Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Revista Cubana de Medicina General Integral]]> vol. 32 num. 4 lang. en <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<b>Educational intervention with community participation aimed at type 2 diabetic old-age people</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Assessment of the organizational environment in Dr. Mario Muñoz Monroy University Polyclinic</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Psychologic approach of the lifestyle of average adults with type 2 diabetes</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Global self-esteem and maternal self-esteem in adolescent mothers</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Factor-related structure, reliability and validity of the perception test of family functioning in Angolan adults</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Burden and perception of the quality of life related with the primary caregiver for haemodialysis patient</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Acute lumbar syndrome treatment with auriculotherapy</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Educative intervention about sexually transmitted infections in adolescents</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Timely access to ELISA test in the primary health level</b>: <b>a health professionals' view</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Drug epidemiology in the Cuban context of primary health care</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Perception about the internship in health promotion as a primary health care strategy</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>A brief commentary about the Cuban model of family medicine</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Foreign body aspiration</b>]]> Se presenta el caso de un paciente masculino de un año de edad, con antecedentes previos de asma bronquial. Refiere la mamá que hacía 11 días el paciente había sufrido una caída, en ese momento se encontraba ingiriendo maní, pasadas unas horas aparece tos seca, la madre consultó al policlínico de su área donde le pusieron tratamiento con prednisona oral por 3 días, con lo cual nota discreta mejoría, sin desaparecer del todo la tos. Al sexto día del evento comenzó a presentar fiebre de 38°C haciendo dos picos al día, los cuales cedían con la administración de Dipirona en tableta. Debido a que los síntomas persistían (tos y fiebre) la madre lleva nuevamente al niño al facultativo, donde le realizaron radiografía de tórax, observando una imagen atelectásica a nivel del pulmón derecho, por lo que deciden remitir al Hospital "Juan Manuel Márquez".<hr/>The case is presented of a male patient of one year of age, with antecedents of bronchial asthma. His mother referred that 11 days ago the patient had fallen, at the moment when he was consuming peanuts. Some hours later dry cough appears. The mother consulted the area polyclinic, where the patient was prescribed prednisone by oral way for three days, with which she notices some improvement, but cough did not disappear totally. Six days after the event, the patients presented a 100ºF fever with peaks daily, which drifted when dipyrone pills were administered. As long as the symptoms prevailed (cough and fever), the mother takes the child again to the doctors, where he is taken a thorax radiography, which shows an atelectasis image at the right lung level, a reason why he is decided to be referred to Juan Manuel Márquez Hospital. <![CDATA[<b>Calcaneal spur shockwave complemented with electroacupuncture</b>]]> El síntoma más importante del espolón calcáneo es el dolor, que se agrava con la carga estando el paciente parado o caminando; localizado en la zona del talón y de rara irra­diación. Se hace presentación de caso: mujer de 47 años de edad, sobrepeso, larga estancia de pie laborando en una cafetería, con espolón calcáneo y la descripción técnica de un único golpe en región plantar, complementado con electroacupuntura por su efecto analgésico y antiinflamatorio. La técnica se aplica por personal calificado y especializado de salud pública.<hr/>The most important symptom of the calcaneal spur is pain, which worsening with the weight charge as the patients is standing up or walking; located in the heel area and of rare irradiation. Case presentation: women of 47 years of age, overweight, long time standing up as she works in a cafeteria, with a calcaneal spur and the technical description of an only plantar region shockwave, complemented with electroacupuncture for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. The technique was applied by the qualified and specialized public health personal. <![CDATA[<b>Cuban Journal on Comprehensive Family Medicine</b>: <b>more results and new challenges</b>]]> El síntoma más importante del espolón calcáneo es el dolor, que se agrava con la carga estando el paciente parado o caminando; localizado en la zona del talón y de rara irra­diación. Se hace presentación de caso: mujer de 47 años de edad, sobrepeso, larga estancia de pie laborando en una cafetería, con espolón calcáneo y la descripción técnica de un único golpe en región plantar, complementado con electroacupuntura por su efecto analgésico y antiinflamatorio. La técnica se aplica por personal calificado y especializado de salud pública.<hr/>The most important symptom of the calcaneal spur is pain, which worsening with the weight charge as the patients is standing up or walking; located in the heel area and of rare irradiation. Case presentation: women of 47 years of age, overweight, long time standing up as she works in a cafeteria, with a calcaneal spur and the technical description of an only plantar region shockwave, complemented with electroacupuncture for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. The technique was applied by the qualified and specialized public health personal. <![CDATA[<b>On the article Realization of the antigen-specific prostatic test from the first level of medical care</b>]]> El síntoma más importante del espolón calcáneo es el dolor, que se agrava con la carga estando el paciente parado o caminando; localizado en la zona del talón y de rara irra­diación. Se hace presentación de caso: mujer de 47 años de edad, sobrepeso, larga estancia de pie laborando en una cafetería, con espolón calcáneo y la descripción técnica de un único golpe en región plantar, complementado con electroacupuntura por su efecto analgésico y antiinflamatorio. La técnica se aplica por personal calificado y especializado de salud pública.<hr/>The most important symptom of the calcaneal spur is pain, which worsening with the weight charge as the patients is standing up or walking; located in the heel area and of rare irradiation. Case presentation: women of 47 years of age, overweight, long time standing up as she works in a cafeteria, with a calcaneal spur and the technical description of an only plantar region shockwave, complemented with electroacupuncture for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. The technique was applied by the qualified and specialized public health personal. <![CDATA[<b>Pregnancy in the adolescence</b>: <b>addressing the epidemic</b>]]> El síntoma más importante del espolón calcáneo es el dolor, que se agrava con la carga estando el paciente parado o caminando; localizado en la zona del talón y de rara irra­diación. Se hace presentación de caso: mujer de 47 años de edad, sobrepeso, larga estancia de pie laborando en una cafetería, con espolón calcáneo y la descripción técnica de un único golpe en región plantar, complementado con electroacupuntura por su efecto analgésico y antiinflamatorio. La técnica se aplica por personal calificado y especializado de salud pública.<hr/>The most important symptom of the calcaneal spur is pain, which worsening with the weight charge as the patients is standing up or walking; located in the heel area and of rare irradiation. Case presentation: women of 47 years of age, overweight, long time standing up as she works in a cafeteria, with a calcaneal spur and the technical description of an only plantar region shockwave, complemented with electroacupuncture for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. The technique was applied by the qualified and specialized public health personal.