1726-6718 |
COMMON REQUIREMENTS FOR THE JOURNAL SECTIONS The papers must be original (no previous advertising in another journal). Once approved, the first publication must be in our journal, later they may be submitted to the consideration of others, only if it refers to the original citation. Nonetheless, manuscripts previously deposited in recognized preprint servers and versions of works published in conference´s proceedings will be accepted for evaluation and possible publication. First page. The name of the affiliated institution must be indicated, including city and country. The title, in Spanish and English, which will not exceed 15 words and must not include acronyms or abbreviations. Full names and surnames of all the authors, ordered according to their participation. Each one in separate lines, only including the professional title and scientific degree of each author. Indicate the corresponding author and spaecify email and telephone. Each author must compulsorily provide their ORCID number. ( Authors must provide the primary records of the data, if requested by the editors. The authorization of each person mentioned in the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS section must be documented for such purposes.
FOR AUTHORS This journal
publish the following kind of articles:
Likewise, manuscripts previously deposited on recognized preprint servers will be accepted for evaluation and possible publication in our journal. 1. Original articles It will not
exceed 4000 words, not including bibliographic references. It will not
be longer than 10 pages (Arial 12, justified, letter size page, and 1.5
spaced). All pages will be Arabic numbered consecutively from the first
page. In the event that it exceeds 5 authors, the article must be accompanied
by a letter expressing the contribution of each author in the study. Title:
Both in Spanish and English must be informative, clear, corresponding
to the content of the article in 15 words maximum. It should not include
acronyms or abbreviations. If institutions are mentioned, the updated
official name must be included. Abstract:
It must be structured by sections (Introduction-Objectives-Material and
Methods-Results-Conclusions), in Spanish and English with a maximum limit
of 250 words. It should offer adequate idea of the content. The drafting
is in the third person. Keywords:
They must be specific and representative of the semantic content of the
document, both in the main and secondary contents.of the article. At least,
3 keywords or phrases are accepted in Spanish and English. The use of
Descriptors in Health Sciences (DeCs) thesaurus is recommended. Introduction:
It should present short, clear and appropriate background, adequate founding
the scientific problem, clearly describing the objective of the paper. Material
and Method: Define the type of research, period, place, universe,
sample, as well as inclusion, exclusion and elimination criteria. Describe
the criteria and justification for sample selection if required. The analyzed
variables must be clearly described, as well as the information collection,
processing and analysis methods used. The statistical method must be appropriate,
corresponding to the type of study, it must comply with the principle
that the study can be replicated by other researchers. Ethical aspects
must be declared. Results:
Findings should be presented according to the objectives of the paper,
proper use of statistitcs, when required. Describe the reasons for the
loss of study patients, if applicable. Figures and tables should highlight
the relevant results without repeating information. Tables, figures or
statistical graphs are limited to 5. Discussion:
Critically analize the results of the study, in light of the work published
by other local and foreign researchers. Explain the scope and limitations
of the results. Describe the possible generalization of the results. Conclusions:
Do not repeat the results. They should present adequate degree of generalization.
They must respond to the objectives of the study and be in correspondence
with the results and the discussion. Bibliographic
The bibliographic
references used in each of the scientific communications, and which have
a source (scientific journals, websites, other resources, including most
books), from 2015, must be accompanied by their electronic location (URL
or DOI). Tables:
aspects: The presentation
of publication proposal must be of adequate quality in terms of drafting
and spelling, and comply with the ethical principles of research.
2. Review
Both in Spanish and English must be informative, clear, corresponding
to the content of the article in 15 words maximum. It should not include
acronyms or abbreviations. If institutions are mentioned, the updated
official name of those institution must be included. Abstract:
It must be structured by sections (Introduction-Objectives-Material and
Methods-Results-Conclusions), in Spanish and English with a maximum limit
of 250 words. It should offer adequate idea of the content. The drafting
is in the third person. Keywords:
Main body:
They must respond to the objectives of the study. They should be clear, succinct and relevant. Bibliographic
The bibliographic
references used in each of the scientific communications, and which have
a source (scientific journals, websites, other resources, including most
books), from 2015, must be accompanied by their electronic location (URL
or DOI). Other
aspects: The presentation of publication proposal must be of adequate quality in terms of drafting and spelling, and comply with the ethical principles of research. 3. Systematic
reviews and Meta-analyzes of Literature
Both in Spanish and English must be informative, clear, corresponding
to the content of the article in 15 words maximum. It should not include
acronyms or abbreviations. Identify the manuscript as a systematic revision
which incorporates a metanálisis. Abstract: It must be structured by sections (Introduction-Objectives-Material and Methods-Results-Conclusions), in Spanish and English with a maximum limit of 250 words. It should offer adequate idea of the content. The drafting is in the third person. Keywords:
Explicitly declare the number of studies and identified participants. Present the characteristic and quality of each study. Provide bibliographical citations. Provide data of bias risk of each study. Give the synthesis of each meta-analysis performed with summary estimators and the corresponding confidence intervals. Credibility in the information provided. Discussion
The bibliographic
references used in each of the scientific communications, and which have
a source (scientific journals, websites, other resources, including most
books), from 2015, must be accompanied by their electronic location (URL
or DOI). Other
aspects The presentation
of publication proposal must be of adequate quality in terms of drafting
and spelling, and comply with the ethical principles of research. Conclusions
4. Case
CASE REPORT Properly describe the background related to the case. Indicate the onset, evolution and current status of the condition. Summarize the main clinical, laboratory and imaging findings, highlighting those that make the case peculiar. It also includes the medical rational followed in the diagnostic discussion, when appropriate, evolution and outcome. Indicate the treatment used and evolution of the case. DISCUSSION
CONCLUSIONS Conclusions must be clear and justify the case report. BIBLIOGRAPHIC
The bibliographic
references used in each of the scientific communications, and which have
a source (scientific journals, websites, other resources, including most
books), from 2015, must be accompanied by their electronic location (URL
exceed 5000 words, including bibliographic references. They express the
viewpoint of their authors and even if their publication is approved,
it does not mean that the editorial committee or the journal's sponsoring
body, share or agree with the published opinion. Abstract:
it is not structured and it describes in up to 250 words, the purpose
of the article and its fundamental elements, in Spanish and English. Introduction:
Authros clearly and precisely give the background of the article and main
motivations for its submission. It must be an important and relevant topic
for anesthesiology and / or medical sciences, either because it generates
debate or because the opinion articulated contributes to this field. The
objective of the article should be clearly stated in the end. Main body:
The authors´s opinion on the subject in question is stated; sustained
and supported by the corresponding citations. When a controversial topic
is debated, it will be appropriately done, with no personal insinuations
to other authors, only to the results published by them. Conclusions:
They answer the objectives of the article, in a clear, specific and relevant
approach. Recommendations:
When appropriate and on the bases on the opinions collected and analyzed
in the article, the author will provide the corresponding recommendations. 7. LETTERS
TO THE EDITOR This journal welcomes correspondence (authors´s ideas, opinions, positions or disagreements) related to content covered in the journal, or on specific topics of the specialty. They are published after evaluation by the editorial committee or peer review, if necessary. The foundations proposed must have their corresponding bibliographic support according to the journal standards. 8. HISTORICAL
REVIEWS These reviews follow the general instructions for a Review article, but they are related to relevant facts or personalities to the history of anesthesiology or medicine in general. They may be different types of historical articles; such as biographies, memoirs of personalities. They are evaluated and approved by the editorial committee. 9. CLINICAL
TRIAL PROTOCOLS/ ACTION PROTOCOLS This section aims to increase the replicability of scientific research, in accordance and towards open science. It will not exceed 5000 words, including bibliographic references and must follow SPIRIT checklist recommendations (Standard protocol items: Recommendations for interventional trials). Furthermore, the objective is to publish those institutional action protocols, related to the specialty of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation, which serve as a reference to increase the quality of patient care. 10. EXPERIMENTAL
INVESTIGATIONS ON ANIMALS Experimental research on animals is admitted, in the field of Anesthesiology, which must comply with the ARRIVE guidelines (Animal Research: Reporting of In Vivo Experiments, 2019) and be carried out in accordance with the guide of the National Institutes of Health for the care and use of laboratory animals (NIH Publications, 2011). 11. EVENT
REVIEWS These articles describe the conduction of an event of interest for the profile of the specialty. They must be well detailed providing the name of the event, objectives, participants, topics covered, pertinent conclusions and recommendations, as well as any other aspect deemed of interest. 12. OBITUARIES
Articles may be submitted in Spanish, English or Portuguese. In the case of articles in Portuguese, an abstract in Spanish and English is requiered. AUTHOR'S
author of the article must attach a document stating the contribution
of each author to the research and their responsibility in relation to
the unpublished origin of the article, as well as the commitment not to
submit it to other journals while awaiting the decision of the editors
of the Cuban Journal of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation. In addition,
compliance with the ethical requirements of the aforementioned publication
must be explicit. The process of identifying authorship roles in original
research articles published in our journal will be carried out, from January
2021, in accordance with the CRediT
Taxonomy, an advanced tool that many international scientific and/or
academic publishers are adopting for management of the publication and
that provides greater transparency in collaboration among authors.
will only submit all proposals and manuscripts via the Journal online
Management System
. Corresponding authors will receive acknowledged by e-mail of the manuscript, and within two weeks the Editorial Board will first review to determine the relevance of the topic and whether the manuscript complies with the Publication Standards. In the event that critical deficiencies are present or a topic of interest to the journal is not discussed, the manuscript will be rejected. If the deficiencies were only in structre and style, it will be returned to the author for correction before the evaluation process begins. The receipt date of the manuscript will start running once the correct draft received. |
The article will undergo a simple blind peer review process, using a guide created for such purposes, depending on the type of article. The evaluation period will last up to 60 days. In this period authors will be noticed of the editorial decision. If the article is returned to the authors for corrections, and as a consequence, evaluations are necessary after that; the decision of the editorial committee will not take longer than 90 days from the last date. Acceptance of the article for evaluation does not imply commitment to publish. Once the manuscript is submitted, it cannot be submitted to any other journal or publication source for consideration, unless it is consulted and approved by the editorial committee. The decision not to publish is not appealable; however, authors can submit their opinion to the committee. If for any reason the authors do not wish to publish their article, once it is submitted and in evaluation process, a written communication must sent to the journal's management in order to avoid an ethical conflict. |
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Nacional de Información de Ciencias Médicas.
Calle 23 # 654 entre D y E,
Vedado, Ciudad de La Habana,
CP 10400, Cuba
Tel.: 537- 8330268