Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Revista Cubana de Medicina General Integral]]> vol. 33 num. 1 lang. en <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<b>Fidel Castro Ruz</b>: <b>protagonist</b><b> of the Cuban Journal of Family Medicine</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Clinical-epidemiological characterization of high blood pressure in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Educative intervention about child mistreatment applied to special education workers</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Analysis of the health situation of a family doctor's office</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Dynamics of HIV acquisition</b>: <b>definitions by Cuban seropositives</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Are families living in poverty conditions poor?</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Knowledge, attitudes and practice about TV in students from a Peruvian University</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Assessment of the profesional training in the specialty of family medicine</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>An approach to the family educative function</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>A healthy diet in professors</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Human leptospirosis</b>: <b>an epidemiologic approach from environmental factors</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Herpes zoster of scarcely frequent localization on an immune-compromised adolescent</b>]]> Se describe el caso de un paciente de 16 años, inmunocompetente, con herpes zoster localizado en la región glútea izquierda, que evolucionó satisfactoriamente. El paciente tiene antecedente de no estar vacunado con la vacuna antivaricela ni haberse contagiado de la varicela, su madre padeció esta enfermedad a las 28 semanas de su embarazo. El herpes zoster aparece cada vez más en la adolescencia e infancia. La localización glútea es una localización poco frecuente.<hr/>The case is described of an immunocompetent 16-year-old female patient with herpes zoster located in the left gluteal region, which evolved satisfactorily. The patient has a history of not being vaccinated with the vaccine anicaricela nor infected with chickenpox, her mother suffered from this disease at 28 weeks of pregnancy. Herpes zoster appears more and more in adolescence and childhood. The gluteal location is a rare location. <![CDATA[<b>Impact of anemia on a pregnant woman and importance of preconception risk</b>]]> Se describe el caso de un paciente de 16 años, inmunocompetente, con herpes zoster localizado en la región glútea izquierda, que evolucionó satisfactoriamente. El paciente tiene antecedente de no estar vacunado con la vacuna antivaricela ni haberse contagiado de la varicela, su madre padeció esta enfermedad a las 28 semanas de su embarazo. El herpes zoster aparece cada vez más en la adolescencia e infancia. La localización glútea es una localización poco frecuente.<hr/>The case is described of an immunocompetent 16-year-old female patient with herpes zoster located in the left gluteal region, which evolved satisfactorily. The patient has a history of not being vaccinated with the vaccine anicaricela nor infected with chickenpox, her mother suffered from this disease at 28 weeks of pregnancy. Herpes zoster appears more and more in adolescence and childhood. The gluteal location is a rare location. <![CDATA[<b>Bullying</b>: <b>historical</b><b> and cultural aspects and their consequences for health</b>]]> Se describe el caso de un paciente de 16 años, inmunocompetente, con herpes zoster localizado en la región glútea izquierda, que evolucionó satisfactoriamente. El paciente tiene antecedente de no estar vacunado con la vacuna antivaricela ni haberse contagiado de la varicela, su madre padeció esta enfermedad a las 28 semanas de su embarazo. El herpes zoster aparece cada vez más en la adolescencia e infancia. La localización glútea es una localización poco frecuente.<hr/>The case is described of an immunocompetent 16-year-old female patient with herpes zoster located in the left gluteal region, which evolved satisfactorily. The patient has a history of not being vaccinated with the vaccine anicaricela nor infected with chickenpox, her mother suffered from this disease at 28 weeks of pregnancy. Herpes zoster appears more and more in adolescence and childhood. The gluteal location is a rare location.