Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Revista Médica Electrónica]]> vol. 32 num. 4 lang. es <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<strong>Neumotórax en pacientes con SIDA</strong>: <strong>Actualización sobre el tema</strong>]]> La aparición de neumotórax como complicación de la neumonía por Pneumocistis carinii (PCP) en pacientes con SIDA, es muy frecuente desde los inicios de la pandemia en 1982, y comporta gran mortalidad. En este trabajo se reporta una serie de 25 pacientes con neumotórax como complicación de la Pneumocistis carinii en pacientes con SIDA, tratado por los autores durante cinco a ños de trabajo discontinuos en el cono sur africano: tres en Sudáfrica y dos en Zimbabwe. Se reportan los datos demográficos y el estado de los mismos al llegar a la sala de cirugía y su evolución después de tratados quirúrgicamente. La toracotomía fue necesaria en ocho pacientes (32 %), diez pacientes necesitaron cuidados de terapia intensiva (40 %), y la mortalidad global fue del 32 %. Se revisa la información actualizada sobre el tema, destacando las pautas terapéuticas más aceptadas internacionalmente. Conflictos de interés: Los autores no declaran conflicto de interés con editores, patrocinadores ni otros autores.<hr/>Pneumothorax as a Pneumocistis carinii pneumonia complication in patients with AIDS is very frequent since the pandemic beginnings in 1982, and it is accompanied by a high mortality. In this work we report a series of 25 patients with Pneumothorax as a Pneumocistis carinii pneumonia complication in patients with AIDS, treated by the authors during five years of discontinuous work in the Southern Africa cone: three years in South Africa and two years in Zimbabwe. We report demographic data, the status of the patients when they arrived to the Surgery Service and their evolution after surgery. Thoracotomy was needed in eight patients (32 %), ten patients needed intensive care (40 %), and the global mortality was 32 %. We review the updated information on the theme, emphasizing the most accepted therapeutic guidelines at the international level. <![CDATA[<strong>Caracterización de la hipertensión arterial en el adulto mayor en el municipio Villalba, </strong><b> <strong>Nueva Esparta, Venezuela. </strong></b><strong>2006 </strong>]]> Arterial hypertension in elder people is a common problem reaching a prevalence of 60 to 80 % in persons older than 60 years old. We carried out a transversal observational descriptive study, during the period from January 1 st to December 31 st 2006, at the doctor´s offices of Barrio Adentro mission of the Integral Communitarian Health Area # 7, municipality of Villalba, in Nueva Esparta State, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. We studied 240 hypertensive people older than 60 years old, corresponding with the universe, and analyzed variables allowing us to characterize the disease in the cases according to age, genre, etiologic classification, level, risk facts and target affected organ. Data were obtained from the medical records, questionnaires and medical examination. The 70-to-79-years-old group with 47 %, and the female genre with 61, 25 % had the higher percentages. Among the risk facts, the highest percents corresponded to smoking, obesity and sedentarism. According to the etiologic classification, 91 % corresponded to primary, and Grade I with 70 %. 83,75 % of the studied patients had lesions in the target organ and the retina was the most affected one, followed by heart and brain. <![CDATA[<strong>Conocimientos sobre prevención de infecciones de transmisión sexual en las adolescentes del Policlínico Universitario Reynold García. </strong><strong>Versalles. Enero-marzo, 2008 </strong>]]> We carried out a longitudinal, descriptive type study with the objective of showing the knowledge teenagers have on the prevention of sexually transmitted infections in the Teaching Polyclinic Reynold García, of Versalles, applying an anonymous survey to a group of 60 female 12-to-19 years-old teenagers. Data were processed and the results are shown in tables and graphics. It was significant that most of the teenagers had lack of knowledge on the methods for protecting against sexually transmitted infections, being the condom usage the one they referred to the most. They also committed mistakes on the AIDS transmission ways, and at the same time they did not identified promiscuity as a risk fact for acquiring a sexually transmitted infection. We arrived to the conclusion that there was not an adequate knowledge on sexually transmitted infections and their prevention among the teenagers we studied. <![CDATA[<strong>Efecto antimicrobiano de hojas de </strong><em><b>Melaleuca leucadendron L</b></em><strong>, que crece en la Ciénaga de Zapata</strong>]]> SUMARY Melaleuca leucadendron L is a tree commonly known as cayeput, being an invasive, undesirable species in Cienaga de Zapata, in the province of Matanzas. According to the referred usages, it might be exploited in a reasonable way as an antimicrobial agent. As our objective we pretended to determine antimicrobial activity in the fluid extract of the leaves of this tree wildly growing in the before mentioned territory. The extract was obtained by repercolation and the assay was carried out in vitro, using the methods of diffusion in agar and dilution in a liquid media. Different concentrations of the extract were used against bacteria, yeast, and filamentous fungi. The microbicidal effect of the extract was demonstrated for all the tested microorganisms, establishing values of minimal inhibitory, minimal bactericidal and minimal fungicidal effects of the concentration. The effect kept steady during four years. These results confirm the purpose of using as antimicrobial the raw vegetable material existing in excess in the region. It is recommended to take into account the matters discussed in the study according to the undesirable effects, so other studies are required to deepen in that sense. The evaluation risk-benefit should be observed to use the tree in the medical practice with the precautions also demanded by other well-known antimicrobials. <![CDATA[<strong>Intervención educativa sobre ITS-VHI/sida en estudiantes de la enseñanza preuniversitaria</strong>: <strong>IPVC Carlos Marx. </strong><strong>Años 2008-2009</strong>]]> En Cuba, como en otros países, las infecciones se observan en edades cada vez más tempranas, donde los adolescentes y jóvenes constituyen las poblaciones más vulnerables expuestas al riesgo. En este sentido, la prevención, a través de la educación en las escuelas, representa un poderoso instrumento para lograr la reducción de casos futuros de ITS-VIH/sida. Teniendo en cuenta esta problemática, se realizó un estudio de intervención, seleccionando el Instituto Preuniversitario Vocacional de Ciencias Exactas Carlos Marx, de Matanzas. El estudio se realizó en el período comprendido del curso académico 2008-2009. El universo de estudio estuvo representado por 124 estudiantes de onceno grado, que residían en el municipio de Matanzas; se utilizó para el diagnóstico una encuesta validada, que se encuentra en el libro Metodología para la prevención de las ITS-VIH/sida en adolescentes y jóvenes. La mayoría de los estudiantes tenían nociones inadecuadas al respecto. A partir de las dificultades encontradas, se diseñó un programa de capacitación; teniéndose en cuenta las necesidades de aprendizaje, y los horarios de las actividades docentes. Se les fue entregado un manual instructivo para la prevención de las ITS-VIH/sida, que contiene mensajes educativos y técnicas participativas, el cual brindó respuesta a los principales problemas identificados, relacionados con los conocimientos sobre ITS-VIH/sida en este nivel de enseñanza. Al finalizar la intervención, se constató un incremento de los conocimientos de los mismos acerca de las infecciones de transmisión sexual, lo cual indica una necesaria sistematicidad en la labor educativa.<hr/>In Cuba, as in other countries, sexually transmitted infections are observed in more and more early ages, and teenagers and young people are the most vulnerable populations exposed to risk. In this sense the prevention, through education in schools, represents a powerful instrument to achieve the reduction of future cases of STI-HIV/AIDS. Taking into account this problem, we carried out an interventional study in the Pre-university Vocational Institute of Exact Sciences Carlos Marx, of Matanzas, during the school year 2008-2009. The universe of the study was formed by 124 11-grade students; for the diagnosis we used a validated questionnaire we found in the book “Methodology for the prevention of the STI-HIV/AIDS in teenagers and young people”. Most of the students had inadequate notions on the theme. On the bases of the found difficulties, we designed a Capacitating Program, taking into account the learning necessities and the lessons schedule. They were given and instructive manual for the prevention of the STI-HIV/AIDS, containing educative Messages and participative techniques that answered the main problems identified, related with the knowledge on STI-HIV/AIDS at this educational level. When the intervention was finished, we stated an increase of the students' knowledge on sexually transmitted infections, indicating a systematical necessity of the educative work. <![CDATA[<strong>Dolor disfunción de la articulación temporomandibular asociado a la </strong><b> <strong>sintomatología ótica. Hospital Universitario Clínico-Quirúrgico Comandante Faustino Pérez Hérnandez. Matanzas. Enero 2007-enero 2008</strong></b>]]> Temporomandibular joints are located before the ears and bond the jawbones with the crania base through ligaments and muscles; they also integrate the oclusal surfaces of the teeth; it makes hinging movements in anterior-posterior sense, containing a fiber-gristly disc to avoid frictions; whatever alteration in any of its parts may cause a pain dysfunction syndrome, manifested in the person as myofacial pain, cephalea, earache or auditive symptoms. Describing the relation between otic symptomatology and temporomandibular dysfunction. We studied 123 patients, with referred otic symptoms, remitted to the orthodontic consultation with negative diagnosis of otolaryngologic disease. For the clinical examination we used the Krogh Paulsen Test to diagnose dysfunction. 115 patients presented temporomandibular join dysfunction with 93,5 % and as subjective symptoms, myofacial pain, cephalea and otalgia were considered the most significant. Stress was a risk fact presented by 91,1 %, followed by oclusal problems. We stated that there is a relation between the temporomandibular disturbances and otic symptomatology, being women the ones who tended to suffer the disease more frequently. <![CDATA[<strong>Enfermedad de Kawasaki. Aspectos a considerar </strong>]]> La enfermedad de Kawasaki ha sido objeto de interés por epidemiólogos, clínicos e investigadores, desde su primera descripción en 1967. Su causa no se ha podido identificar, aunque las principales hipótesis apuntan a una etiología infecciosa. Desde el punto de vista patogénico, la incapacidad de recuperar un agente infeccioso en forma consistente y las evidencias anatomopatológicas y de laboratorio de una activación de la inmunidad celular y humoral, tienden a situar la enfermedad de Kawasaki en la categoría de una enfermedad autoinmune. Uno de los principales problemas actuales es la demora en el diagnóstico, que se correlaciona con un peor pronóstico en cuanto a las principales secuelas de la enfermedad, entre las que destaca el compromiso de los vasos coronarios. En este trabajo se realiza una revisión de la enfermedad y se muestra la importancia del diagnóstico y tratamiento precoz, así como se señalan apuntes del comportamiento de esta afección en el Hospital Provincial Pediátrico Docente Eliseo Noel Caamaño, de Matanzas, en el período de 2001 al 2010.<hr/>Kawasaki disease has been studied by epidemiologists, clinicians and researchers, since it was described firstly in 1967. Its cause has not been identified, though the main hypothesis point out to an infectious etiology. From the pathogenic point of view, the incapacity of recovering an infectious agent in a consistent way and the anatomopathological and laboratory evidences of a cellular and humoral immunity activation tend to place Kawasaki disease in the category of an autoimmune disease. One of the main current problems is the diagnosis delay, correlated with a worst prognostic of the main consequences of the disease, the compromise of the coronary vases among them. In this work we make a review of the disease and show the importance of the precocious diagnostic and treatment, and also present notes of the behavior of this disease at the Teaching Provincial Pediatric Hospital Eliseo Noel Caamaño, of Matanzas, in the period from 2001 to 2010. <![CDATA[<strong>Principales manifestaciones de la violencia intrafamiliar en pacientes de la tercera edad, como factor de riesgo para la conservación de la salud</strong>: <strong>Hospital Universitario Clínico Quirúrgico Comandante Faustino Pérez Hernández. Junio 2008-junio 2009 </strong>]]> Se realizó un estudio descriptivo longitudinal, en el Hospital Universitario Clínico Quirúrgico Comandante Faustino Pérez Hernández, de la provincia de Matanzas, en un período comprendido de junio de 2008 a junio de 2009, sobre el comportamiento de la violencia intrafamiliar en pacientes adultos mayores que ingresaron por razones de salud en los servicios de Geriatría, Medicina Interna y Urología. Dicho estudio tuvo como objetivo general diagnosticar las principales características y manifestaciones de la violencia intrafamiliar. La muestra quedó constituida por 50 pacientes, que cumplieron con los criterios de selección, o sea, pacientes adultos mayores que ingresaron por diferentes alteraciones somáticas en los servicios antes mencionados, y que dieron su consentimiento verbal y escrito de participar en la investigación. El criterio de selección de la muestra respondió al objeto de estudio y a las características de la investigación. Se utilizó el método no probabilístico de forma intencional, basado en la voluntariedad, confidencialidad y anonimato, por las características especiales de los sujetos a estudiar. En la contemporaneidad se expresa la violencia intrafamiliar como un grave problema social y de salud, puesto que sus secuelas afectan la salud física y psicológica de las personas, siendo los niños, las mujeres y los ancianos las personas más vulnerables. Por esta razón fue necesario realizar este estudio, que demostró la magnitud de esta problemática y su repercusión social, así como las afectaciones que provoca a la salud humana. Los métodos empleados para la recolección de la información fue una encuesta validada por otros autores. Los resultados demostraron que en todos los pacientes estudiados existían manifestaciones de violencia familiar, y que sus consecuencias influyen en la calidad de su salud, tanto física como psicológica. Las conclusiones se basaron en la forma de violencia (prevaleciendo la psicológica), además de quedar demostrada la necesidad de estudios de diagnóstico sobre esta problemática en este grupo vulnerable, a fin de poder prevenir y brindar la atención adecuada a este fenómeno.<hr/>We carried out a descriptive longitudinal study, in the Teaching Clinic Surgical Hospital Comandante Faustino Pérez, of the province of Matanzas, in the period from June 2008 to June 2009, on the behavior of intra familial violence in elder patients, entering the services of Geriatrics, Internal Medicine and Urology for health reasons. The general objective of this study was diagnosing the main characteristics and manifestations of the intra familial violence. The sample was formed by 50 patients, fulfilling the selection criteria that are, being elder patients entering the before-mentioned services because of different somatic alterations, and giving their verbal and written consent to participate in the investigation. The sample selection criteria answered the objective of the study and the characteristics of the investigation. We used the non probabilistic method intentionally, based on the willfulness, confidentiality and anonymity, because of the special characteristics of the subjects of the study. Currently, the intra familial violence is a serious social and health problem, because its sequels affect the physical and psychological health of the people, being children, women and elder people the most vulnerable social groups. That was the reason of this research, showing the magnitude of this problem and its social repercussion, and also the disturbances it causes in human health. The method used to collect the information was a questionnaire validated by other authors. The results demonstrated that all the studied patients showed manifestations of intra familial violence, and that its consequences have influence on their physical and psychological health. The conclusions were based in the form violence takes, with a predominance of the psychological one. Besides that, it was stated the necessity of developing diagnostic studies on this problem among this vulnerable group, to prevent and adequately attend this phenomena when it is discovered. <![CDATA[<strong>Cambio climático y salud humana </strong>]]> El cambio climático presenta un abanico de desafíos a la salud humana, aunque muchas de las relaciones son complejas de demostrar, ya que un conjunto amplio de otros factores sociales, conductuales y medioambientales puede afectar también a los resultados sanitarios en cuestión. Es necesario propiciar un mayor reconocimiento de las implicaciones sanitarias del cambio climático para el hombre, a fin de adoptar medidas eficaces y de movilizar a la población.<hr/>The climatic change comprehends a wide spectrum of challenges to human health, although many of the relations are difficult to prove, because a big group of social, behavioral and environmental facts may also affect the sanitary results. It is necessary to propitiate a bigger knowledge of the sanitary complications of the climatic change for the humankind, to adopt efficacious measures and to organize the population. <![CDATA[<strong>Toxoplasmosis ocular</strong>: <strong>Presentación de dos casos </strong>]]> La toxoplasmosis ocular es la causa más frecuente de uveítis posterior de etiología conocida, caracterizada por recurrencias que conllevan a una pérdida significativa de la visión. La manifestación ocular más frecuente es la coriorretinitis, tanto en una primoinfección como en la recidiva de una forma congénita. Se presentan dos casos que acuden a la consulta de oftalmología de la clínica José Martí Ballenita, en Ecuador, por pérdida brusca de visión. A los mismos se les diagnosticó esta enfermedad. El desempeño del oftalmólogo en el diagnóstico precoz de la misma es de vital importancia, para la aplicación de la terapia, tipo de droga a utilizar y duración del tratamiento de forma individualizada con las drogas de elección, y lograr así una consecuente rehabilitación visual.<hr/>The ocular toxoplasmosis is the most frequent cause of posterior uveitis of identified etiology, characterized for recurrences leading to a significant loss of vision. The most frequent ocular manifestation is the chorioretinitis, in a first infection and also in recidivism of a congenital form. We present two cases assisting the ophthalmologic consultation of the clinic José Martí Ballenita, in Ecuador, because of an abrupt loss of vision. The diagnosis of both cases was this disease. It is very important the performance of the ophthalmologist in the precocious diagnosis of the ocular toxoplasmosis, to begging the therapy, determine the kind of drugs to use and the continuation of the treatment with the chosen drugs in an individualized form, reaching that way a consequent visual rehabilitation. <![CDATA[<strong>Pielonefritis en ectopia renal cruzada y fusionada</strong>: <strong>Presentación de caso </strong>]]> La infección urinaria es no sólo la infección bacteriana más frecuente, sino la enfermedad más común del riñón y de las vías urinarias en la edad pediátrica, y un marcador o signo de anormalidades anatómicas o funcionales subyacentes. Se presenta un paciente al cual se le diagnosticó infección del tractus urinario, asociado a ectopia renal cruzada y fusionada con divertículo vesical, en el Hospital Provincial Pediátrico Docente Eliseo Noel Caamaño, de Matanzas, durante el mes de enero de 2009. Describimos la forma de presentación, así como los aspectos clínicos y estudios imagenológicos realizados de manara secuencial, que permitieron llegar al diagnóstico de esta entidad, teniendo en cuenta lo infrecuente que es, y que no se conoce su prevalencia con exactitud.<hr/>The urinary infection is not only the most frequent bacterial infection, but also the most common disease of the kidneys and the urinary tract in the pediatric age, and a marker or sign of underlying anatomic or functional abnormalities. We present a patient with a diagnosed infection of the urinary tract, associated to a crossed and fusioned renal ectopy with vesical diverticulum, treated in the Teaching Provincial Pediatric Hospital Eliseo Noel Caamaño, of Matanzas, on January 2009. We describe the presentation form, and also the clinical aspects and the imagenologic studies made in a sequential form that allowed us to arrive to the diagnosis of this entity, taking into account its infrequency and that its prevalence is not exactly known. <![CDATA[<strong>Rosácea tratada con retinoides</strong>: <strong>Presentación de un caso</strong>]]> La rosácea es una enfermedad inflamatoria crónica, que afecta fundamentalmente zonas centrales de la cara. Es más frecuente en el sexo femenino entre la 3ra y 5ta década de vida. Se presenta un caso que padece de rosácea grado III desde hace 10 años. Esta paciente llevó durante largo tiempo múltiples tratamientos sin resolver, ni mejorar el cuadro clínico. Se le pone tratamiento oral y tópico con retinoides, observándose mejoría evidente a los 6 meses y escasas reacciones adversas.<hr/>Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory disease, affecting mainly the central areas of the face. It is more frequently in the female genre between the 3 rd and the 5 th decade of life. We present a case of a patient suffering III grade rosacea for 10 years. This patient received several treatments for a long time without solving, or improving her clinical features. She was treated orally and topically with retinoids, and her condition evidently improved in six months, with scarcely adverse reactions. <![CDATA[<strong>Parálisis recurrencial y reflujo laringofaríngeo</strong>: <strong>Presentación de caso </strong>]]> The current work describes the case of a male, 45-years-old, asthmatic patient, who begins with a picture of repeated asphyxia. For that reason, he visited several times the family physician, and when there was no improving, he assisted the otolaryngologic consultation, where a recurrent paralysis was detected. He entered the ospital and a tracheotomy was made. The possible etiologic causes were investigated. During the investigation it was detected that the patient had a gastroesophageal reflux. The reflux was treated, and the paralysis improved. Then, a surgical treatment was practiced against the disease for gastroesophageal reflux. <![CDATA[<strong><i>Médica</i></strong>: <strong>Apuntes históricos </strong>]]> The current work describes the case of a male, 45-years-old, asthmatic patient, who begins with a picture of repeated asphyxia. For that reason, he visited several times the family physician, and when there was no improving, he assisted the otolaryngologic consultation, where a recurrent paralysis was detected. He entered the ospital and a tracheotomy was made. The possible etiologic causes were investigated. During the investigation it was detected that the patient had a gastroesophageal reflux. The reflux was treated, and the paralysis improved. Then, a surgical treatment was practiced against the disease for gastroesophageal reflux.