Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Revista Cubana de Salud Pública]]> vol. 29 num. 1 lang. es <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <link></link> <description/> </item> <item> <title/> <link></link> <description/> </item> <item> <title><![CDATA[Desarrollo humano y salud en América Latina y el Caribe]]> Después de importantes antecedentes, como el Informe del Club de Roma (1972), el informe "Qué hacer" (1975), el "Ajuste con Rostro Humano" de los 80 y las tesis de CEPAL de transformación productiva con equidad, en 1990 un grupo de investigadores produce para el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD) el "Informe sobre Desarrollo Humano 1990", que asume el reto de conformar una nueva dimensión sobre el desarrollo humano. Aquí se revisan la evolución en este breve lapso de los conceptos pertinentes al tema y las llamadas dimensiones del desarrollo humano. La ponencia presenta además las tendencias del desarrollo económico y social de Cuba y los rasgos fundamentales de sus políticas de desarrollo, desde 1960 a la fecha y cómo esto se aplicó al campo de la salud y los resultados de ello. Se pone de manifiesto que Cuba ha logrado resultados en el ámbito del desarrollo humano en general, y del desarrollo en salud en particular, superiores a los esperados de acuerdo con los niveles y tendencias del crecimiento económico. Por otra parte, al estudiar América Latina, se expone una visión alternativa a la del PNUD para la evaluación del desarrollo humano, que integra, para cada país, el logro en áreas relevantes del desarrollo humano, la equidad de grupos humanos al interior del país y el impacto del recurso económico en el desarrollo humano. Se obtiene, al aplicar el índice propuesto, una jerarquización de los países de la región en cuanto a su desarrollo humano, en nuestra opinión más integral y más justa, que la obtenida con el Índice de Desarrollo Humano (IDH) empleado por el PNUD. Para todos los países, excepto Cuba, el valor resultante con el índice sugerido es inferior al del IDH, lo que pudiera expresar que la brecha en el logro de aspectos sobresalientes del desarrollo humano, la ausencia de equidad de los grupos humanos al interior de los países y el insuficiente impacto del recurso económico en el desarrollo humano afecta el desarrollo humano global en América Latina y el Caribe<hr/>After important antecedents, such as the Roma's Club Report (1972), the What to do? Report (1975), the "Adjustment with Human Face" from the 1980's and the ECLA's thesis of productive transformation with equity, in 1990 a group of researchers made the "Report on Human Development 1990" for the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). It assumes the challenge of conforming a new dimension for human development. The evolution during this short period of time of the concepts concerning this topic and the so-called dimensions of human development are reviewed here. The presentation deals with the trends of the economic and social development of Cuba and the fundamental features of its development policies from 1960 up to now and with how they were applied to the health field, as well as their outcomes. The results attained by Cuba in the sphere of human development, in general, and of health development, in particular, have surpassed the expectations, according to the levels and trends of economic growth. On the other hand, on studying Latin America, it is given an alternate vision to that of the UNDP for evaluating human development that integrates for each country the achievement in relevant areas of human development, the equity of human groups in the interior of the country and the impact of the economic resource on human development. By applying the proposed index, it is obtained a hierarchical arrangement of the countries of the region regarding their human development, which in our opinion is more integral and just than the obtained with the Human Development Index (HDI) used by the UNDP. For all countries, excepting Cuba, the result attained with the suggested index is lower than the HDI, which may mean that the gap in the attainment of remarkable aspects of human development, the absence of equity of the human groups in the inerior of the countries and the insufficient impact of the economic resource on human development affect the global human development in Latin America and the Caribbean <![CDATA[Momento y contexto de la violencia en Colombia]]> Se describe y analiza el problema de los homicidios en Colombia, como forma más indicada para abordar y tratar de comprender parte del problema de la violencia colombiana, en el último cuarto del siglo XX. La descripción y análisis son producto de tres insumos básicos, a saber: las fuentes documentales y datos disponibles en las diferentes entidades e instituciones relacionadas con el tema, la palabra de los actores y voceros representativos de las diferentes fuerzas y organizaciones sociales, económicas, culturales y político-militares, lograda a través de entrevistas extensas y diálogos permanentes y los aportes teóricos de quienes dentro y fuera del país han venido pensando sobre nuestra situación de violencia. El número de homicidios aumentaba lentamente en los primeros años estudiados. Se acelera a partir de la mitad de los 80. La tasa por 100 000 habitantes casi se cuadruplica (de 23 a 82). Predomina el sexo masculino; en el 2001 había por cada mujer, 12 hombres. Los homicidios se encuentran en las edades más jóvenes. Se demuestran las tres características fundamentales de la violencia colombiana actual: generalización, complejidad y degradación recientes. No se llega a un intento acabado de encontrar un método y proponer una explicación única del fenómeno estudiado o un marco comprensivo general. Se sugiere una aproximación metódica y una exploración explicativas que, a partir de la consideración de la violencia homicida en Colombia en un período determinado, contribuya tanto a su comprensión como a estimular otras búsquedas acerca de la propia realidad estudiada<hr/>The problem of homicides in Colombia is described and analyzed as the most appropiate way to approach and try to understand part of the problem of the Colombian violence in the last quarter of the XX century. The description and analysis are the result of 3 basic items: the documentary sources and the data available at the different entities and institutions related to the topic, the statements of the actors and speakers representing the diverse forces and the social, economic, cultural and political and military organizations that were obtained through long interviews and permanent dialogues, and the theoretical aspects of those who inside and outside the country have been thinking about our situation of violence. The number of homicides increased slowly during the first years under study. It accelerated from the mid-1980&acute;s on. The rate per 100 000 inhabitants almost fourfolded, from 23 to 82. It was observed a predominance of males, 12 men per each woman, in 2001. Homicides are found among the youngest individuals. The three main characteristics of Colombian violence are shown: recent generalization, complexity and degradation. A final attempt is not made to find a method and propose a unique explanation of the studied phenomenon or a general comprehensive framework. It is suggested a methodical approach and a explanatory exploration that starting from the consideration of homicidal violence in Colombia in a determined period, contributes both to understand it and to stimulate other searches about the own studied reality <![CDATA[Estimación de la composición corporal por dos de las ecuaciones de Dezenberg para niños de 5 a 10 años]]> En una muestra de 123 niños (61 varones y 62 hembras) se determinaron los indicadores de la composición corporal: masa grasa, porcentaje de grasa, masa libre de grasa, índice de masa grasa e índice de masa libre de grasa, a través de dos de las ecuaciones propuestas por Dezenberg y otros (1999). Se determinó la diferencia e intercambiabilidad entre los índices análogos derivados de ambas fórmulas. Las diferencias, aunque significativas estadísticamente, resultaron pequeñas e inferiores al valor del error estándar de estimación considerado ideal. Dichas divergencias fueron mayores en las féminas y en uno y otro sexos se correlacionaron significativamente con el grosor del pliegue abdominal. Las ecuaciones ofrecen valores de los índices estudiados similares en todo el rango de la distribución. Se concluye que las ecuaciones cuatro y cinco de Dezenberg y otros pueden ser empleadas indistintamente tanto al evaluar grupos de individuos como sujetos aislados<hr/>In a sample of 123 children (61 boys and 62 girls) the body composition indicators: fatty mass, fat percentage, fat-free mass, fatty mass index and fat-free mass index were determined by 2 of the equations proposed by Dezenberg and others (1999). It was determined the difference and interchangeability between the analogous indexes derived from both fomulas. The differences although statistically significant proved to be small and lower than the standard estimation error considered ideal. Such divergences were higher in females and they were markedly correlated with the abdominal skinfold thickness. The equations offer similar values of the studied indexes in all the distribution range. It is concluded that the equations 4 and 5 of Dezenberg and others may be indistinctly used to evaluate groups of individuals and isolated subjects <![CDATA[Enfoque integral en la utilización de los métodos químicos de evaluación de la calidad proteica]]> Se plantea la utilización con un enfoque integral de una batería de métodos químicos de evaluación de la calidad proteica: digestibilidad in vitro, determinación del contenido de lisina disponible, índice modificado de aminoácidos esenciales, cómputo proteico de la FAO/OMS, valor suplementario y el cómputo de aminoácidos corregido en función de la digestibilidad (PDCAAS), como alternativa de los ensayos con animales de experimentación. Se ilustra con un estudio nutricional llevado a cabo con microalgas Chlorella vulgaris 87-1, aunque su campo de aplicación puede extenderse a otras fuentes de proteínas. La biomasa autotrófica de Chlorella vulgaris presentó una calidad proteica satisfactoria con una digestibilidad in vitro y valor suplementario de 75,9 y 15%, respectivamente. Los aminoácidos sulfurados constituyeron el primer limitante con un cómputo corregido de 0,64. Se demuestra el valor de los métodos químicos, empleados con un enfoque integral, como complemento de los métodos biológicos de evaluación de la calidad proteica<hr/>It is stated to use under a comprehensive approach a battery of chemical methods for the evaluation of protein quality: digestibility in vitro, determination of the content of available lysin, modified index of essential aminoacids, FAO/WHO's protein calculation, supplementary value and the calculation of aminoacids corrected according to digestibility (PDCAAS), as an alternative to the tests with experimental animals. It is illustrated with a nutritional study conducted with microalgae Chlorella vulgaris 87-1, although it may be also applied to other protein sources. The autotrophic biomass of Chlorella vulgaris presented a satisfactory protein quality with a digestibility in vitro and supplementary value of 75.9 and l5 %, respectively. The sulfurated aminoacids were the first limitation with a corrected computation of 0.64. It is proved the value of the chemical methods used with a comprehensive approach as a complement of the biological methods to evaluate the protein quality <![CDATA[La familia en la determinación de la salud]]> La salud de la familia constituye uno de los objetivos de la estrategia de la Atención Primaria en Cuba. Es un interés del sistema de salud cubano el desarrollo conceptual, metodológico y práctico de esta área de conocimiento. Se realizó un trabajo teórico que describe diferentes modelos explicativos de determinación de la salud, los cuales conciben la familia como parte de sus esquemas referenciales. Se muestra cómo la familia pertenece a la mesoestructura social, cumple un rol importante en tanto instancia intermedia entre los factores de carácter macrosocial y los individuales. En la familia se satisfacen las necesidades materiales y espirituales básicas para el fomento y conservación de la salud y el bienestar. Bajo su influencia se aprenden los comportamientos saludables, se producen los mecanismos protectores y de regulación de las funciones relacionadas con la enfermedad, sus secuelas y la muerte. Se pone en evidencia la relación familia - salud en resultados de investigaciones cubanas<hr/>Family health is one of objectives of the strategy of Primary Health Care in Cuba. The conceptual, methodological and practical development of this sphere of knwledge is an interest of the Cuban health system. A theoretical work was done to describe different explicative models of health determination, which considers the family as part of the reference schemes. It is shown that the family belongs to the social mesostructure and that it fulfills an important role as an intermediate instance between the factors of macrosocial character and the individual ones. The basic material and spiritual needs are satisfied in the family to foster and maintain health and well-being. Under its influences, you learn the healthy behaviors and the mechanisms protecting and regulating the functions related to the disease, its sequelae and death are produced. The family-health relationship is proved in the results of Cuban researches <![CDATA[Popper, el contraste de hipótesis y el método crítico]]> En contra de lo que es un lugar común en la apreciación del contraste de hipótesis estadísticas como esencialmente falsacionista, en tanto que sigue la lógica del contraste popperiano de hipótesis/teorías científicas, se tratan de demostrar tres tesis: 1) que Popper no se ocupó el mismo del contraste de hipótesis en el sentido técnico actual, a pesar de ciertas interpretaciones erróneas y de ciertos textos suyos en los que se utiliza un vocabulario confuso; 2) que el contraste de hipótesis no es asimilable al contraste popperiano ni en su estructura, ni en objetivos ni en sus consecuencias; de hecho, lo que finalmente persigue es afirmar una hipótesis positiva, la H1, algo radicalmente antipopperiano; y 3) que el "racionalismo crítico" popperiano, detrás de su aparente sentido común y antidogmatismo, esconde en realidad un "totalitarismo general y metodológico", sutil como neototalitarismo democrático del que forma parte, y de un "todo vale para quien lo tiene todo", coartada ética, científica y política para el actual poder absoluto que la tecnoindustria farmacéutica tiene sobre las decisiones médicas<hr/>Contrary to what is common in the appreciation of the contrast of statistical hypotheses as essentially false, and following the popperian logics of the contrast of hypotheses/scientific theories, 3 theses tried to be proved: (1) that Popper himself did not consider the contrast of hypotheses in the current technical sense, in spite of certain erroneous interpretations and and some texts of his own in which a confused vocabulary is used; (2) that the contrast of hypotheses cannot be assimilated by Popper's contrast neither in its structure nor in its objectives and consequences; in fact, what it finally pursues is to affirm a positive hypothesis, the H1, something radically antipopperian, and (3) that the popperian "critical rationalism" really hides behind its apparent common sense and antidogmatism a "general and methodological totalitarism" subtle as the democratic neototalitarism of which it is a part and of an "everything is worth for those who have it all", an ethical, scientific and political aliby for the present absolute power the pharmaceutical industry has on medical decisions <![CDATA[Las conductas impropias en la actividad científica]]> La ciencia podría caracterizarse sintéticamente como una actividad de bús- queda permanente de la verdad. La falsificación, la "fabricación" y el plagio, comúnmente identificados como faltas más ostensibles de conducta en la ciencia, son su antítesis. Aunque la prevalencia de estas malas conductas como expresión aberrante del quehacer científico es difícil de estimar motivado, entre otras causas, por la dificultad de su diagnóstico, nadie duda de la conveniencia de su prevención. En Cuba, donde la formación científica es una prioridad social que se orienta igualmente a la competencia técnica y a la integridad ética, la enseñanza se transforma en educación porque no implica solo transmisión de conocimientos, sino también formación de hábitos. En este artículo se intenta definir algunas conductas impropias y se propone un marco para su diagnóstico y acciones preventivas<hr/>Science may be synthetically characterized as an activity of permanent search for the truth. The falsification, fabrication and plagio commonly identified as the most ostensible misconducts in science are its antithesis. Although the prevalence of these miconducts as an aberrant expression of the scientific work is difficuct to be estimated ove, among other things, to the difficulty to have their diagnosis, there is no doubt about the convenience of their prevention. In Cuba, where the scientific education is a social priority oriented to the technical competence and to ethical integration, teaching turns into education belause it implies not only the transmission of knowledge, but also the formation of habits. This article to define some misconducts ana proposes a framework for their diagnosis and preventive actions <![CDATA[Educación en valores en el profesional de Ciencias Médicas]]> La orientación humanista del profesional de la salud es el resultado de un proceso que debe desarrollarse a todo lo largo de su formación en la Educación Superior, por lo que es necesario un pensamiento axiológico que le permita comprender la base ideológica de su desempeño laboral a la luz de las exigencias de la época. El convulso período que abarca el último siglo de la existencia de la humanidad, se ha caracterizado por la caducidad y crisis de muchos de los valores (morales, estéticos, religiosos, políticos, etc.) que se consideraban eternos e inamovibles en épocas anteriores. Esto ha estado condicionado por la presencia de problemas reales y cotidianos con que ha tenido que enfrentarse la sociedad, y que han generado el surgimiento de nuevos valores y la conformación de sistemas de valores opuestos que se contraponen, incluso, en el plano internacional. En la medida en que la propia dinámica del desarrollo social generó la aparición del pensamiento axiológico, en el pensamiento médico se hace cada vez más necesaria una interpretación axiológica de las cuestiones abordadas en este, así como de las respuestas dadas a los problemas generados en la relación profesional de la salud-paciente como resultado del desarrollo alcanzado en la esfera de la ciencia y la técnica en el sector de la salud. La educación en valores es un proceso continuo que comienza con la atención y educación del niño en la familia y se extiende hasta la Universidad. Para un profesional de la salud no sólo es importante recibir una educación rica en valores que coadyuve al fortalecimiento de su formación humanista, sino también comprender en su totalidad el proceso de la valoración que subyace en la relación profesional de la salud-paciente<hr/>The humanistic orientation of the health professional is the result of a process that should be developed along his training in Higher Education and that's why it is necessary an axiological thinking allowing him to understand the ideological basis of of his acting in his working activity to the light of the demands of this time. The convulsive period embracing the last century of the existance of humanity has been characterized by the caducity and crisis of many of the values (moral, aesthetic, religious, political, etc) that were considered eternal and immovable in previous periods. This has been conditioned by the presence of real and daily problems the society has to face and that have generated the appearance of new values and the conformation of systems of opposed values that contrast themselves even at the international level. As the own dynamics of the social development brought about the appearance of the axiological thinking, it is increasingly necessary in the medical thought an axiological interpretation of the questions approached in it and of the answers given to the problems arising in the health professional-patient relationship resulting from the development attained in the spheres of science and technique in the health sector. The teaching of values is a process that begins with the attention and education of the child in the family setting and extends to the University. For a health professional it is not only important to receive an education rich in values contributing not only to the strengthening of the humanistic formation, but also to understand completely the process of asessment underlying in the health professional-patient relationship <![CDATA[Un razonamiento ético sobre los problemas del crecimiento de la población]]> Events such as destroying food productions to maintain the high prices on the market, proposing birth control programs in communities of undereducated people in return of economic benefits and the diverse forms of women discrimination in all cultures in the era of the development of Biotechnology applicable to food production have no ethical justification on analyzing the growth of the population and its possible solutions. It is known that the highest index of growth corresponds to the population of the Third World and to the poorest sectors of the developed countries, where undereducation, unemployment, and a limited or null health assistance and social security are common, as well as other difficulties generated by the unequal distribution of the gross internal product and the scarce possibility of socialization to attain a way of life and a social participation consequent with the degree of development achieved by humanity. The partial analyses of the population's problems, of gender and of reproductive health, or the attempts made by means of punctual interventions to solve them, that on ocassions have emerged from antievolutionist conceptions of the economic and juridical organization of society, do not help to find a solution. An analysis from a bioethic and systemic point of view should overcome this situation. The equitable access to resources to have a dignified life and the possibilites of appropriation of the present culture through education that allow to attain a diversified social participation, are reflected in a mediate way in the population's conscience and develop motivations for regulating natality that would make disappear the fear to overpopulation <![CDATA[Ruth Rice Puffer]]> Events such as destroying food productions to maintain the high prices on the market, proposing birth control programs in communities of undereducated people in return of economic benefits and the diverse forms of women discrimination in all cultures in the era of the development of Biotechnology applicable to food production have no ethical justification on analyzing the growth of the population and its possible solutions. It is known that the highest index of growth corresponds to the population of the Third World and to the poorest sectors of the developed countries, where undereducation, unemployment, and a limited or null health assistance and social security are common, as well as other difficulties generated by the unequal distribution of the gross internal product and the scarce possibility of socialization to attain a way of life and a social participation consequent with the degree of development achieved by humanity. The partial analyses of the population's problems, of gender and of reproductive health, or the attempts made by means of punctual interventions to solve them, that on ocassions have emerged from antievolutionist conceptions of the economic and juridical organization of society, do not help to find a solution. An analysis from a bioethic and systemic point of view should overcome this situation. The equitable access to resources to have a dignified life and the possibilites of appropriation of the present culture through education that allow to attain a diversified social participation, are reflected in a mediate way in the population's conscience and develop motivations for regulating natality that would make disappear the fear to overpopulation <![CDATA[Informe acerca de la calidad y cobertura de las estadisticas vitales y sobre estudios de mortalidad infantil en Cuba]]> Events such as destroying food productions to maintain the high prices on the market, proposing birth control programs in communities of undereducated people in return of economic benefits and the diverse forms of women discrimination in all cultures in the era of the development of Biotechnology applicable to food production have no ethical justification on analyzing the growth of the population and its possible solutions. It is known that the highest index of growth corresponds to the population of the Third World and to the poorest sectors of the developed countries, where undereducation, unemployment, and a limited or null health assistance and social security are common, as well as other difficulties generated by the unequal distribution of the gross internal product and the scarce possibility of socialization to attain a way of life and a social participation consequent with the degree of development achieved by humanity. The partial analyses of the population's problems, of gender and of reproductive health, or the attempts made by means of punctual interventions to solve them, that on ocassions have emerged from antievolutionist conceptions of the economic and juridical organization of society, do not help to find a solution. An analysis from a bioethic and systemic point of view should overcome this situation. The equitable access to resources to have a dignified life and the possibilites of appropriation of the present culture through education that allow to attain a diversified social participation, are reflected in a mediate way in the population's conscience and develop motivations for regulating natality that would make disappear the fear to overpopulation <![CDATA[La salud en las Américas]]> Events such as destroying food productions to maintain the high prices on the market, proposing birth control programs in communities of undereducated people in return of economic benefits and the diverse forms of women discrimination in all cultures in the era of the development of Biotechnology applicable to food production have no ethical justification on analyzing the growth of the population and its possible solutions. It is known that the highest index of growth corresponds to the population of the Third World and to the poorest sectors of the developed countries, where undereducation, unemployment, and a limited or null health assistance and social security are common, as well as other difficulties generated by the unequal distribution of the gross internal product and the scarce possibility of socialization to attain a way of life and a social participation consequent with the degree of development achieved by humanity. The partial analyses of the population's problems, of gender and of reproductive health, or the attempts made by means of punctual interventions to solve them, that on ocassions have emerged from antievolutionist conceptions of the economic and juridical organization of society, do not help to find a solution. An analysis from a bioethic and systemic point of view should overcome this situation. The equitable access to resources to have a dignified life and the possibilites of appropriation of the present culture through education that allow to attain a diversified social participation, are reflected in a mediate way in the population's conscience and develop motivations for regulating natality that would make disappear the fear to overpopulation <link></link> <description/> </item> <item> <title><![CDATA[Instrucciones a los autores para la presentación de originales para publicación: Enero 2003]]> Events such as destroying food productions to maintain the high prices on the market, proposing birth control programs in communities of undereducated people in return of economic benefits and the diverse forms of women discrimination in all cultures in the era of the development of Biotechnology applicable to food production have no ethical justification on analyzing the growth of the population and its possible solutions. It is known that the highest index of growth corresponds to the population of the Third World and to the poorest sectors of the developed countries, where undereducation, unemployment, and a limited or null health assistance and social security are common, as well as other difficulties generated by the unequal distribution of the gross internal product and the scarce possibility of socialization to attain a way of life and a social participation consequent with the degree of development achieved by humanity. The partial analyses of the population's problems, of gender and of reproductive health, or the attempts made by means of punctual interventions to solve them, that on ocassions have emerged from antievolutionist conceptions of the economic and juridical organization of society, do not help to find a solution. An analysis from a bioethic and systemic point of view should overcome this situation. The equitable access to resources to have a dignified life and the possibilites of appropriation of the present culture through education that allow to attain a diversified social participation, are reflected in a mediate way in the population's conscience and develop motivations for regulating natality that would make disappear the fear to overpopulation