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Revista Cubana de Ortopedia y Traumatología

versión On-line ISSN 1561-3100


CARRANZA QUINONES, Eduardo Paul  y  VARGAS MORALES, Renan Estuardo. Surgical Cure of Infected Atrophic Nonunion of the Tibial Shaft. Rev Cubana Ortop Traumatol [online]. 2021, vol.35, n.2  Epub 01-Dic-2021. ISSN 1561-3100.


The fracture of a bone is defined as the solution of continuity of a certain bone portion. Diaphyseal fractures represent a low percentage of all fractures, and the tibial bone is the most affected, due to its scarce vascularity, little protection and the existence of various factors that make them more prone to some problems such as pseudoarthrosis and osteomyelitis, which complicate treatment.


To demonstrate the efficacy of functional clinical results with the surgical cure of infected pseudoarthrosis of the tibial shaft with the contribution of heterologous cadaveric bone graft, and cortical cancellous autograft of the iliac crest.

Case report:

The case of a 42-year-old male patient admitted with a diagnosis of post-traumatic exposed fracture II is reported here. External fixation was performed on 2 occasions, with an interval of 6 days for valgus correction. The patient was absent from his clinical check-ups and was readmitted after approximately 10 months due to a diagnosis of infected atrophic nonunion of the left tibia, according to the anatomical classification of Cierny-Mader IV. He was hospitalized for surgical cure and reconstruction with bone allograft and iliac crest autograft, resulting in consolidation and favorable controls. Currently, the patient has recovered the functionality of his left leg, and a fistula with allograft exposure remains.


Surgical treatment of infected tibial shaft pseudoarthrosis with provision of heterologous cadaveric bone graft and cortical cancellous autograft of iliac crest presents good clinical and functional results, which constitutes an effective method.

Palabras clave : pseudoarthrosis; osteomyelitis; allograft; autograft.

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