Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Revista Cubana de Química]]> vol. 32 num. 3 lang. en <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[Performance of vertical flow constructed wetlands in the treatment of municipal wastewaters]]> RESUMEN Se evaluó el desempeño de humedales construidos de flujo vertical tipo francés de diferentes configuraciones, para el tratamiento de agua residual doméstica en el Departamento del Tarn en Francia. Asimismo, se evalúa el funcionamiento de estos sistemas, a nivel de mesocomos, para la remoción de contaminantes emergentes en el tratamiento terciario del efluente de una planta municipal en México, comparando dos especies de macrófitas, Phragmites australis y Typha latifolia. Los resultados obtenidos en el Tarn muestran que estos sistemas logran altas tasas de remoción de la materia orgánica y el nitrógeno, con un funcionamiento estable en el tiempo. En Izúcar de Matamoros, al comparar las dos macrófitas, se observaron resultados de remoción de la carga orgánica y de algunos microcontaminantes orgánicos, ligeramente mejores para la Typha latifolia, con valores de turbiedad que se acercan al valor establecido para agua de uso público urbano según la normatividad de México.<hr/>ABSTRACT It was evaluated the performance of French vertical flow constructed wetlands of different configurations, for the treatment of domestic residual water in the Tarn Department in France. Likewise, the functioning of these systems, at the mesocomos level, for the removal of emerging contaminants in the tertiary treatment of the effluent of a municipal plant in Izúcar de Matamoros, Mexico was evaluated, comparing two species of macrophytes, Phragmites australis and Typha latifolia. The results obtained in the Tarn show that these systems achieve high removal rates of organic matter and nitrogen, with a stable operation over time. In Izúcar de Matamoros, when comparing the two macrophytes, were observed slightly better results of organic load and some organic micropollutants removal for Typha latifolia, with turbidity values that approach the value established for urban public use water accordingly to Mexican regulations. <![CDATA[Characterization of the <em>Curcuma longa</em> L. Essential oil and its insecticidal activity against <em>aedes aegypti</em>]]> RESUMEN Con la finalidad de determinar el potencial insecticida frente Aedes aegypti del aceite esencial de los rizomas de Curcuma longa L., este fue extraído por hidrodestilación y su calidad evaluada por parámetros organolépticos y físico-químicos como índice de refracción (1,496 9), rotación óptica (-33,412), densidad (0,937 3 g/mL) y sus espectros de absorción ultravioleta e infrarrojo. El aceite evidenció actividad larvicida significativa con CL50 inferior a 100 mg/L y por las metodologías de botellas y de papeles impregnados produjo el 100 % de derribo de los mosquitos adultos a dosis de 50 mg/mL. El procesamiento de los datos de los bioensayos se realizó mediante la prueba Probit del programa estadístico SPSS (versión 11 para Windows). Los resultados obtenidos constituyen la primera caracterización del aceite esencial de C. longa cultivada en la región oriental cubana y su actividad insecticida una alternativa ecológica y efectiva para el control de mosquitos Aedes aegypti.<hr/>ABSTRACT In order to determine the insecticidal potential against Aedes aegypti of the essential oil of the rhizomes of Curcuma longa L., this was extracted by hydrodistillation and its quality evaluated by organoleptic and physicochemical parameters such as refractive index (1,4969), optical rotation (-33,412), density (0,937 3 g/mL) and its ultraviolet and infrared absorption spectra. The oil showed significant larvicidal activity with LC50 lower than 100 mg/L and by the methodologies of bottles and impregnated papers it produced 100% of the knockdown of adult mosquitoes at doses of 50 mg/mL. The processing of the bioassay data was performed using the Probit test of the SPSS statistical program (version 11 for Windows). The results obtained constitute the first characterization of the essential oil of C. longa cultivated in the eastern Cuban region and its insecticidal activity, an ecological and effective alternative for the control of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. <![CDATA[Phytochemical, antibacterial and molluscicidal evaluation of leaf extracts of <em>Agave</em> spp]]> RESUMEN Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo evaluar las propiedades fitoquímicas, antibacterianas y molusquicidas de extractos de Agave americana y Agave angustifolia. Las hojas se lavaron, secaron y pulverizaron. Se determinó la presencia de metabolitos primarios y secundarios en extractos acuosos y etanólicos. Se evaluó la actividad antibacteriana de los extractos hidroalcohólicos frente a Staphylococcus aureus y Escherichia coli mediante el método de difusión en pocillos y la actividad molusquicida de extractos acuosos frente Praticolella griseola. Se observó la presencia de terpenos, flavonoides, saponinas, esteroides, taninos, cumarinas y glucósidos cardiotónicos en ambas especies. A. angustifolia mostró valores elevados de actividad antibacteriana frente a S. aureus (22,7 mm) y a E. coli (16,0 mm). Agave americana evidenció un efecto molusquicida elevado con una mortalidad del 100 % a las 4 h de aplicado el extracto. Los resultados evidencian las potencialidades de estas especies como fuentes de metabolitos con actividad antibacteriana y molusquicida.<hr/>ABSTRACT The aim of the present work was to evaluate the phytochemical, antibacterial and molluscicidal properties of Agave americana and Agave angustifolia. The leaves were washed, dried and pulverized. It was determined the presence of primary and secondary metabolites in aqueous and hydro-alcoholic extracts. The antibacterial activity of the hydro-alcoholic extracts was determined against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli, by using the well diffusion method. The molluscicidal activity of the aqueous extracts was assayed against Praticolella griseola. Terpens, flavonoids, saponins, steroids, tannins, coumarins and cardiac glycosides were found in both plant species. A. angustifolia showed the higher antibacterial activity against S. aureus (22,7 mm) and E. coli (16,0 mm). Agave americana showed a high molluscicidal activity with a mortality of 100 % after 4 h of extract application. The results suggest the potentialities of both plant species as sources of metabolites with antibacterial and molluscicidal activities. <![CDATA[Phytochemical study of the cuban endemic species Zanthoxylum pseudodumosum, a plant with potential antifungal activity]]> RESUMEN Zanthoxylum pseudodumosum es una planta aromática endémica de Cuba que ha sido poco estudiada, por lo que el objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la composición química de diferentes productos preparados a partir de la misma, así como evaluar la actividad antifúngica “in vitro” frente a A. solani. De sus hojas se obtuvo el aceite esencial mediante hidrodestilación, así como los extractos hexánico e hidroalcohólico mediante maceración. Se realizó la caracterización fitoquímica de las fracciones aisladas mediante ensayos químicos y con ayuda de la cromatografía de capa delgada. Los productos obtenidos se ensayaron frente al hongo fitopatógeno Alternaria solani, obteniendo los valores de Concentración Mínima Inhibitoria (CMI) mediante el método de microdilución. Los principales metabolitos encontrados fueron terpenos, alcaloides, cumarinas, antraquinonas, esteroides y compuestos fenólicos. El extracto hexánico mostró buena actividad antifúngica con un valor de CMI de 1000 μgmL-1, seguido del aceite esencial con 2000 μgmL-1.<hr/>ABSTRACT Zanthoxylum pseudodumosum is an endemic aromatic plant from Cuba that has been little studied, for this reason the aim of this work was to determinate the chemical composition of different products prepared from it, as well as to evaluate the antifungal activity in vitro against A. solani. The essential oil was obtained from its leaves by hydrodistillation, as well as the hexane and hydroalcoholic extracts by maceration. The phytochemical characterization of the isolated fractions was performed by chemical tests and with the help of thin layer chromatography. The products obtained were tested against the phytopathogenic fungus Alternaria solani, obtaining the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) values by the microdilution method. The main metabolites found were terpenes, alkaloids, coumarins, anthraquinones, steroids and phenolic compounds. Hexane extract showed good antifungal activity with a MIC value of 1000 μgml-1, followed by essential oil with 2000 μgml-1. <![CDATA[Effect of homeopathic products and oligosaccharides on Solanum lycopersicum L, quality variety “floradade”]]> RESUMEN Se evaluó el efecto de dos productos homeopáticos: Phosphoricum acidum (PA7CH) y Silicea terra (ST13CH) en dinamizaciones 7CH y 13CH, y oligosacáridos del QuitoMax® con concentraciones de 1 y 2 g.L-1en indicadores de la calidad de frutos de tomate (pH, capacidad antioxidante, sólidos solubles, carbohidratos solubles totales, vitamina C, β-caroteno, polifenoles y lignina), empleando un diseño de bloques completamente aleatorizados. Los datos fueron evaluados mediante un análisis de varianza de clasificación simple y comparación múltiple de medias por la prueba de Tukey (p≤0,05). Los productos homeopáticos y los oligosacáridos del QuitoMax® mejoraron la calidad de los frutos de tomate, destacándose el producto homeopático PA7CH con los mejores resultados en cuanto a: pH, capacidad antioxidante, contenido de lignina y polifenoles. Los restantes indicadores no fueron significativamente afectados por la acción de estos productos activos.<hr/>ABSTRACT The effect of two homeopathic products: Phosphoricum acidum (PA7CH) and Silicea terra (ST13CH) in dynamics of 7CH y 13CH respectively and oligosaccharides from QuitoMax® in concentrations of 1 g L-1 y 2 g L-1 on indicators of tomato fruits quality (pH, antioxidant capacity, soluble solids, soluble total carbohydrates, vitamin C, β-carotene, polyphenols and lignin) was evaluated, using a randomized completely design. The data were statistically analyzed by a variance analysis of simple classification and comparison of means by the Tukey test (p&lt;0,05). The homeopathic products and oligosaccharides from QuitoMax® improved the tomato fruits quality, and the homeopathic product PA7CH highlighted with the best results according to: pH, antioxidant capacity, lignin content and polyphenols. The others indicators were not significantly affected by effect of these active products. <![CDATA[Physical and physical-chemical quality of the tomato (<em>Lycopersicon esculentum Mill</em>) variety chico and cachilende produced in Huambo]]> RESUMO O objetivo foi avaliar a qualidade do tomate, variedades Chico e Cachilende, produzidos no Longonjo, Angola, a través dos parâmetros físicos e físico-químicos do fruto e sua avaliação estatística, para diferentes estados de maturação e diferentes épocas de colheita. As análises consistiram na determinação de: sólidos solúveis totais por refractometria, acidez total titulavel por volumetria, pH por potenciometria, humidade e cinzas por gravimetria. A massa foi determinada em balança analítica, e os diâmetros transversal e longitudinal com paquímetros. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com três ou quatro repetições. Os dados relativos às variáveis estudadas foram submetidos à análise da variância e, as médias, comparadas pelo teste de Tukey (p&lt;0,05). Demostrou-se que o diferente nível de maturação influência mais os parâmetros físico-químicos que a diferente época de colheita. Concluiu-se que a variedade Chico apresentou melhores características físico-químicas e propõe-se tanto para consumo in natura como para a sua transformação.<hr/>ABSTRACT The objective was to evaluate the quality of the tomato, varieties Chico and Cachilende, produced in Longonjo, Angola, through the physical and physical-chemical parameters of the fruit. It was also made its statistical evaluation, for different states of maturation and different seasons of harvest. The analyzes consisted of the determination of: total soluble solids by refractometry, total acidity titratable by volumetry, pH by potentiometry, moisture and ash by gravimetry. The mass was determined on analytical balance, and the transversal and longitudinal diameters with calipers. The experimental design used was completely randomized, with three or four repetitions. The data related to the studied variables were submitted to analysis of variance. It has been shown that the different level of maturation influences the physicochemical parameters more than the different harvest season. It was concluded that the Chico variety showed better physical and chemical characteristics and is proposed both for fresh consumption and for its transformation. <![CDATA[Internal verification and application of the official method for the determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in sediments]]> RESUMEN Los hidrocarburos aromáticos policíclicos (HAPs) son considerados contaminantes orgánicos persistentes en el medio ambiente. Por su toxicidad, algunos de ellos son catalogados como cancerígenos en humanos. En este trabajo se asimilaron los procedimientos correspondientes a la metodología US EPA 8100 y se desarrolló la verificación interna del método analítico por cromatografía gaseosa, combinado con la extracción asistida con ultrasonidos, para la determinación de Hidrocarburos Aromáticos Policíclicos (HAPs) en sedimentos. Para la verificación del método analítico se siguió lo establecido en la NC TS 368: 2010. El método resultó ser lineal, preciso y exacto. Mediante el empleo del método verificado se estudió la contaminación de sedimentos del embalse Hanabanilla, mostrando presencia de Antraceno, Fenantreno y Criseno de origen pirogénico, así como en la desembocadura de los ríos Salado y Damují hacia la bahía de Cienfuegos, donde fue posible cuantificar 7 de los 15 HAPs en estudio.<hr/>ABSTRACT Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are considered persistent organic pollutants in the environment. Due to their toxicity, some of them are classified as carcinogenic to humans. In this work, the procedures corresponding to the US EPA 8100 methodology for the determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in sediments, based on gas chromatography analysis after ultrasound-assisted extraction, have been assimilated and internally verified. Method verification was carried out according to NC TS 368: 2010. The method proved to be linear, precise and exact. Once verified, the method was used to study the contamination of sediments from Hanabanilla nab (presence of anthracene, phenanthrene and chrysene of pyrogenic origin was found), as well as at the mouth of Salado and Damují rivers towards the Cienfuegos bay, where seven of the fifteen studied PAHs were found. <![CDATA[Optimization of Cd (II) adsorption in polymer blends: analysis by factorial design]]> RESUMO A contaminação por metais pesados ocorre principalmente por efluentes industriais, tendo como microcontaminante importante o cádmio, que pode acarretar em riscos a saúde ambiental e humana (danos renais e hepáticos). Assim, análises de novos sistemas de adsorção são requeridos, de forma que, o presente estudo objetivou avaliar a interação de vários fatores, em fatorial design na adsorção de cádmio em solução aquosa pela blenda polimérica Pva/amido/Hap. As variáveis experimentais foram pH da solução (2,0 &lt;A &lt;6,0), concentração inicial de cádmio em solução (50 &lt;B &lt;150 mg / L), massa adsorvente (0,02 &lt;C &lt;0,06 g) e tempo de processamento (6 &lt;D &lt;24 h). O planejamento fatorial apresentou um coeficiente de determinação (R²) de 0,982 6. A combinação dos fatores pH (A) e concentração inicial (B) apresentarem uma melhor condição para remoção do cádmio em valores de concentração iniciais baixos com relação ao aumento do pH.<hr/>ABSTRACT The contamination by heavy metals occurs mainly by industrial effluents, having as important microcontaminant the cadmium, which can cause environmental and human health risks (renal and hepatic damages). Thus, the analysis of new adsorption systems is required, so that the present study aimed to evaluate the interaction of several factors, in factorial design in the adsorption of cadmium in aqueous solution by polymer PVA / amide / Hap polymer. Experimental variables were solution pH (2,0 &lt;A &lt;6,0), initial concentration of cadmium in solution (50 &lt;B &lt;150 mg / L), adsorbent mass (0,02 &lt;C &lt;0,06 g) and processing time (6 &lt;D &lt;24 h). The factorial design presented a coefficient of determination (R²) of 0,982 6. The combination of the pH (A) and the initial (B) factors present a better condition for removal of the cadmium at low initial concentration values relative to the increase in pH. <![CDATA[Comprehensive study on chromate ions removal at different basicity whit zeolite of natural mordenite type]]> RESUMEN En este trabajo se presenta un estudio comprensivo sobre la remoción de iones cromato (CrO4 2-) de disoluciones acuosas, para diferentes niveles de alcalinidad, con la zeolita natural tipo Mordenita del yacimiento de Palmarito de Cauto. Se determinó la densidad de carga superficial y el punto de carga cero (p.z.c.) para esta zeolita, cuyo valor indica que este ion se adsorbe en este mineral mediante un mecanismo de adsorción específica, asociado con la formación de una doble capa eléctrica. Mediante la espectroscopia de emisión atómica, espectroscopia infrarroja (FT-IR) y Microscopía electrónica de barrido (MEB) con EDX se demostró que esta zeolita remueve cromo de estas disoluciones, lo cual ocurre independientemente de su nivel de basicidad. El mineral posee un efecto neutralizante significativo sobre las disoluciones alcalinas. Los resultados proporcionan información que amplía las potencialidades de utilidad de un recurso natural abundante, de bajo costo y gran accesibilidad.<hr/>ABSTRACT This work presents a comprehensive study on chromate ions (CrO4 2-) removal from aqueous solutions for different levels of alkalinity in the natural mordenite zeolite from Palmarito de Cauto deposit. The Surface charge density and zero charge point (p.z.c.) values of the zeolite were determined, which lead to outline that these ions are adsorbed on this mineral in a specifically form and it was associated with the formation of an electric layer double. Through atomic emission spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and scanning electron microscopy (MEB) with EDX was showed that this zeolite removes chromium from the aqueous solutions of chromate ions and it occurs independently of its basicity level. The mineral has a significant neutralizing effect on alkaline solutions. The results provide information that expands the useful potential of an abundant natural resource, with low cost and great accessibility. <![CDATA[Removal of copper from contaminated waters using rhamnolipids]]> RESUMEN El empleo de ramnolípidos constituye una alternativa atractiva y ecocompatible en la remediación de ambientes contaminados con metales pesados. En el presente trabajo se evaluó la capacidad del ramnolípido producido por P. aeruginosa ORA9 de remover cobre en aguas contaminadas de la Laguna Azul del Cobre, para controlar y disminuir el riesgo humano y ambiental que estas aguas representan. Se estudió la influencia del pH de la solución de ramnolípidos (4-10), el tiempo de contacto (2-10 horas) y la concentración del biosurfactante (40-120 mg L-1) en el proceso, a través de un diseño factorial Box-Bhenken. Se observó un incremento del porcentaje de remoción de cobre, proporcional al tiempo de contacto y la concentración del biosurfactante, alcanzándose un 48 % de remoción a las 10 h y 120 mg L-1. Los resultados obtenidos indican que los ramnolípidos pueden utilizarse en el diseño de una tecnología para remover cobre en aguas contaminadas.<hr/>ABSTRACT The use of rhamnolipids constitutes an attractive and eco-compatible alternative in the remediation of contaminated environments with heavy metals. In the present work, the ability of rhamnolipid produced by P. aeruginosa ORA9 to remove copper in contaminated waters of the Blue Lagoon of El Cobre, was evaluated, to control and reduce the human and environmental risk that these waters represent. The influence of the pH of the rhamnolipid solution (4-10), the contact time (2-10 hours) and the concentration of the biosurfactant (40-120 mg L-1) in the process were studied, through a factorial design Box-Bhenken. An increase in the percentage of copper removal proportional to the contact time and the concentration of the biosurfactant was observed, reaching 48 % removal at 10 h and 120 mg L-1. The results obtained indicate that rhamnolipids can be used in the design of a technology to remove copper in polluted contaminated waters. <![CDATA[Evaluation of the anti-angiogenic activity of methyl jasmonate in chorioallantoic membrane of chicken embryos by means of digital image analysis]]> RESUMEN Se presenta un estudio para medir el efecto del Metil Jasmonato (MJ) sobre la angiogénesis en muestras de membrana corioalantoica (CAM) de embriones de pollos, usando un sistema de análisis de imágenes. Se consideran como características: puntos terminales, puntos de bifurcación, densidad de área, longitud vascular y dimensión fractal, entre otras. Además, se incluye la clasificación de los vasos sanguíneos usando las taxonomías de Strahler y Tokunaga, lo que permite clasificar segmentos de estructuras jerárquicas. Para la evaluación de los resultados se emplearon muestras control y otras tratadas con MJ en agua y liposomas en tres concentraciones 7.5, 15 y 30 µM. La tendencia anti-angiogénica se corroboró en el ambiente de liposomas considerando la disminución de los valores cuantitativos de todas las características valoradas con respecto a las muestras control. Los resultados obtenidos concuerdan con datos de la literatura respecto a la mejor biodisponibilidad asociada con el vehículo lipídico.<hr/>ABSTRACT A study is presented to measure the effect of Methyl Jasmonate (MJ) on angiogenesis in chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) samples from chicken embryos, using an imaging analysis software. The characteristics considered are: terminal points, bifurcation points, area density, vascular length and fractal dimension, among others. In addition, the classification of blood vessels using Strahler and Tokunaga taxonomies is included, which allows classifying segments of hierarchical structures. For the evaluation of the results, control samples and others treated with MJ in water and liposomes are used in three concentrations 7.5, 15 and 30 µM. The anti-angiogenic tendency was corroborated in the environment of liposomes considering the decrease of the quantitative values of all the evaluated characteristics with regard to the control samples. The results obtained agree with data from literature regarding the best bioavailability associated to the lipid vehicle.