Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Revista Cubana de Plantas Medicinales]]> vol. 20 num. 2 lang. pt <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<b>Phytochemical screening of three species of Western Sahara</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Phytochemical screening of extracts and 20 % tinctures from root and bark of <i>Dichrostachys cinerea </i>L. <i>(Marabú)</i></b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Antioxidant and antifungal activity from colombian piperaceas</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Preliminary phytochemical screening, antioxidant, and toxic activity evaluation of six species of colombian <i>Ericaeas</i></b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Elaboration of a method for vegetative propagation of <i>Catharanthus roseus (L.)</i></b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Herbal gels with spermicide effect, application of traditional medicine in contraception</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Cytotoxic action</b> <b>of the stem aqueous extract of the stem of <i>Cereus jamacaru</i> DC. </b><b>(mandacaru)</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Antiplatelet but not anticoagulant activity of <i>Morinda citrifolia</i> L. leaf extracts</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Dry and milled vegetable material from acrocomia crispa fruits to be used in D005 production</b>]]> El D005, nuevo ingrediente activo antiinflamatorio, se obtiene a partir de frutos maduros de Acrocomia crispa (KunthC.F. Baker ex. Becc. Al no existir experiencias previas sobre el procesamiento de estos frutos, ni sobre las características físico-químicas, ni composición del material vegetal empleado para obtener el D005. Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo establecer los métodos de secado y molienda de estos frutos y caracterizar el material vegetal obtenido. Para determinar el método de procesamiento más adecuado, muestras de frutos frescos se secaron a 60 °C y a temperatura ambiente, y muestras de frutos secos se molieron con molinos de bolas y de martillo. Se implantó el secado a temperatura ambiente a la sombra durante 25 días, y el empleo de un molino de martillos con malla de 2,36 mm de diámetro de poro. Ocho lotes procesados de la forma anterior se caracterizaron en cuanto a humedad residual (< 8 %), contenido de cenizas (totales: 2,30-3,87 %; insolubles en ácido: 0,70-0,97 %; solubles en agua: 0,44-1,59 %), contenido de aceite (13-18 %) y contenido de ácidos grasos (totales: 92-96 % y libres: 1-3 %) en el aceite. Se estableció el método de procesamiento de los frutos maduros de A. crispa y se caracterizó preliminar del material vegetal seco y molido obtenido.<hr/>D005, a new antiinfamatory active ingredient, is obtained from ripe fruits of Acrocomia crispa (Kunth C.F. Baker ex. Becc. Since there are no previous experiences on the processing of these fruits, neither on the physicochemical characteristics or composition of the vegetable material used for obtaining D005. To establish the methods for drying and milling these fruits, and to characterize the vegetable material obtained. For determining the more useful method for processing the fruits, samples of fresh fruits were dried at 60 °C and at room temperature, and samples of dry fruits were milled using ball and hammer mills. It was established the drying at room temperature at shadow for 25 days and the use of a hammer mill with mesh opening of 2.36 mm. Eight batches, processed as previously stated, were characterized taking into account residual humidity (< 8 %), ash content (total: 2.30-3.87 %; acid insoluble: 0.70-0.97 %; water soluble: 0.44-1.59 %), oil content (13-18 %), and fatty acid content (total: 92-96 % and free: 1-3 %) in the oil. It was established the method for processing the ripe fruits of A. crispa and it was preliminary characterized the obtained dry and milled vegetable material.