Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Revista Cubana de Enfermería]]> vol. 31 num. 2 lang. pt <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<b>Prevention of the pregnancy in adolescents, a challenge for the community infirmary</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Características sociodemográficas de pacientes con enfermedad de Alzheimer y sus cuidadores principales</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Nivel de conocimientos de los estudiantes de enfermería sobre sexualidad en adolescentes con discapacidad</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Factores que influyen en el abandono precoz de la lactancia materna</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Características sociodemográficas de cuidadores primarios de mujeres con cáncer de mama y clínicas de las pacientes que atendían</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>O cuidar em saúde mental</b>: <b>contribuições fenomenológicas acerca de mulheres trabalhadoras em situação de climatério</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Family caregiver support in the process of institutionalization of a loved one with dementia</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Tensão do papel de cuidador principal diante do cuidado prestado a crianças com câncer</b>]]> The fight against cancer is not an easy process and it is not limited only to the patient but extends to those who are nearest and performing the role of caregiver. This study aimed to assess the diagnosis "Caregiver Role Tension" for caregivers of hospitalized children with cancer. This is an exploratory study with a quantitative approach, performed in a referral hospital in the treatment of childhood cancer the state capital of Pernambuco, Brazil. All primary caregivers of children who fell into our inclusion criteria were part of our study and they are addressed in the range from January to March 2012, scoring a total of 46 primary caregivers of children with cancer. Data were collected through interviews following a structured interview, which included questions containing the defining characteristics of the diagnosis “Caregiver Role Tension". Of the total, 44 (95,65 %) subjects had a diagnosis of "Caregiver Role Tension". Features "individual coping harmed" was the most frequent (84.7 %), followed by stress (82.6 %), and concern with routine care (78,2 %). Cardiovascular diseases mentioned was less (2,1 %), while the " diabetes" has not been mentioned by any caregiver. There is no correlation between the number of defining characteristics of the treatment time. The study showed that caregivers of children with cancer have defining characteristics relevant to point out the presence of the nursing diagnosis " Stress the role of caregiver," demonstrated by various levels of physical, emotional and social development resulting from work activities . It is up to the nurse to identify the signs that point to the emergence of the diagnosis "Stress the role of caregiver”, and insert the caregiver within your care plan.