Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Revista Cubana de Enfermería]]> vol. 31 num. 1 lang. en <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<b>Sexual and reproductive health</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Efectividad del programa psicoeducativo de educación sexual y salud reproductiva</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Relación entre los modelos evaluativos para la acreditación institucional y las carreras universitarias</b>]]> The term Quality in Higher Education has had changes in the last 50 years, although from 50 to 60 they were not relevant, nowadays there is a National Accreditation Team which norms these processes, accrediting universities as well as areas, processes and programs. Due to these reasons we began to analyze the evaluations done to the Nursing career as well as the institutional evaluations, both done between 2007-2012, each of them with their own indicators, outstanding its strengths and weaknesses and the interrelation among them. It is concluded that the indicators with more relevant results were Pertinence and Curricula, while the Professors one was the most affected mainly for the poor amount of Doctors in Sciences and the poor amount of publications per professor, but not due to the docent pyramid, prestige among the students and years of experience. There are also indicators which influence directly or indirectly in both items because although accreditation of careers includes institutional aspects, it does not include an integral analysis of the institution and viceversa. <![CDATA[<b>Incidencia de lipodistrofia</b> <b>insulínica en niños y adolescentes diabéticos tipo 1</b>]]> The term Quality in Higher Education has had changes in the last 50 years, although from 50 to 60 they were not relevant, nowadays there is a National Accreditation Team which norms these processes, accrediting universities as well as areas, processes and programs. Due to these reasons we began to analyze the evaluations done to the Nursing career as well as the institutional evaluations, both done between 2007-2012, each of them with their own indicators, outstanding its strengths and weaknesses and the interrelation among them. It is concluded that the indicators with more relevant results were Pertinence and Curricula, while the Professors one was the most affected mainly for the poor amount of Doctors in Sciences and the poor amount of publications per professor, but not due to the docent pyramid, prestige among the students and years of experience. There are also indicators which influence directly or indirectly in both items because although accreditation of careers includes institutional aspects, it does not include an integral analysis of the institution and viceversa. <![CDATA[<b>School violence in teenagers Schedule of educational involvement at high school in the campsite, 2014-2015</b>]]> The term Quality in Higher Education has had changes in the last 50 years, although from 50 to 60 they were not relevant, nowadays there is a National Accreditation Team which norms these processes, accrediting universities as well as areas, processes and programs. Due to these reasons we began to analyze the evaluations done to the Nursing career as well as the institutional evaluations, both done between 2007-2012, each of them with their own indicators, outstanding its strengths and weaknesses and the interrelation among them. It is concluded that the indicators with more relevant results were Pertinence and Curricula, while the Professors one was the most affected mainly for the poor amount of Doctors in Sciences and the poor amount of publications per professor, but not due to the docent pyramid, prestige among the students and years of experience. There are also indicators which influence directly or indirectly in both items because although accreditation of careers includes institutional aspects, it does not include an integral analysis of the institution and viceversa. <![CDATA[<b>Acogimiento en las Unidades de Salud de la Familia según el punto de vista de los profesionales</b>]]> Trata-se de uma investigação do tipo descritiva de abordagem qualitativa que teve por objetivo discutir a vivência do Acolhimento por profissionais das equipes de saúde da família. Os dados foram coletados em três unidades da Estratégia Saúde da Família do Município do Rio de Janeiro, no período de junho a agosto de 2011. A amostra foi constituída por 23 profissionais de saúde que foram entrevistados mediante um roteiro semi-estruturado. A análise dos depoimentos evidenciou a presença de duas categorias: concepção de acolhimento, e vivencia do Acolhimento pelos profissionais. Os resultados obtidos nesta investigação permitiram apreender que os profissionais possuem uma concepção de Acolhimento consoante com Política Nacional de Humanização, onde o usuário deve ter a primazia de ser atendido assim que chega ao serviço, ser bem tratado por todos os profissionais e ter a sua necessidade respondida. Porém, apesar desta concepção, ficou evidente que no cotidiano das unidades os profissionais necessitam avançar na concepção do Acolhimento como ordenador dos processos de trabalho das equipes, pois persiste a fragmentação na assistência prestada, o que torna a prática profissional distante da integração das ações entre os membros das equipes e da interdisciplinaridade como princípio norteador do trabalho da Estratégia Saúde da Família.<hr/>It is a case of a descriptive investigation with quality approach, which had as goal to discuss the experience of the Welcoming by professionals from the family health teams. The data were collected from three units of the Family Health Strategy of Rio de Janeiro City, from June to August, 2011. The sample was done with 23 health professionals who were interviewed by using a semi-structured script. The analysis of the testimonials showed the existence of two categories: welcoming conception, and experiencing of the Welcoming by professionals. The results obtained in this investigation allowed apprehending that the professionals have a conception of Welcoming consistent with National Humanization Politics, where the user must have the precedence to be attended as soon as his arrival to the service, be well treated by all the professionals and has his need answered. However, despite of this conception, it became clear that on the day by day of the units, the professionals need to improve the conception of the Welcoming as organizer of the working process of the teams as persists the fragmentation on the given assistance, which makes the practical professional far from the integration of the actions between the team members and the interdisciplinarity as a guiding principle of the work of the Family Health Strategy. <![CDATA[<b>Job climate, work environment and job satisfaction: challenge for nursing</b>]]> Trata-se de uma investigação do tipo descritiva de abordagem qualitativa que teve por objetivo discutir a vivência do Acolhimento por profissionais das equipes de saúde da família. Os dados foram coletados em três unidades da Estratégia Saúde da Família do Município do Rio de Janeiro, no período de junho a agosto de 2011. A amostra foi constituída por 23 profissionais de saúde que foram entrevistados mediante um roteiro semi-estruturado. A análise dos depoimentos evidenciou a presença de duas categorias: concepção de acolhimento, e vivencia do Acolhimento pelos profissionais. Os resultados obtidos nesta investigação permitiram apreender que os profissionais possuem uma concepção de Acolhimento consoante com Política Nacional de Humanização, onde o usuário deve ter a primazia de ser atendido assim que chega ao serviço, ser bem tratado por todos os profissionais e ter a sua necessidade respondida. Porém, apesar desta concepção, ficou evidente que no cotidiano das unidades os profissionais necessitam avançar na concepção do Acolhimento como ordenador dos processos de trabalho das equipes, pois persiste a fragmentação na assistência prestada, o que torna a prática profissional distante da integração das ações entre os membros das equipes e da interdisciplinaridade como princípio norteador do trabalho da Estratégia Saúde da Família.<hr/>It is a case of a descriptive investigation with quality approach, which had as goal to discuss the experience of the Welcoming by professionals from the family health teams. The data were collected from three units of the Family Health Strategy of Rio de Janeiro City, from June to August, 2011. The sample was done with 23 health professionals who were interviewed by using a semi-structured script. The analysis of the testimonials showed the existence of two categories: welcoming conception, and experiencing of the Welcoming by professionals. The results obtained in this investigation allowed apprehending that the professionals have a conception of Welcoming consistent with National Humanization Politics, where the user must have the precedence to be attended as soon as his arrival to the service, be well treated by all the professionals and has his need answered. However, despite of this conception, it became clear that on the day by day of the units, the professionals need to improve the conception of the Welcoming as organizer of the working process of the teams as persists the fragmentation on the given assistance, which makes the practical professional far from the integration of the actions between the team members and the interdisciplinarity as a guiding principle of the work of the Family Health Strategy. <![CDATA[<b>Mental health in the work of Nurse the Primary Care of a municipality in Brazil</b>]]> Trata-se de uma investigação do tipo descritiva de abordagem qualitativa que teve por objetivo discutir a vivência do Acolhimento por profissionais das equipes de saúde da família. Os dados foram coletados em três unidades da Estratégia Saúde da Família do Município do Rio de Janeiro, no período de junho a agosto de 2011. A amostra foi constituída por 23 profissionais de saúde que foram entrevistados mediante um roteiro semi-estruturado. A análise dos depoimentos evidenciou a presença de duas categorias: concepção de acolhimento, e vivencia do Acolhimento pelos profissionais. Os resultados obtidos nesta investigação permitiram apreender que os profissionais possuem uma concepção de Acolhimento consoante com Política Nacional de Humanização, onde o usuário deve ter a primazia de ser atendido assim que chega ao serviço, ser bem tratado por todos os profissionais e ter a sua necessidade respondida. Porém, apesar desta concepção, ficou evidente que no cotidiano das unidades os profissionais necessitam avançar na concepção do Acolhimento como ordenador dos processos de trabalho das equipes, pois persiste a fragmentação na assistência prestada, o que torna a prática profissional distante da integração das ações entre os membros das equipes e da interdisciplinaridade como princípio norteador do trabalho da Estratégia Saúde da Família.<hr/>It is a case of a descriptive investigation with quality approach, which had as goal to discuss the experience of the Welcoming by professionals from the family health teams. The data were collected from three units of the Family Health Strategy of Rio de Janeiro City, from June to August, 2011. The sample was done with 23 health professionals who were interviewed by using a semi-structured script. The analysis of the testimonials showed the existence of two categories: welcoming conception, and experiencing of the Welcoming by professionals. The results obtained in this investigation allowed apprehending that the professionals have a conception of Welcoming consistent with National Humanization Politics, where the user must have the precedence to be attended as soon as his arrival to the service, be well treated by all the professionals and has his need answered. However, despite of this conception, it became clear that on the day by day of the units, the professionals need to improve the conception of the Welcoming as organizer of the working process of the teams as persists the fragmentation on the given assistance, which makes the practical professional far from the integration of the actions between the team members and the interdisciplinarity as a guiding principle of the work of the Family Health Strategy.