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versión On-line ISSN 1990-8644

Conrado vol.20 no.98 Cienfuegos mayo.-jun. 2024  Epub 30-Jun-2024


Artículo Original

Developing the Communication Culture of students: basic methods and approaches

Desarrollo de la Cultura Comunicativa de los alumnos métodos y enfoques básicos

0009-0002-1806-0434Baktygul Kozhomuratova1  *  , 0009-0007-7996-5997Apal Abdimomunova2  , 0000-0002-4114-7645Andrey Evlaev3  , 0009-0003-4413-2988Natalya Rudyka3  , 0009-0008-6182-8457Regina Nazarova3 

1International University of Innovation Technologies, Kyrgyz Republic.

2Jusup Balasagyn Kyrgyz National University, Kyrgyz Republic.

3Russian University of Transport, Russia.


Communication culture is the basis of communication and interaction between people. The insufficient development of communication culture can lead to interpersonal conflicts. The ability to communicate effectively contributes to great teamwork in various projects. The article aims to examine the communication culture of modern college students, with an emphasis on how social changes and technological advances develop their communication skills. The authors systematically analyze existing literature, including peer-reviewed articles and research studies. They use thematic analysis to identify and categorize the key topics related to the communication culture of students. The authors conclude that there is an urgent need for educational institutions to adapt their curricula to more effectively teach communication skills. These adaptations should prepare students to navigate the complexities of interpersonal and professional environments.

Key words: Culture; Interpersonal Relationships; Interpersonal Conflicts; Information Technology; Non-Verbal Communication


La cultura de la comunicación es la base de la comunicación y la interacción entre las personas. El desarrollo insuficiente de la cultura de la comunicación puede provocar conflictos interpersonales. La capacidad de comunicarse eficazmente contribuye a un gran trabajo en equipo en diversos proyectos. El artículo pretende examinar la cultura comunicativa de los estudiantes universitarios modernos, haciendo hincapié en cómo los cambios sociales y los avances tecnológicos desarrollan sus habilidades comunicativas. Los autores analizan sistemáticamente la bibliografía existente, incluidos artículos revisados por pares y estudios de investigación. Utilizan el análisis temático para identificar y categorizar los temas clave relacionados con la cultura comunicativa de los estudiantes. Los autores concluyen que existe una necesidad urgente de que las instituciones educativas adapten sus planes de estudio para enseñar de forma más eficaz las habilidades comunicativas. Estas adaptaciones deberían preparar a los estudiantes para desenvolverse en las complejidades de los entornos interpersonales y profesionales.

Palabras-clave: de la Comunicación; Relaciones Interpersonales; Conflictos Interpersonales; Tecnología de la Información; Comunicación no Verbal


In modern society, communication plays a key role, especially among students (Kalashnikov et al., 2023). Communication culture is a fundamental aspect of communication and interaction between people. It has a significant impact on the quality, harmony, and efficiency of interpersonal relationships (Babina et al., 2022; Otrokov et al., 2023; Tolstoukhova et al., 2023).

Communication culture includes several universal competences in the field of interpersonal interaction and business interaction, allowing one to establish contact with business partners, achieve accurate perception and understanding in the communication process, predict the behavior of interlocutors, and adjust their behavior to achieve the desired results (Zeldovich, 2019). Its insufficient formation can lead to the emergence of interpersonal conflicts and a decrease in the degree of individual satisfaction from professional and social activities (Eflova et al., 2023). Thus, the development of communication culture acts as the most important task of professional training of students in professional education organizations. It is defined as a set of competences that ensure friendly interaction between people and effective solutions to all kinds of communication problems (Mitrova, 2015).

Communication, self-awareness, and professional activity are three areas of life in which the individual socializes (Goryaeva, 2016; Popov, 2021). Progress in the field of information technology and communication is changing our way of life (Laamarti, 2021). In the era of information technology and universal access to the Internet, young people mainly communicate through social networks, instant messengers, and other electronic platforms. This is due to the speed, convenience, and immediacy of information transfer (Zueva et al., 2022). However, this type of communication also has its drawbacks. Virtual communication deprives a person of important elements of communication, such as non-verbal gestures, facial expressions, and intonation (Pelevin et al., 2023). All this leads to misunderstanding and loss of information. In addition, the skill of direct communication and the ability to speak to an audience weakens.

These shortcomings of modern communication culture have a significant impact on society. Frequent misunderstandings and conflicts in interpersonal relationships lead to instability and tension in the collective consciousness. Negative emotions and lack of effective communication cause psychological discomfort and social isolation.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to actively involve students in the development of communication skills (Goverdovskaya et al., 2021). This can be done through the organization of seminars, training, and other formats of communication practice and exchange of experience. One should pay attention to the development of non-verbal communication skills, such as tact and emotional recognition. It is important to develop a communication culture among students. This will create a harmonious society built on mutual understanding and capable of effectively solving emerging problems and conflicts. The ability to listen and express oneself is a valuable skill for every individual. This approach ensures better understanding, respect, and cooperation between people and the formation of a civilized society based on harmony and respect for others.

Our study aims to determine the main approaches and methods that influence the development of communication culture among students.

Materials and methods

Within the framework of this article, we adopted a systematic approach to analyze contemporary literature and research. The method involved extensive searches in academic databases using keywords related to student communication. The inclusion criteria were stringent, focusing on peer-reviewed articles published in the last decade and ensuring relevance and up-to-date insights. A thematic analysis was conducted to categorize the findings into significant themes, such as the influence of technology on communication and the development of communication skills in education. The review emphasized synthesizing data to present a holistic view of the current communication culture among students, highlighting trends, challenges, and research prospects. A quality assessment was also integral to the methodology, ensuring the credibility and validity of the sources and their findings. This structured approach ensured a comprehensive understanding ofcommunication culture in the modern context.

A key role in modern society is played by the study of communication culture, where effective communication becomes a significant aspect. The use of various approaches and methods helps theorists and practitioners better understand complex interactions in the communication process and improve their quality. In this article, we considered basic methods for studying communication culture.

The observation method allows studying real communication situations and recording the features of interaction between people. Observation can be carried out both in a controlled environment and in natural conditions. The observation method allows collecting large amounts of information and identifying patterns in the communication process.

The interviewing method helps better understand the motives and goals of communication from the communicant, reveal the individual characteristics of each person, and explore their influence on communication strategies.

The experimental method allows one to test hypotheses and cause-and-effect relationships in communication. By conducting experiments, scholars can manipulate variables to find out how these changes affect communicative interaction. In addition, the experimental method allows one to identify factors that affect the effectiveness of communication and suggest possible ways to optimize them.

The content analysis method involves studying texts, recordings, and other materials to identify communication patterns and trends. Content analysis allows systematizing data and identifying interaction features that may not be noticeable during direct observation.

These methods represent only some approaches to the study of communication culture. By combining different research methods, we gain a more complete understanding of the relationships between people and effective communication strategies. If we understand these methods, we can improve the quality of communication between people in any field of activity and further develop their communication skills.

In modern society, communication skills play an important role in the life of every individual. They are an integral part of communication culture, which influences the ability to interact with other people.

The development of communication culture among students involves:

− The formation and development of communication skills;

− Assistance in mastering communication techniques;

− The development of some properties of the psyche and thought process, which manifest themselves in the process of communication;

− The generation of social attitudes necessary for effective communication (Akhmedova, 2020).

Students as the future of our society are no exception, and the analysis of their communication culture is of particular interest. In the youth environment, changes are happening faster, which brings new technologies and expands existing understanding of communication and interlocutors (Werderber& Werderber, 2016).

During the training, students receive the knowledge necessary to:

− Become leaders in their professional activities;

− Plan, organize, and start their own business;

− Form groups of people and professionally manage their activities;

− Be able to conclude business agreements, communicate with interlocutors, and conduct business negotiations;

− Apply new business technologies, including modern communication and information technologies (Abakumova, 2018).

One of the problems associated with the communication culture of modern students is their increasing preference for virtual communication. Most students actively use social media and instant messengers to communicate, which can negatively affect their ability to communicate in the real world. This fact necessitates activities aimed at developing communication skills among students. Institutions of higher education should be more proactive in integrating communication-related subjects into their curricula and providing students with opportunities to practice and improve their communication skills. Developing communication skills can have a positive impact on their daily lives and future careers.

The communication culture of modern students is one of the frequently discussed topics in scientific communities and public debates (Babina et al., 2022; Tolstoukhova et al., 2023). In an era of rapidly developing technology, communication has become dominant in the lives of students, and their communication skills determine their success in their personal lives, studies, and professional careers.

The discrepancy between the transmitted and perceived information is one of the main problems of the communication culture of modern students. Due to the vast amount of information and communication media that students receive every day, it is easy to misperceive or misinterpret a message. In this regard, it is important to adequately understand the information being conveyed and develop critical thinking skills.

Modern students cannot convincingly and cogently express their thoughts and ideas, for example, in the format of messages. Students often lack the skills to express their thoughts clearly. The ability to argue one’s position and develop public speaking skills is an important aspect of communication culture. There are also positive trends in the development of the communication culture of modern students. Due to the development of technology and the availability of information, students can more actively and freely express their points of view and communicate with people having the same interests and ideas. This promotes sociability and the ability to listen and understand other people, as well as the formation of communication skills.

Thus, the communication culture of modern students is an important aspect of their social adaptation and success in the modern world. The development of culture and communication skills will help students achieve personal and professional growth and be in demand in the field of communication (Veremeeva et al., 2022). Students prefer to use a variety of communication tools, such as mobile phones, social networks, instant messengers, and emails, which have become an integral part of their communication experience. This choice of virtual communication may have a negative impact on their communication culture.

Scientific studies (Pertsev et al., 2023) prove that virtual communication can lead to the deterioration of direct communication skills. Students who are accustomed to communicating through emails, messages, and comments on social networks may have difficulties establishing and maintaining contact in real life. The problem is that virtual communication does not require interpersonal emotional connection and instant responses. The ability to edit a message or reconsider it before sending it makes students feel more comfortable and secure. However, this leads to a loss of the ability to quickly and adequately respond to situations and emotions of the interlocutor.

The deterioration of direct communication skills can have a negative impact on the professional and social lives of students. The ability to communicate and network effectively is a key factor for success in any field. It is important to encourage students to develop direct communication skills and participate in public life so that they can not only effectively use modern technology but also know how to communicate in reality.

Communication between students from different cultures requires them to have certain skills and abilities. Each culture has its characteristics and traditions which may differ from a national one. To interact with people from different cultures, one needs to be open and adaptable.

The key factor in successful intercultural communication is tolerance. Students must respect and accept differences in cultural customs, values, and behavioral patterns. This requires flexible thinking and no tendency toward prejudice.

The university environment helps develop an intercultural communication culture (Merezhko et al., 2023). Students have a unique opportunity to communicate, meet, and work on projects with friends from different countries and cultures. Universities must provide students with the appropriate resources and assistance to develop these skills.

The ethno-sociological study conducted among the Kyrgyz, Russian, and Uzbek students living in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan demonstrated that they are open to interethnic communication and ready to engage in it (Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology RAS, 2014). Thus, 25% of the Kyrgyz, 37% of the Uzbek, and over half of the Russian youth surveyed (52%) noted that it was easy for them to communicate with people of other nationalities. The older the youth were, the more freely they communicated with people of other nationalities. According to the respondents, the factors hindering communication include the language barrier (23% of the Kyrgyz, 19% of Russians, and 16% of Uzbeks); poor knowledge of the culture and psychology of other ethnic groups (14% of the Kyrgyz, 5% of Russians, and 7% of Uzbeks). Some are focused on communicating only with people of their nationality (27% of the Kyrgyz, 13% of Russians, and 16% of Uzbeks) (Table 1).

Table 1 - Focus on interethnic communication, %. 

Average by an array Age categories
16-20 years 21-25 years 26-30 years
I prefer to communicate with people of my nationality 26.6 27.9 29.1 22.8
It is not easy because of the language barrier 22.8 25.1 18.4 25.1
It is not easy because I do not know much about the other culture and psychology 13.6 16.0 11.7 12.9
I find it easy to communicate with people of other nationalities 24.5 19.2 27.4 28.1
Your answer (describe it) 1.7 1.4 2.8 1.2
Not applicable 5.0 4.6 6.1 4.7
No answer 5.7 5.8 4.5 5.3
I prefer to communicate with people of my nationality 13.0 19.3 13.9 5.1
It is not easy because of the language barrier 19.3 19.3 22.2 16.7
It is not easy because I do not know much about the other culture and psychology 4.6 4.5 4.2 5.1
I find it easy to communicate with people of other nationalities 51.7 39.8 55.6 61.5
Your answer (describe it) 0.8 1.1 1.4 -
Not applicable 6.7 10.2 2.7 6.4
No answer 3.9 5.8 - 5.2
I prefer to communicate with people of my nationality 15.6 14.3 14.7 19.8
It is not easy because of the language barrier 16.0 14.3 21.1 14.3
It is not easy because I do not know much about the other culture and psychology 6.5 8.9 3.2 7.7
I find it easy to communicate with people of other nationalities 36.8 43.8 35.8 33.0
Your answer (describe it) 2.6 3.6 3.2 1.1
Not applicable 8.5 5.4 13.7 7.7
No answer 14.0 9.8 8.4 16.5

Source: author’s development

In relation to potential opportunities for interethnic communication, the research shows that most of the youth surveyed communicate with representatives of other ethnic groups daily. In the north of Kyrgyzstan, 36% of the Kyrgyz regularly interact with Russians, and 48% of Russians communicate with the Kyrgyz. In the south of Kyrgyzstan, 21% of the Kyrgyz and 37% of Uzbeks reported the same (Table 2).

Table 2 - Frequency of communication with representatives of other nationalities, %. 

Kyrgyz with Russians Russians with Kyrgyz Kyrgyz with Uzbeks Uzbeks with Kyrgyz
Almost daily 35.7 48.3 21.3 36.5
Quite often 26.4 33.6 25.8 14.3
Sometimes 19.9 14.3 27.2 25.1
Do not communicate 10.4 2.1 3.6 4.6
No answer 7.6 1.7 22.1 19.5

Source: author’s development

Thus, the development of tolerance and an intercultural communication culture is an integral part of students’ education. These skills will help them not only at university but also in real life, preparing them to interact with diverse people and facilitating harmonious intercultural relationships.

The development of presentation and public speaking skills is the most important aspect of modern education. Students need to speak in public, whether it is a presentation at a seminar, defending a thesis, or participating in a scientific conference. Many aspects of success in professional and personal life depend on the ability to clearly and confidently express one’s thoughts and ideas in front of an audience.

Developing public speaking and presentation skills is an integral part of communication culture. The ability to interest an audience, convey information, and hold their attention is a skill that can be used in any environment.

Preparing for public speaking is a process of continuous improvement that requires students to have not only the necessary knowledge and skills but also self-confidence. To be successful in this field, students should learn to effectively use visualization tools, argumentation skills, and audience skills.

Students should spend time practicing in front of a mirror, participating in student projects, seeking help from experienced teachers, and giving each other feedback. Constant tests and exercises will help students achieve the level of excellence that allows them to make a lasting impression on the public.

The ability to express one’s thoughts and ideas to an audience clearly and confidently is a valuable skill that will be relevant anywhere and anytime. The study and development of presentation and public speaking skills should be included in the educational program of every modern student. This will help them give public speeches in the educational process and prepare them for future professional activities.

Non-traditional forms of communication are also an effective tool that allows students to successfully interact and achieve their goals.

One of the popular non-traditional forms of communication among students is social networks. Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter allow young people to easily exchange information, find like-minded people, and create communities of interest. This helps them expand their networks, gain new knowledge and experience, and attract attention to their ideas and projects.

The uniqueness of non-traditional communication also lies in the fact that it completely changes the traditional hierarchy. Young people are not limited and not dependent on hierarchical structures and restrictions. They can freely communicate and interact with people from different countries, fields of knowledge, and social spheres. This encourages them to acquire knowledge, discover new perspectives, and develop their professional and personal skills.

In addition to social media, there are other non-traditional forms of communication such as public debates, video blogs, online courses, etc. They provide young people with the opportunity to share their knowledge, express their thoughts and ideas, learn from experienced professionals, and be heard in society.

The interaction of students through non-traditional forms of communication has enormous potential and influence on modern society. It promotes the development of tolerance, mutual understanding, and cooperation, broadens horizons, and creates new values. Each student receives a unique opportunity to influence changes in the world, speak on public platforms, create information products and actively participate in public projects.


The ability to communicate correctly and find a common language with different people is becoming a vital skill for modern students.

Communication culture covers not only verbal communication skills but also non-verbal means of transmitting information, such as facial expressions, gestures, and intonation. The ability to express one’s thoughts and ideas clearly and confidently, as well as the ability to listen and understand the interlocutor, is the basis of the communication culture of modern students.

In addition, modern professional demands involve teamwork. The better a student’s communication skills, the more successfully they cope with these challenges.

With rapidly evolving social changes and technologies, students should constantly develop their communication skills. This can be achieved through participation in courses, training, or simply by practicing communication with different people. These skills and abilities are fundamental in the field of communication culture. A modern specialist cannot do without them.

Thus, the communication culture of modern students plays an important role in their effective interaction and adaptation to society. The development of communication skills contributes not only to successful communication but also to the creation of supportive social connections, participation in projects, and teamwork.


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Received: March 02, 2024; Accepted: May 03, 2024

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