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Cultivos Tropicales

versión impresa ISSN 0258-5936


KESSEL DOMINI, Argelys et al. Isoenzymatic and morphoagronomic evaluation of Fragaria ananassa Duch. cultivars, grown in Cuba. cultrop [online]. 2014, vol.35, n.2, pp. 72-79. ISSN 0258-5936.

Given that the morphoagronomic evaluation of cultivars is a relatively inexpensive method and is the basis of the characterization of plants and that isoenzymes have been a powerful tool for the study of genetic variation in species, was aimed at evaluating strawberry cultivars Missionary, Oso Grande and Rabunda, which were introduced in different parts of the country and had not conducted studies to give us an estimate of the variability or genetic stability present in them. For field evaluation used various UPOV descriptors and a sample design was used with a confidence level of 95 %, which determined the mean and confidence intervals; also estimated fruit quality parameters such as: firmness, soluble solids content and total acidity. Biochemical analysis was done using four isoenzyme systems which included two other existing genotypes in different locations, Villa Clara and the Gran Piedra (Santiago de Cuba). The characters that showed significant differences among cultivars evaluated were number of leaves, number of fruits per plant and the fruit length. Is generally observed a high level of polymorphism degree in the studied genotypes.

Palabras clave : strawberry; morphoagronomic evaluation; isoenzyme systems.

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