ISSN 1680-0338
printed version

ISSN 2788-6050
online version




Publication categories

The journal publishes three categories of articles:
Original article
Contains the presentation of a theoretical or technological research. It is the first publication of research results or of an original project in a periodic journal. It may include analysis of study cases. This is the fundamental category of the journal and although it does not totally exclude the categories mentioned below it is by far the predominant one in regular issues of the journal.

Reflection article
Presents research results from an analytics perspective with interpretations or criticisms from the author, about some specific subject with reference to original sources.

Short article or technical note
This is a brief but complete description of a certain research endeavor. It contains preliminary or partial results, which require publication without delay. Its length must be within 3-5 pages.


Manuscript submission

Authors will write their manuscripts following the manuscript presentation format given below. The manuscript will be submitted to the Editorial board in an electronic version.

Submission via electronic mail (email): The manuscript should be sent as an attachment file to the submission message. Alternative email addresses for sending manuscripts are the following:

Privacy statement: All names and email addresses sent to the Editorial board of this journal will be exclusively used for the purposes declared by the journal and they will not be available for any other purpose or person.


Article selection and peer review

Manuscripts sent for publication must be originals and not published before in any other means. Criteria for article selection are conditioned by its quality and will be subjected to a peer review process by two reviewers.

The selection process starts with the submission of the manuscript by its author or authors in an electronic version. The manuscript is initially evaluated by the Editorial board to check if the required presentation format is fulfilled and if it corresponds with the expected originality and quality requirements. After the initial evaluation it is sent to the peer review process.

In the process of reviewing the articles, the peer review system is applied, where two high-level referees intervene who will have the option of speaking directly with the corresponding author, with or without disclosing their identities.

Each reviewer writes a detailed report about the convenience of the article to be published. This reports are taken into consideration by the Editorial board to decide whether the article is published or not. In case of significant discrepancy between reviewers the board may appoint a third reviewer.

Reviewers will conclude their report with any of the following recommendations:

-Accepted with modifications. In this case the authors are given a 30-day term to send a new version of the manuscript including the suggested corrections. After this time if a new version has not been submitted, the Editorial board will regard the article as rejected.



Manuscript presentation format

The manuscript presentation format requirements are strictly mandatory. Manuscripts not fulfilling them will not be selected for peer review and disregarded. In the web site page authors can find a template fulfilling and explaining all requirements which can be used to write the manuscript over it.

1. Manuscripts should be written in Spanish language although exceptionally english-written manuscripts can be considered. They must be written in agreement with the established specialized nomenclature. Any term from other language must be written in italics.

2. Authors must write their manuscripts with any text processer provided its document files are fully compatible with Microsoft Office Word (extension *.docx). Text must be written with 12-point Times New Roman type letter, one column, justified, single space, no indentation, all four margins of 2,5 cm. Numbering pages in the right upper corner. Figures and tables must be inserted not far from where they are invoked. Paper size: letter. Maximum length of papers including figures and tables is 15 pages for all articles except for technical notes which is 3-5 pages. This limits cannot be exceeded without consulting previously with the journal Editorial board.

3. The International System (IS) of units is compulsory. After the expression of any IS quantity it can be added, if unavoidable, the value and units in another units system within parentheses.

4. Bibliographic references, textuals or contextuals, must be written in the author-year system as explained in detail in the template.

5. All figures, drawings, schemes, photographs, images, etc. must be called figures. Each figure must have a numbered, brief and understandable title. Both numbering and title will be located below the figure. It is recommended to prepare figures with a graphical editor with a 72 ppp. resolution. Photographs should be of high quality. Along the text, all figures must be cited by its number, for instance, figure 3.

6. Each table must include a brief numbered title above the table. Tables presented in an image format will not be accepted. All tables included in the article must be cited by its number in the text, for instance, table 4.

7. To write symbols (when needed) and mathematical expressions, a Microsoft Word compatible equation editor must be used. Expressions will be numbered consecutively, for instance: (2).

8. Textual quotations: they will be enclosed by quotation marks with the corresponding reference inmediately after.

9. No footnotes are allowed.

10. Article structure should be adjusted in the following order:

  • Article title: no more than 90 characters including spaces. Should clearly and directly reflect the article contents.
  • Authors full names, filiation and email addresses. In the list of authors should only appear those who intelectually contributed significantly and actively in the work. Others with lesser contributions can be mentioned in the acknowledgment. Other data include postal and electronic addresses, fax and phone numbers, and the institution where the author belongs.
  • Summary, not longer than 130 words, where main results are briefly expressed and the methods applied to achieve them.
  • Key words in Spanish with five words or phrases.
  • Tittle and summary in English.
  • Key words in English with five words or phrases.
  • Body of the article, organized into several separate logical paragrahs, with a proper short title on each.
  • Acknowledgements, if needed.
  • References. To correctly express the final list of references, the above mentioned template should be carefully read.


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All the contents of this journal, Ingeniería Hidráulica y Ambiental, is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Unported License.

Dirección editorial:
Centro de Investigaciones Hidráulicas. Facultad de Ingeniería Civil.
Universidad Tecnológica de La Habana "José Antonio Echeverría" (Cujae)
Calle 114 #11901, entre Ciclovía y Rotonda. Marianao 15. La Habana. CP 19390. Cuba.
Teléfonos: (537) 260 1416, (537) 260 3636.

Correo electrónico: