber." Tutor: Hernández Guerra, A. Doctoral thesis. Faculty of Industrial Engineering, José Antonio Echeverría Higher Polytechnic Institute, Havana, 2000. [Accessed on: January 23, 2011]. Available at: 
Printed and digital published reports and reports
Surname(s), Name or ENTITY. Report title. Institution: publisher, year. Series, serial number. [Consulted on: day of month of year]. Available at: full URL. ISBN
US-NRC. Information Digest 2009-2010. NUREG 1350. Washington DC 20555-001: US. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 2009, vol. 21, [Accessed: June 13, 2011], Available at: . ISBN 10:0160814421.
OPSIS. Annual Report 2006. Ministry of People's Power for Energy and Petroleum: Caracas. Venezuela: Interconnected Systems Operation Office. 2006, p. 56.
Download Instructions to Authors
Names and two surnames, affiliation, city, country, e-mail, ORCID
Dr. Miriam Vilaragut LLanes: 
Technological University of Havana, Jose Antonio Echeverría, CUJAE, Havana, Cuba.

Editorial Policy

The journal is published in accordance with the principles outlined in the Committee on Publication Ethics-COPE. 
We recommend that you read the flowcharts of the Committee on Publication Ethics-COPE for bad practices in article writing, plagiarism, changes of authors, etc.
Copyright Statement
Authors should not include in their articles information taken from other published or unpublished works without proper citation of the source. The author must cite and give the appropriate attribution to those publications that have influenced and determined the nature of the article to be published in order to guide the reader to previous works that help them understand the published work.
If an article is accepted for publication, the author has the right to have it published.
The main author has the right to withdraw their article from the evaluation process at any time without affecting its consideration for future publications.
Rights and Duties of the magazine
When submitting the article, the authors must confirm that the article has not been published in any type of medium before, nor can they have submitted it to another journal simultaneously. In case of having been sent to another journal and not being accepted, they must argue the reasons for the rejection.
The Ingeniería Energética magazine adheres to and promotes respect for the rules of the Spanish languages ​​(as dictated by the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language. RAE), English and Portuguese.
Except in cases where it is inappropriate, use the International System (SI) of units of measure. After the magnitude expressed in the SI can be added, in parentheses, the value and units in another system of units.
Policies regarding the contribution of authors
All authors of a manuscript must have contributed significantly to the development of the research, in all or most of its phases.
To protect the integrity of the authorship of the work, only the professionals who have collaborated in the research or the project and preparation of the article will be listed as co-authors. The main author attests to the fact of having included all the co-authors of the work when submitting the request for publication.
All co-authors must have reviewed the article, agree with the order of their names, with the content and final form, and be in a position to publicly defend its content. When submitting the request for publication of the article, the Editorial Committee assumes that this has been fulfilled, under the moral responsibility of the sending author.
Partial contributions to only some of the phases accredit the inclusion of their names in the Acknowledgments section, but do not justify co-authorship of the article.
In the Acknowledgments section, the authors must attribute the respective credits to all the people and institutions that have contributed to the research, including students. Likewise, the sources of financing or logistical support that made their work possible should be acknowledged.
The author should not submit changes to the content of his work after it has been accepted and returned to him to make the proposed corrections. If there is a compelling reason to make changes, the author must inform the Editorial Committee, which has the authority to approve or not the proposed changes.
The editors may request the justification of the participation of all the authors in the case of articles with numerous authors or in other cases where this information is required.
To allow replication of experiments, authors must make available information about the materials, data, standards, protocols, and references associated with their research.
Unique materials (algorithms or computer programs) should be made available to researchers who request them directly from the authors.
The author must not fragment his research work for publication. The authors who have carried out their work on a system or group of related systems will organize its publication with the purpose that each article gives a complete description of a special aspect of the general study. It is unethical for an author to submit for publication more than one paper describing the same research or project. This unnecessary subdivision scatters scientific information and makes it difficult to collect later. Occasionally, there may be valid reasons for such fragmentation, if this is the case, the authors must justify, in an independent communication to the editor, the reasons that support this fact.
The Editorial Policy of the journal in relation to ethical conflicts establishes that the authors will be morally obliged to declare if there is any financial, personal or professional interest -for reasons other than those of simple interest in contributing to science- in the publication of this article. This statement does not in any way invalidate its publication, but it is an element that the reviewers deserve to know in order to make an impartial interpretation of the published article. To support impartiality in the face of potential conflicts of interest, funders should not participate in the design, data collection, analysis of results, or preparation of the manuscript.
The journal can correct errors detected after publication, if requested by the authors, as long as the basic results or conclusions are not altered. If the errors are of a major nature, retractions or errata may be published on errors that affect the validity of the results obtained, at the discretion of the editors.
Policies regarding the work of referees


The referee must objectively judge the quality of the manuscript on its own merits and will respect the intellectual independence of the author or authors. Personal criticism is not appropriate.
He will express his opinions in an objective, precise, clear, truthful and convincing manner, in particular negative judgments, so that the editors and authors can understand the basis of his observations.
There can be no conflict of interest between the authors of the manuscript or the people involved (such as family relationships, colleagues, competitors or collaborators among potential referees or editors) and the referees. If a manuscript submitted for review represents a potential conflict of interest or the referee has a personal opinion about it, he must return the manuscript without delay and without review.
Reviewers must be selected in such a way that they have not shared authorship of any article or collaborated directly with the authors in the last 12 months.
The referee must observe any substantial similarity between the article to be reviewed and any other already published or if he is aware of any similar article submitted to another publication, in either case he must immediately inform the editor.
All the content of an article submitted to arbitration is confidential and property of the authors, it will not be used in any way by the arbitrator, nor will it be exposed in any other way except with the consent of the author and with the appropriate attribution.
If a referee has convincing evidence that an article contains plagiarized content or falsified research data or knows that it has been published, he must immediately notify the journal management, which will take the appropriate measures.

 Publications categories

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The journal publishes four categories of articles:
  Editorial. Document written by the editor, a member of the editorial committee or a guest researcher on the guidelines of the thematic content present in the journal and an event or activity of national or international impact or relevance on the date the journal issue is published.
 Original scientific and technological research articles. These are documents that present, in detail, the original results of completed research projects. The organization used will generally contain the following sections: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion. The conclusions should be included in the discussion.
 Technological innovation articles. They are documents that describe a technological innovation, a new technology or the improvement of a product or technology. These documents must be presented in such a way that the technological innovation is adequately described, with the schemes and procedures organized in such a way that the described technological innovation can be reproduced. It is recommended that the applications and validation of technological innovation be mentioned.
 Reflection articles. They are documents that present the results of completed research from an analytical, interpretive or critical perspective of the author, on a specific topic, using original sources. These papers may present the development of a new method, a novel application of a known method, a better explanation of a phenomenon, a novel proposition of educational interest, or a discussion of social problems associated with the technical sciences. It is composed of 3 parts:
Introduction: composed of the general theme in which the subject or object of study is disclosed, the alternate positions or most common or most relevant points of view on the subject, as well as the position of the author or the bet of the writer with relation to the topic and in this section announces the specific objectives that will be developed in the text.
Reflection: in this part all the ideas, arguments and reflections are projected in a coherent way. It is usual to resort to subtitles to achieve adequate argumentative clarity and correctly sequence the author's persuasive purpose.
Conclusion: in most of these articles they have a dialogical character and in them the reflections previously exposed are revalued to fully convince the audience of the position of the researcher-author. It is also a stage for self-criticism - limitations or possible variables in future research.
• Review articles. It is a work in which results published in research articles are compared, to examine them and issue a critical appreciation, order it and place it in a perspective that allows reaching important conclusions or exposing the advances and trends of current development. You can review a topic, or the work of a particular researcher or team of researchers. You must present a thorough and extensive bibliographic review of more than 50 references.
 • Study of cases. It is an appropriate research design when you want to obtain concrete, contextual and in-depth knowledge on a specific topic. It allows exploring the key characteristics, meanings and implications of the case. You can use a single complex case study, exploring a single topic in depth, or conduct multiple case studies to compare and illuminate different aspects of the research problem.
A good case study should have the potential to:
• Provide new or unexpected information about the topic.
• Propose practical measures to solve a problem.
• Open new avenues of research.
Submission of articles


The article will be sent to the Editorial Committee in a digital version via email.
The author must send together with the work, the Request for publication (.doc) (where the Copyright Session is included in this document).
The articles accepted for publication become the intellectual property of the journal, which reserves the right to introduce the style corrections it deems necessary in the final version.
Method of selection of articles and arbitration
The works sent for publication must be original and unpublished and not have been published in any other medium, the criteria for selecting the articles will be conditioned by their quality and will be subject to a peer review process.
The selection process begins with the submission of the work by the author or authors in an electronic version. The articles are initially evaluated by the Editorial Committee to check if they comply with the Editorial Rules and if they correspond to the originality and the level required for the journal, then they go through the arbitration process.
Peer review process
In the review process of the articles, the open arbitration system is applied, by pairs of specialists related to the area of ​​knowledge of the contribution.
Each referee will issue a report on the convenience or not of its publication, this report will be taken into consideration by the Editorial Committee for the publication or not of the article.
The referees can recommend to the Editorial Committee that the article be:
- Accepted with modifications (minor or important). The author has a period of 7 days to send a new version with the proposed corrections, after this term, if the new version has not been received, the Editorial Committee will consider the article rejected.
Indispensable aspects for the acceptance of the works presented:
-Correspondence with the themes of the magazine.
-Originality, novelty or validity of the proposed work.
-Quality of the study of the State of the Art.
-Quality of the content of the work.
-Quality of the exhibition in its structure and writing.
-Currentness and importance of bibliographical references.
-Compliance with the Editorial Rules.
The fundamental reasons for the rejection of a work will be:
-Lack of originality.
-Poor scientific strength.
-Poor study of the State of the Art.
-The methods and procedures used are not reliable.
-Poor bibliographical references in quantity, quality or value and timeliness.
-It is of little interest to the audience of the magazine.

  Instruction to authors 


Submission of manuscripts


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Facultad de Eléctrica,
Centro de Investigaciones y Pruebas Electroenergética, CIPEL,
Universidad Tecnológica de La Habana
José Antonio Echeverría, Cujae.
Calle 114 #11901, entre Ciclovía y Rotonda.
Marianao 15. La Habana. CP 19390. Cuba.
Teléfono: (537) 266 3007.