Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Revista Cubana de Medicina Militar]]> vol. 44 num. 3 lang. en <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<b>Metabolic Syndrome and Cardiovascular Risk in Workers of a Health Institution</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Predictors of Mortality Due To Intracerebral Hemorrhage during the Acute Period</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Root Coverage</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Application of atherosclerosis indexing system in deceased subjects by violent death with coronary aterosclerosis</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Social status of the development of a group of young alcoholics</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Instrument for evaluating educational performance of tutors in medical specialties</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Effects of Shift Work on Sleep Quality of</b> <b>Policemen</b>: <b>A Systematic Review</b>]]> A qualidade do sono do policial é um importante marcador para a qualidade de vida e desenvolvimento de suas atividades profissionais. Assim, este estudo teve como objetivo sumarizar a produção científica sobre os efeitos do trabalho em turnos na qualidade do sono de policiais através de uma revisão sistemática da literatura. Para tanto foram utilizados as bases MEDLINE via Pubmed, CINAHL e SCOPUS e artigos identificados por meio de busca manual. A estratégia de busca incluiu os seguintes descritores relacionados ao turno de trabalho: “Shift-Work Sleep Disorder” OR “Shift-Work Sleep Disorders” OR “Sleep Disorders, Shift-Work” OR “Sleep Disorder, Shift-Work” OR “Sleep Disorder, Shift Work” OR “Shift Work”; ao sono: "Sleep Deprivation"[Mesh] OR “Deprivation, Sleep” OR “Deprivations, Sleep” OR “Sleep Deprivations” OR “REM Sleep Deprivation” OR “Deprivation, REM Sleep” OR “Deprivations, REM Sleep” OR “REM Sleep Deprivations” OR “Sleep Deprivation, REM” OR “Sleep Deprivations, REM” OR “Sleep Fragmentation” OR “Fragmentation, Sleep” OR “Fragmentations, Sleep” OR “Sleep Fragmentations” OR “Sleep”[Mesh] OR “Sleep, Slow-Wave” OR “Sleep, Slow Wave” OR “Slow-Wave Sleep”; e à população: “Police”[Mesh] OR “Police” OR “Police Force” OR “Police Forces” OR “Police Officers” OR “Officer, Police” OR “Officers, Police” OR “Police Officer”; sem restrição de data e idioma. Diante dos resultados, é possível destacar que os policiais que trabalham em turnos rotativos ou noturnos estão expostos a piores qualidades do sono, maiores insatisfações com o trabalho, níveis baixos de alerta, problemas de respiração e ronco, além de maiores índices de lesão e degradada performance de condução.<hr/>La calidad del sueño en los policías es un marcador importante de calidad de vida y del desarrollo de sus actividades profesionales. Este estudio se propuso resumir la literatura científica sobre los efectos del trabajo por turnos en la calidad del sueño de policías, a través de una revisión sistemática. Fueron revisadas las bases de datos MEDLINE via PubMed, CINAHL y SCOPUS así como artículos identificados a través de una búsqueda manual. La estrategia de búsqueda incluyó los siguientes descriptores relacionados con el trabajo por turnos: “ Shift-Work Sleep Disorder” OR “Shift-Work Sleep Disorders” OR “Sleep Disorders, Shift-Work” OR “Sleep Disorder, Shift-Work” OR “Sleep Disorder, Shift Work” OR “Shift Work ”; sobre el sueño: " Sleep Deprivation"[Mesh] OR “Deprivation, Sleep” OR “Deprivations, Sleep” OR “Sleep Deprivations” OR “REM Sleep Deprivation” OR “Deprivation, REM Sleep” OR “Deprivations, REM Sleep” OR “REM Sleep Deprivations” OR “Sleep Deprivation, REM” OR “Sleep Deprivations, REM” OR “Sleep Fragmentation” OR “Fragmentation, Sleep” OR “Fragmentations, Sleep” OR “Sleep Fragmentations” OR “Sleep”[Mesh] OR “Sleep, Slow-Wave” OR “Sleep, Slow Wave” OR “Slow-Wave Sleep ”; y la población: “ Police”[Mesh] OR “Police” OR “Police Force” OR “Police Forces” OR “Police Officers” OR “Officer, Police” OR “Officers, Police” OR “Police Officer ”; sin restricción de fecha ni idioma. Con los resultados, es posible destacar que los policías que trabajar en turnos rotativos o nocturnos están expuestos a peor calidad del sueño, mayores insatisfacciones con el trabajo, niveles bajos de alerta, problemas respiratorios y ronquido nocturno, así como mayores niveles de lesiones y degradación de habilidades de conducción.<hr/>The sleep quality of police is an important marker for quality of life and development of their professional activities. Thus, this study aimed to summarize the scientific literature on the effects of shift work on sleep quality of police through a systematic literature review. So the MEDLINE via PubMed, CINAHL and SCOPUS databases and articles identified through a manual search were used. The search strategy included the following descriptors related to shift work: “Shift-Work Sleep Disorder” OR “Shift-Work Sleep Disorders” OR “Sleep Disorders, Shift-Work” OR “Sleep Disorder, Shift-Work” OR “Sleep Disorder, Shift Work” OR “Shift Work”; to sleep: "Sleep Deprivation"[Mesh] OR “Deprivation, Sleep” OR “Deprivations, Sleep” OR “Sleep Deprivations” OR “REM Sleep Deprivation” OR “Deprivation, REM Sleep” OR “Deprivations, REM Sleep” OR “REM Sleep Deprivations” OR “Sleep Deprivation, REM” OR “Sleep Deprivations, REM” OR “Sleep Fragmentation” OR “Fragmentation, Sleep” OR “Fragmentations, Sleep” OR “Sleep Fragmentations” OR “Sleep”[Mesh] OR “Sleep, Slow-Wave” OR “Sleep, Slow Wave” OR “Slow-Wave Sleep”; and related population: “Police”[Mesh] OR “Police” OR “Police Force” OR “Police Forces” OR “Police Officers” OR “Officer, Police” OR “Officers, Police” OR “Police Officer”; without date and language restriction. Given the results, it is possible to highlight that officers who work rotating shifts or during the night are exposed to worse sleep quality, greater dissatisfaction with work, low levels of alert, breathing problems and snoring, as well as higher rates of injury and degraded driving performance. <![CDATA[<b>Military medicine for injuries with sequelae of armed conflicts</b>]]> La medicina militar ha incorporado a su arsenal terapéutico novedosas técnicas para restablecer la salud y disminuir las secuelas en los heridos de los conflictos bélicos y catástrofes, cuyo número ha sido tres veces superior a los decesos. Las lesiones mortales e invalidantes más frecuentes son las de extremidades, traumatismos craneoencefálicos y hemorragias que se acompaña muchas veces de quemaduras, provocan secuelas muy limitantes o comprometen la vida de los combatientes y de la población presente en la catástrofe. Este trabajo pretende hacer mención de algunas técnicas novedosas de tratamiento que se emplean en la actualidad y su impacto en la rehabilitación y recuperación de las víctimas, tanto en conflictos bélicos como durante situaciones de desastre.<hr/>Military medicine has been incorporated a large number of new techniques in order to improve the restoration of the wounded victims and decrease the amount of sequels among the injured people during the war and civil disasters, which number exceed about three times the number of combat or disaster-related deaths. The must frequent fatal or disability-related injuries are the extremities lesions, head trauma and hemorrhage, frequently associated with burns lead to serious sequels and disability or compromise the life of combatants and civilians. The present paper intent to show some current techniques employed now a days and their impact in the restoration and rehabilitation of the victims of both, war conflicts and civilian disasters. <![CDATA[<b>Periapical cyst with acute chronic inflammation</b>]]> Paciente femenina de 47 años, de piel negra, residente en una comunidad urbana, con antecedente patológico personal de hipertensión arterial sin tratamiento; acudió a consulta de urgencias con una inflamación crónica agudizada del paladar duro derecho. En el examen bucal se observó destrucción total de la corona del diente 12 (Incisivo superior lateral derecho) con aumento de volumen difuso en el paladar. A la vista de una radiografía oclusal, se observó en el ápice del diente en cuestión una zona radiolúcida redondeada de aproximadamente 1,5 cm de diámetro, con una limitación radiopaca. Dicho ápice se encontró intacto, lo cual impresiona un resto radicular del diente 12 con un quiste periapical. Se trata en consulta, se medica y se decide remitir para los servicios de cirugía máxilo facial donde se elimina el quiste, se extrae la cápsula, se le toma muestra, se realiza exodoncia del resto radicular del diente, irrigando con solución y sutura. En próxima consulta la paciente presentó buena evolución y se recibió informe de la biopsia arrojando presencia de varios fragmentos de tejido fibroso con inflamación crónica agudizada con áreas de hemorragia.<hr/>A 47 year old female patient of dark skin colour, resident in an urban community that, with PPA of arterial hypertension without treatment; she has an acute chronic inflammation of the right hard palate, the oral examination shows total destruction of the crown on tooth 12 (upper right lateral incisor) with increase of diffuse volume in the palate; visible in an occlusal x-ray, a rounded radiolucyd area of more than 1.5cm of diameter is observed, with a radiopaque limitation in tooth apex in question, and this apex is intact, what impresses a radicular debris of tooth 12 with a periapical cyst. It is decided to be referred to maxillo facial surgery services where the cyst is eliminated, the capsule is extracted, the sample is taken, exodontia of radicular tooth debris is carried out, it is irrigated with solution and it is sutured; in next appointment the patient presents good evolution and a report of the biopsy is obtained resulting: presence of several fragments of fibrous tissue with acute chronic inflammation with bleeding areas.