Dr. C. Arasay Padrón Álvarez, Reference
Center for Advanced Education (CREA). Technological University of
Havana "José Antonio Echeverría", Cujae, Cuba.
Dr. Mercé Gisbert Cervera, Professor at
the Rovira y Virgiri University of Tarragona, Spain.
Dr. J. Ignacio Aguaded, Professor at the University
of Huelva, Spain.
Dr. Julio Cabero Almenara, Professor at the University
of Seville, Spain.
Juan Carlos Torres Diaz, Professor at the Private
Technical University of Loja, Ecuador
Dr. C. Dargen Tania Juan Carvajal, Higher Institute
of Art (ISA), Cuba
Dr.C. Norka Bedregal Alpaca, Doctor of Educational
Sciences. Researcher RENACYT- Carlos Monge III Level. Principal Professor
Attached to the Department of Systems Engineering and Informatics.
Faculty of Production and Services Engineering. National University
of San Agustín de Arequipa, Peru.
Dr. C. Gerardo Borroto Carmona, Doctor of Pedagogical
Sciences. Associate Professor. Postgraduate professor and research
coordinator. International Institute for Development (INTAL), Mexico.
Dr.C. Isabel María Gómez Trigueros,
Doctor of Educational Sciences. Doctoral Professor. Department of
General Didactics and Specific Didactics. Education Faculty. University
of Alicante, Spain.
Dr. C. Juan Francisco Cabrera Ramos, Doctor of
Educational Sciences. Assistant teacher. Education Faculty. Catholic
University of Temuco, Chile.