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vol.41 número1Aprendizaje cooperativo en odontología. Su importancia en la formación profesional.Estudio sobre las perspectivas del aprendizaje en servicio, en estudiantes de la carrera de ingeniería civil. índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Cubana de Educación Superior

versión On-line ISSN 0257-4314


BLANCO ENCINOSA, Lázaro J.. MOODLE: With you in the distance. Rev. Cubana Edu. Superior [online]. 2022, vol.41, n.1  Epub 01-Mar-2022. ISSN 0257-4314.

The article presents some practical experiences in utilization of MOODLE, for design of different kind of e-learning courses. The author analyzes different types courses, as the MOOC, the learning adaptative hypermedia systems (SHAE) and other more traditional courses. The author offers some solutions about courses of EXCEL, Crypto coins, Management of sport organizations, Financial and economic management of sport organizations and Distance learning. It is a wide set of pedagogical experiences and could be useful for the MOODLE users.

The author comments some resources and activities of MOODLE with examples and experiences.

Palabras clave : e-Learning; physical culture and sports; artificial intelligence; educational software.

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