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vol.29 número4Influencia de la concentración de melaza y extracto acuoso de soya sobre la velocidad específica de crecimiento de Bradyrhizobium elkanii ICA 8001Efecto de dos inoculantes micorrízicos arbusculares (base líquida y sólida) en el cultivo del trigo duro (Triticum durum) índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Cultivos Tropicales

versión impresa ISSN 0258-5936


CORBERA, J; PANEQUE, V. M; CALANA, J. M  y  MORALE, C. Evaluación de sustratos y aplicación de hongos micorrízicos arbusculares (HMA) en el cultivo de Anthurium andreanum en etapa de vivero. cultrop [online]. 2008, vol.29, n.4, pp. 27-33. ISSN 0258-5936.

Anthurium is a much appreciated ornamental plant for its elegant leaves and beautiful flowers. It is a slowly-growing crop that completes its physiological cycle by going through three stages or phases: adaptation, acclimatization and nursery. Tissue culture is its most appropriate reproduction form and its development is based on available slightly acid substrates with a bulk density of about 0.60 and an estimated organic matter content of 25 %. It also requires well-aerated substrates. Besides, it is necessary to take into account other influential aspects to obtain a good seedling, such as mineral fertilization, use of growth promoters and, in the last decades, addition of soil microorganisms as biofertilizers. Experimental works were developed at the nursery stage in the National Institute of Agricultural Sciences (INCA), over the period of June/2004-January/2006, with the objectives of localizing and characterizing adequate carriers to satisfy plant needs; preparing, characterizing and defining the possible influence of different substrate formulas on plants within this stage; determining the influence of different substrate pH values as well as evaluating the effects of AMF biofertilization on seedling growth in tested substrates. Results showed Anthurium answer to different substrates used, standing out those mixing acid peat+filter cake+zeolite, so proving the significance of substratum pH on crop development and growth, 6,5 being the most appropriate one. In general, a positive effect was recorded after applying mycorrhizal biofertilizers to Anthurium growth, these treatments showing a higher growth than those without it.

Palabras clave : Anthurium; growing media; arbuscular mycorrhizae.

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