ISSN 1996-2452
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Scope and policy

The PODIUM journal is registered in the National Register of Serials with No. 2148 and ISSN 1976-2472; It is a component of the Centre for the Study of Sport and Physical Activity (CEDAF) and attached to the Faculty of Physical Culture "Nancy Uranga Romagoza" at the University of Pinar del Rio "Hermanos Saiz Montes de Oca".

PODIUM has as its primary object to disclose the results of researchers of Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport, and in turn help deepen the various dimensions of knowledge; wishing that those who go to find this publication informative scientific soundness and accessibility by allowing an entertaining exchange between the scientific community in Cuba and the world.

PODIUM's mission is to promote the dissemination and exchange of research experiences, based on the publication of articles of proven quality that provide significant news and contribute to innovation in the field of Physical Education, Sports, Recreation, and Physical Culture in general, as well as applied sciences, in Pinar del Río, Cuba and the world.

PODIUM has the vision of achieving visibility and informative coverage in the dissemination of scientific results, which allow the projection as a reference journal in the field of applied sciences, Physical Education, Sports, Recreation and Physical Culture in general.

Podium journale is displayed on the Internet page of the University of Pinar del Rio,

Thematic Profile:

  • Sports training
  • Headhunting.
  • Sport for All.
  • Physical education.
  • Physical activity for health.
  • Sport and Environment.
  • Prophylactic and therapeutic physical culture.
  • Leisure and Recreation.
  • Professional training of Physical Culture.

PODIUM's mission is to promote the dissemination and exchange of research experiences through the publication of articles of proven quality that provide significant innovations and contribute to innovation in the field of Physical Education, Sports, Recreation, Physical Culture in general and applied sciences in Pinar del Río, Cuba and the world.

PODIUM has the vision of achieving visibility and informative coverage in the dissemination of scientific results, which allow the projection as a reference journal in the field of applied sciences, Physical Education, Sports, Recreation and Physical Culture in general.

PODIUM aspires to reach a visibility and informative coverage in the educational area that will turn it into an important reference for research, the practice of teaching and the continuous professional pedagogical training of human resources linked to the educational sector, as well as an instrument of communication, in general, accessible to those interested in the most current trends in the educational sciences.

The PODIUM Journal assumes as a policy that as soon as it publishes each issue, the articles are hosted in the institutional repository of the University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca" accessible at:

This journal uses the LOCKSS system, being included in the Public Knowledge Project Private LOCKSS Network (PKP PN), creating a distributed archive system among collaborating libraries, which allows the creation of permanent archives of the journal for conservation and restoration purposes.


Peer review process

PODIUM. Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture uses a double-blind peer review system, where neither authors nor reviewers identify with each other, maintaining anonymity on both sides and among the reviewers themselves. The review has a period of between 3 and 4 weeks to send the executive editor his observations and his recommendation (accept sending, publishable with modifications, reevaluable, not publishable). In case the decision of the two arbitrators is divided, the evaluation will be requested to a third referee looking for a consensus in the editorial decision. Subsequently, the executive editor will send an evaluation summary to the author with the decision. In addition, from the same platform can activate the permission for the authors to access the particularized review performed by each reviewer. In case that modifications are required, the author will have a deadline to make them and send a new version. That new version will be submitted to a second round of evaluation.

Subsequently, the executive editor will send an evaluation summary to the author with the decision. In addition, from the same platform can activate the permission for the authors to access the particularized review performed by each reviewer. In case that modifications are required, the author will have a deadline to make them and send a new version. That new version will be submitted to a second round of evaluation. As many rounds will be carried out as required.

The editorial team of this journal offers an estimated time between five (5) and six (6) months for the process of evaluation of the manuscripts and their subsequent publication.


Form and preparation of manuscripts

The process of sending articles will be done exclusively online via the OJS PODIUM platform, published on intranet and internet. The author must complete all the metadata that they request to have the required information about the authors and the manuscript. For the electronic submission of a manuscript should be consulted and follow the available instructions "Uniformity requirements for sending manuscripts to PODIUM."

Send and receive the relevant corrections through the online delivery system, implies being in accordance with Podium's policies and among other points agree with the following ethical and rigorous aspects:

  • The submitted manuscript is original and has not been previously published nor is it being evaluated for publication in another journal. It will be attached as a complementary file in the shipment (step 4) Letter of originality
  • The manuscript complies with all Podium publication guidelines.
  • The manuscript complies with the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the "Uniformity requirements for sending manuscripts to PODIUM."
  • The documents cited in the manuscript are issued by authoritative sources such as: prestigious organizations recognized by national or international organizations; refereed national or international scientific journals; repositories, as well as books and other documents that offer elements that identify responsible authors or editors with the published contents.
  • The main author of the manuscript is responsible for all its contents and declares that there are no plagiarism, conflicts of interest or ethical conflicts, freeing Podium of any ethical and legal commitment.
PODIUM provides free and immediate access to its contents. This means that the authors transfer the copyright to PODIUM, so that copies and distribution of the contents can be made by any means, as long as the recognition of their authors is maintained, the works are not used commercially and no modification is made to its contents without prior authorization.


Sending of manuscripts

As part of the shipping process, the authors are required to indicate that their shipment complies with all the elements listed below, and that they know that shipments that do not comply with these instructions can be returned to the author.


The author or author who forwards the shipment to PODIUM, CERTIFIES:

  • That each one of the persons who in the same record as author or author has directly contributed to the intellectual content of the work, approves the contents of the manuscript submitted to the editorial process and agrees to have his / her name appear in the authorship of the manuscript.
  • That the petition has not been previously published, is not in the process of being reviewed in another journal, nor is it included in another work accepted for publication by another publisher.
  • That in the event that the content has been presented in a communication or congress, the current petition supposes a substantial modification of this and the text on which it is based has been suitably cited. On this circumstance an explanation is provided to the publisher in the appropriate place of the submission form (box "Comments to the editor").
  • That each one of the people who are the author or author commits not to submit this work for consideration of another publication while it is in the editorial process in PODIUM.
  • That the contribution of those persons who, not being signatories or responsible for the final version, have contributed substantially to the development of the work and have granted their permission for such work have been acknowledged in a note of the article, by way of thanks. mention.
  • That the data and publications on which the information contained in the work is based, or that have had a relevant influence, have been cited in the text and in the list of bibliographic references, taking responsibility, as far as copyright is concerned. refers, of any litigation or claim related to intellectual property rights, exempting Podium from liability.
  • Likewise, the author or author who refers the work must confirm compliance with the following points:
  • The text complies with the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the "Uniformity requirements for sending manuscripts to PODIUM."
  • If the text has been assigned to a section of the journal subject to peer review (see section policy), it has ensured that it follows the indications set forth in Ensuring a blind review.
  • The file sent is in DOC or DOCX format.
  • Wherever possible, the web addresses and the DOI have been added in the references.


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All the content of PODIUM. Journal of Science and Technology in Physical Culture, is under a license

The online journal has open and free access.

Calle Martí No 300 e/n 27 de noviembre y González Alcorta
CP 20100 Pinar del Río, Cuba
Tel.: Tel: 48 75 50 32 - 48 72 86 42 - 48 72 86 43