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Revista Cubana de Ortopedia y Traumatología

versión On-line ISSN 1561-3100


ESCARPANTER BULIES, Julio C.. Supracondyleal fracture of humerus treated with surgery. Rev Cubana Ortop Traumatol [online]. 2007, vol.21, n.1, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1561-3100.

retrospective linear study was made for 4 years in a group of patients operated on from supracondylar fracture of the humerus in the Community Hospital of Araguaina in Brazil. The results were compared with those of another group of patients operated on at "Comandante Pinares" General Teaching Hospital in San Cristóbal municipality, Pínar del Río province in a similar period of time. Both studies were compared with another series of patients treated with closed reduction and a cast in a year. Some of the results showed that suprachondyleal fracture of elbow in children when treated with surgery has not as good effect as that of the conservative treatment generally. The complications going against recovery are rigidity or limited flexoextension of the elbow and the postsurgical infections infections both in soft parts and the bone. Osteosynthesis with crossed percutaneous Kishner's wires is the technique of choice in closed fractures needing surgery.

Palabras clave : supracondylar fracture; humerus; treatment; complications.

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