Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Revista Cubana de Oftalmología]]> vol. 28 num. 1 lang. es <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<b>Retinopatía diabética, una epidemia prevenible y tratable</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Microperimetría en la cirugía del agujero macular idiopático</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Inyección intravítrea de bevacizumab <i>vs</i>. acetato de triamcinolona en el edema macular secundario a oclusión de rama venosa retiniana</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Electrofisiología de la visión</b>: <b>generalización de estudios normativos en individuos sanos</b>]]> Objective: to obtain normative data of standard and pattern electroretinography as well as pattern and diffuse light visual evoked potentials from a group of healthy individuals. Methods: a prospective and descriptive study conducted in healthy subjects who were seen at the neurophthalmology service in "Ramón Pando Ferrer" Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology in a six-month period. Sixty eyes of adults aged 20-40 years of both sexes with normal ophthalmologic physical examination results were included. Results: mean values of amplitude and latency at the wave peak of P50 for the pattern electroretinogram were 1,75 microvolts and 53,7 ms. The standard electroretinogram showed b-wave amplitude values of 300, 550 and 290 microvolts for scotopic, mesopic and photopic responses, respectively. The latency of the P100 wave peak in pattern visual evoked potentials at 60 and 20 minutes of arc were 107 and 110 ms and at the diffuse light response, P-2 value was 110 ms with interocular difference lower than 5 ms in both studies. Conclusions: the suggested electrophysiological studies show normal useful values in the evaluation of pathological findings indicative of visual functional impairment at different levels and they may serve as a valid tool of reference for the rest of visual electrophysiology laboratories located in the ophthalmological centers nationwide. <![CDATA[<b>Resultados quirúrgicos a largo plazo en adultos con exotropía de gran ángulo</b>]]> Objective: to obtain normative data of standard and pattern electroretinography as well as pattern and diffuse light visual evoked potentials from a group of healthy individuals. Methods: a prospective and descriptive study conducted in healthy subjects who were seen at the neurophthalmology service in "Ramón Pando Ferrer" Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology in a six-month period. Sixty eyes of adults aged 20-40 years of both sexes with normal ophthalmologic physical examination results were included. Results: mean values of amplitude and latency at the wave peak of P50 for the pattern electroretinogram were 1,75 microvolts and 53,7 ms. The standard electroretinogram showed b-wave amplitude values of 300, 550 and 290 microvolts for scotopic, mesopic and photopic responses, respectively. The latency of the P100 wave peak in pattern visual evoked potentials at 60 and 20 minutes of arc were 107 and 110 ms and at the diffuse light response, P-2 value was 110 ms with interocular difference lower than 5 ms in both studies. Conclusions: the suggested electrophysiological studies show normal useful values in the evaluation of pathological findings indicative of visual functional impairment at different levels and they may serve as a valid tool of reference for the rest of visual electrophysiology laboratories located in the ophthalmological centers nationwide. <![CDATA[<b>Comportamiento de las urgencias oftalmológicas en el policlínico "Ramón González Coro"</b>]]> Objective: to obtain normative data of standard and pattern electroretinography as well as pattern and diffuse light visual evoked potentials from a group of healthy individuals. Methods: a prospective and descriptive study conducted in healthy subjects who were seen at the neurophthalmology service in "Ramón Pando Ferrer" Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology in a six-month period. Sixty eyes of adults aged 20-40 years of both sexes with normal ophthalmologic physical examination results were included. Results: mean values of amplitude and latency at the wave peak of P50 for the pattern electroretinogram were 1,75 microvolts and 53,7 ms. The standard electroretinogram showed b-wave amplitude values of 300, 550 and 290 microvolts for scotopic, mesopic and photopic responses, respectively. The latency of the P100 wave peak in pattern visual evoked potentials at 60 and 20 minutes of arc were 107 and 110 ms and at the diffuse light response, P-2 value was 110 ms with interocular difference lower than 5 ms in both studies. Conclusions: the suggested electrophysiological studies show normal useful values in the evaluation of pathological findings indicative of visual functional impairment at different levels and they may serve as a valid tool of reference for the rest of visual electrophysiology laboratories located in the ophthalmological centers nationwide. <![CDATA[Caracterización clinicoepidemiológica de la conjuntivitis alérgica en el Hospital Oftalmológico "Port Mourant", de Guyana]]> Objective: to obtain normative data of standard and pattern electroretinography as well as pattern and diffuse light visual evoked potentials from a group of healthy individuals. Methods: a prospective and descriptive study conducted in healthy subjects who were seen at the neurophthalmology service in "Ramón Pando Ferrer" Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology in a six-month period. Sixty eyes of adults aged 20-40 years of both sexes with normal ophthalmologic physical examination results were included. Results: mean values of amplitude and latency at the wave peak of P50 for the pattern electroretinogram were 1,75 microvolts and 53,7 ms. The standard electroretinogram showed b-wave amplitude values of 300, 550 and 290 microvolts for scotopic, mesopic and photopic responses, respectively. The latency of the P100 wave peak in pattern visual evoked potentials at 60 and 20 minutes of arc were 107 and 110 ms and at the diffuse light response, P-2 value was 110 ms with interocular difference lower than 5 ms in both studies. Conclusions: the suggested electrophysiological studies show normal useful values in the evaluation of pathological findings indicative of visual functional impairment at different levels and they may serve as a valid tool of reference for the rest of visual electrophysiology laboratories located in the ophthalmological centers nationwide. <![CDATA[<b>Indicadores estadísticos para la evaluación de protocolos asistenciales en oftalmología</b>]]> Objective: to obtain normative data of standard and pattern electroretinography as well as pattern and diffuse light visual evoked potentials from a group of healthy individuals. Methods: a prospective and descriptive study conducted in healthy subjects who were seen at the neurophthalmology service in "Ramón Pando Ferrer" Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology in a six-month period. Sixty eyes of adults aged 20-40 years of both sexes with normal ophthalmologic physical examination results were included. Results: mean values of amplitude and latency at the wave peak of P50 for the pattern electroretinogram were 1,75 microvolts and 53,7 ms. The standard electroretinogram showed b-wave amplitude values of 300, 550 and 290 microvolts for scotopic, mesopic and photopic responses, respectively. The latency of the P100 wave peak in pattern visual evoked potentials at 60 and 20 minutes of arc were 107 and 110 ms and at the diffuse light response, P-2 value was 110 ms with interocular difference lower than 5 ms in both studies. Conclusions: the suggested electrophysiological studies show normal useful values in the evaluation of pathological findings indicative of visual functional impairment at different levels and they may serve as a valid tool of reference for the rest of visual electrophysiology laboratories located in the ophthalmological centers nationwide. <![CDATA[<b>Pérdidas no orgánicas de la visión</b>: <b>diagnóstico y pertinencia de un término</b>]]> Los pacientes con síntomas y signos para los que no puede encontrarse una causa orgánica adecuada reciben una variada gama de diagnósticos, los cuales representan un reto con implicaciones médicas legales. Entre el 25 y el 50 % de los casos con aparente pérdida no orgánica concomita una enfermedad orgánica que explica algo del déficit visual. Una dificultad adicional es la selección del mejor término médico para designarlos y ese es nuestro objetivo en esta revisión. A la luz de los conocimientos actuales, y después de evaluar varias alternativas, consideramos que lo más acertado es denominarlos pérdidas no orgánicas de la visión. El diagnóstico de estas no es nunca de exclusión; se requieren hallazgos positivos para llegar a él. El método clínico (psicofísica visual) y ciertas herramientas diagnósticas, también clínicas, son suficientes en la mayoría de los casos.<hr/>Patients with physical signs and symptoms for which no adequate organic cause can be found may receive a wide range of diagnoses, and represent a diagnostic challenge with medical and legal implications. Twenty five to fifty percent of patients with apparent nonorganic visual loss have concomitant organic pathology that explains at least some visual deficit. Additional difficulty is the best selected medical term to call it, and this is our objective in this review. In the light of the current knowledge and after evaluating several alternatives, we consider that the best term for them is nonorganic losses of vision. Nonorganic visual loss is never a excluding diagnosis; positive findings are required to make the diagnosis. The clinical method (visual psychophysics) and certain diagnostic tools in addition to some clinical ones are sufficient to set a diagnosis of nonorganic ocular disease in the majority of cases. <![CDATA[<b>Cirugía de catarata en el paciente diabético</b>]]> La diabetes mellitus es una de las principales causas de ceguera en el mundo. La retinopatía diabética sola representa al menos el 12 % de los nuevos casos cada año. Los diabéticos tienen un riesgo 25 veces más de volverse ciegos y desarrollar catarata de forma precoz que la población en general. La calidad de la atención en estos pacientes define el resultado visual. Profundizar en los elementos de la cirugía de catarata en el paciente diabético es esencial. Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica de las publicaciones y guías de prácticas clínicas sobre la cirugía de catarata en el paciente diabético publicadas durante los años 2009-2014. La información obtenida fue revisada y procesada por el equipo de investigadores. Se definieron los elementos de importancia en el paciente diabético en las etapas del proceso de atención para la cirugía de catarata pre, trans y posoperatorio. La evaluación integral en los pacientes diabéticos para la cirugía de catarata tiene particularidades que definen la ganancia visual. Las técnicas de facoemulsificación y la implantación de lentes hidrofílicos en el saco capsular han representado un avance en el tratamiento de los pacientes diabéticos, con menor incidencia de cuadros inflamatorios en el posoperatorio, lo que se atribuye al escaso traumatismo quirúrgico que conlleva la técnica. El tratamiento farmacológico o con láser (fotocoagulación) y la cirugía precoz mejoran el pronóstico visual.<hr/>Diabetes mellitus is one of the main causes of blindness worldwide. Diabetic retinopathy represents 12 % of the new cases every year. The risk of becoming blind is twenty five times higher in diabetics and they may develop cataract earlier than the general population. The quality of care in these patients defines the visual result. Delving into the cataract surgery elements in the case of a diabetic patient is fundamental. A literature review of publications and clinical practice guidelines on cataract surgery in the diabetic patient published from 2009 to 2014. The gathered information was reviewed and processed by the team of researchers. Important elements were defined in the diabetic patient in the different stages of care during the preoperative, perioperative and postoperative periods. The comprehensive assessment of diabetic patients to be performed cataract surgery has particularities defining the visual gain. The phacoemulsification techniques and the implantation of hydrophilic lenses in the capsular sack represent an advance in treating diabetic patients, with lower incidence of inflammatory conditions postoperatively due to the little surgical traumatism involved in this technique. The drug or the laser-assisted (photocoagulation) treatment and the early surgery improve the visual prognosis. <![CDATA[<b>Bioestimulación cutánea periocular con plasma rico en plaquetas</b>]]> La presente revisión fue realizada con el objetivo de ampliar los conocimientos sobre el envejecimiento cutáneo y los tratamientos restitutivos empleados en la cirugía plástica ocular, especialmente la bioestimulación cutánea con plasma rico en plaquetas, como alternativa novedosa de rejuvenecimiento periocular. Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica amplia y actualizada en bases de datos que ofrece Infomed, como Ebsco, Hinari, Pubmed, Google académico y textos básicos de Oftalmología y Cirugía Estética. El plasma rico en plaquetas es un preparado biológico efectivo para la bioestimulación cutánea; incrementa la producción de colágeno; elastina y ácido hialurónico, proporciona una piel con más brillo, mejor textura, hidratación y elasticidad; presenta múltiples ventajas y mínimas complicaciones, lo que contribuye a elevar la calidad de vida de los pacientes.<hr/>The objective of this review was to expand knowledge on skin aging and restorative treatments used in ocular plastic surgery, especially cutaneous biostimulation with platelet-rich plasma, as a novel alternative of periocular rejuvenation. A comprehensive literature search was performed in updated databases that Infomed provides such as Ebsco, Hinari, Pubmed and Google and basic academic texts of cosmetic surgery and ophthalmology. The platelet-rich plasma is an effective biological preparation for skin biostimulation, increases the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, and provides a brighter skin, improved texture, hydration and elasticity. It really has many advantages and minimal complications, thus contributing to raise the quality of life of patients. <![CDATA[<b>Ética y bioética en las investigaciones médicas y en los ensayos clínicos, una alternativa de capacitación en la facultad "Finlay-Albarrán"</b>]]> Se ha diseñado y desarrollado un curso de posgrado con el objetivo de contribuir a elevar la preparación de los profesionales de la salud para las investigaciones médicas y los ensayos clínicos desde los principios de la ética y la bioética. El diseño del curso se realizó a partir del análisis, en el Comité de Ética, de la investigación de los proyectos presentados, y de los trabajos defendidos en el tribunal para el ejercicio de Problemas Sociales de la Ciencia y la Tecnología. El curso ha quedado conformado por 9 temas y un taller final integrador, para un total de 64 horas. Se han realizado dos ediciones. La segunda tuvo como sede el Instituto Cubano de Oftalmología "Ramón Pando Ferrer". El criterio de los participantes, recogido de manera anónima, fue muy favorable. Finalmente ha quedado diseñada una alternativa de capacitación que contribuye a lograr un mejor desempeño profesional en el campo de las investigaciones médicas y en los ensayos clínicos, así como en la docencia, desde los principios de la ética y la bioética, con una concepción interactiva y participativa.<hr/>A postgraduate course has been designed with de objective to upgrade the training of health professionals for medical research and clinical trials, taking the principles of Ethics and Bioethics into account. The course was designed according to the analysis by the Commission of Ethics of submitted research projects and of papers discussed before the Examining Board for addressing social problems of science and technology. Finally, this course was made up of 9 themes and a final comprehensive workshop to be given in 64 hours. Two training sessions have taken place up to present. The second one was held at "Ramon Pando Ferrer" Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology. The participants were anonymously surveyed and their criteria were very favorable. Finally, a training alternative has been designed. It contributes to a better professional performance in the field of medical research and the clinical trials and also in education, on the basis of ethics and bioethics principles, with an interactive and participatory concept. <![CDATA[<b>Prevención de ceguera por retinopatía diabética</b>: <b>¿dónde estamos?</b>]]> La diabetes es una de las cuatro enfermedades no transmisibles prioritarias identificadas por la Organización Mundial de la Salud, junto con la enfermedad cardiovascular, el cáncer y la enfermedad respiratoria crónica. En este siglo XXI se habla de una "epidemia global de diabetes", fenómeno relacionado particularmente con la diabetes mellitus tipo II y que está teniendo lugar tanto en países desarrollados como en aquellos en vías de desarrollo. Cuba se une desde 1999 a la iniciativa Visión 2020 y desarrolla desde la propia fecha un plan de prevención de ceguera y baja visión. Hoy, donde la prevalencia de diabetes aumenta, asociada al aumento de la esperanza de vida y a los cambios en el estilo de vida, los oftalmólogos cubanos trabajamos en la prevención de la ceguera por retinopatía diabética. En esta revisión nos proponemos analizar dónde estamos en relación con la Guía práctica clínica de retinopatía diabética para Latinoamérica, publicada en el 2011.<hr/>Diabetes is one of the four prioritized non-communicable illnesses identified by the World Health Organization, along with the cardiovascular illnesses, cancer and chronic respiratory diseases. The 21st century witnesses a "global diabetes epidemics" a phenomenon closely related to type II diabetes mellitus and taking place in both developed and developing countries. Since 1999, Cuba joined the Vision 2020 initiative and has developed a preventive program to prevent blindness and low vision. As prevalence of diabetes increases today, associated to higher life expectancy and changes in lifestyles, the Cuban ophthalmologists are working in the prevention of blindness from diabetic retinopathy. In this review we set out to analyze how far we have advanced regarding the implementation of the practical clinical guideline for diabetic retinopathy for Latin America, published in 2011. <![CDATA[<b>Estrategia nacional para la prevención de ceguera por retinopatía diabética</b>]]> Los pacientes con diabetes se incrementan; pero aún contamos con tiempo para actuar en el diagnostico precoz y en el tratamiento oportuno de la retinopatía diabética para prevenir la pérdida visual en estos pacientes. Establecemos una guía para la prevención de la ceguera por retinopatía diabética, donde se involucran los tres niveles de atención médica. Se realiza un análisis de la situación epidemiológica a nivel mundial y en Cuba; además, se tienen en cuenta las instalaciones con equipamiento y personal médico especializado para el diagnóstico y tratamiento de la retinopatía diabética. Se trazan estrategias para el desarrollo del programa en el cual ponemos todo nuestro esfuerzo y empeño para mejorar la calidad visual de los pacientes diabéticos.<hr/>The number of patients with diabetes is on the increase, but we still have time to work in the early diagnosis and due treatment of diabetic retinopathy to prevent the visual loss in these patients. A guideline for the prevention of blindness due diabetic retinopathy involving the three levels of care was set. An analysis of the present epidemiological situation in Cuba and worldwide was made, taking into account the duly equipped facilities with specialized medical staff for the diagnoses and treatment of the diabetic retinopathy. Strategies are being drawn up for the development of the program, in a joint effort to improve the visual quality of the diabetic patients. <![CDATA[<b>Queratopatía cristalina en EL-DSEK</b>]]> La queratopatía cristalina es una manifestación poco frecuente y característica, aunque no exclusiva, de queratitis infecciosa por Streptococcus mitis. Provoca un infiltrado intraestromal blanco, con aspecto de cristales de morfología arboriforme, con una mínima respuesta inflamatoria. Se ha relacionado con el uso prolongado de corticoides tópicos, tras queratoplastia penetrante, y presenta una mala respuesta al tratamiento con antibiótico. se presentan dos mujeres de más de 65 años, con antecedentes de endoqueratoplastia (EL-DSEK) por queratopatía bullosa pseudofáquica realizada por cirujanos diferentes, quienes desarrollan un infiltrado intraestromal blanco, con aspecto de cristales de morfología arboriforme, con mínima respuesta inflamatoria. Ante la sospecha de una infección cristalina se instaura tratamiento antibiótico tópico frecuente sin franca mejoría, que requiere queratoplastia penetrante.<hr/>Crystalline keratopathy is a rare and characteristic manifestation, although not unique in infectious keratitis for Streptococcus mitis. It causes white stromal infiltrate that resemble arboriform crystals, with minimal inflammatory response. It has been related with the prolonged use of topical corticoids after penetrating keratoplasty and poorly responds to the antibiotic treatment. Two women aged more than 65 years, with history of endokeratoplasty (EL-DSEK) for pseudophakic bullous keratopathy performed by several surgeons, who also developed a white intrastromal infiltrate, similar to arboriform crystals and almost any inflammatory response. When suspecting crystalline infection, frequent topical antibiotic treatment is prescribed with no real improvement, thus requiring penetrating keratoplasty. <![CDATA[<b>Enfermedad de Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada y rehabilitación visual</b>]]> La enfermedad de Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada es una entidad infrecuente, multisistémica, de etiología desconocida, presuntamente autoinmune, caracterizada por panuveítis granulomatosa crónica bilateral y difusa, acompañada de participación tegumentaria, neurológica y auditiva, que afecta con mayor frecuencia la raza no caucasiana y, por lo general, a mujeres. Se presenta generalmente entre los 20-50 años de edad. Su incidencia varía geográficamente. Se estima que el 25 % de los pacientes con esta enfermedad son ciegos legales; que el 25 % puede presentar baja visión y el 50 % agudeza visual mayor de 20/50. Se presenta una paciente de 50 años de edad con antecedentes de enfermedad de Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada, de 8 años de evolución, quien ha llevado tratamiento con antinflamatorios esteroideos sistémicos e inmunosupresores, así como terapia de apoyo con antinflamatorios esteroideos tópicos y ciclopléjicos. Acudió a la consulta de baja visión y se le realizó examen oftalmológico completo, estudios complementarios y se rehabilitó mediante el uso de ayudas ópticas y no ópticas para lograr el mayor aprovechamiento de su resto visual.<hr/>Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada (VKH) is a rare, multisystemic, allegedly autoimmune disease of unknown etiology. It is characterized by chronic bilateral granulomatous and diffuse panuveitis, accompanied by tegumentary, neurological and hearing impairments that often affect the non-Caucasians and usually women. It usually occurs in the 20-25 years age group and its incidence varies with the geographic location. It is estimated that 25% of the patients with this disease are legally blind, the other 25% may have low vision and 50% present with visual acuity over 20/50. There is a 50 years-old patient with a history of Vogt - Koyanagi - Harada disease for 8 years. He had been treated with systemic steroid anti-inflammatory drugs and immunosuppressive therapy as well as supporting therapy with topical and cycloplegic steroid anti-inflammatories. The patient had gone to the low vision service looking for rehabilitation. He was performed a complete eye examination, supplementary studies and he was finally rehabilitated through the use of optical and non-optical aids in order to maximize his remaining vision.