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Revista Cubana de Ortopedia y Traumatología
versión On-line ISSN 1561-3100
NAPOLES PEREZ, Mailyn et al. Nocardia Asteroids Mycetoma. Rev Cubana Ortop Traumatol [online]. 2022, vol.36, n.2 Epub 01-Jun-2022. ISSN 1561-3100.
In 1860, Henry Van Carter introduced the definition of mycetoma and since 1884 the first cases have been reported in Africa (Sudan, Senegal). These infections affect the skin, the subcutaneous cellular tissue and, sometimes, the muscles, the bones, and it can spread throughout the thoracic cavity, the abdominal cavity, and other regions of the body.
To report a case of mycetoma due to nocardia asteroides with unfavorable evolution and treatment.
Case report:
We report the case of a 47-year-old male patient who suffered a left knee trauma 18 years ago with an avulsive wound and unfavorable evolution due to infection. Ten years later, he presented, in the same site, multiple fistulous lesions with active drainage, scant serohematic, non-fetid secretion. On several occasions he was taken to the operating room for surgical debridement and toilette and he received multiple antibiotic and antifungal treatments. The case was concluded as a mycetoma. Nocardia asteroides was isolated. The patient disagreed with limb amputation as definitive surgical treatment. He came to our treatment center in October 2020 with poor general condition and severe extension of the infectious process throughout the limb. A hemipelvectomy was planned as definitive treatment, but unfortunately the patient deceased before due to general complications.
Before the appearance of mycetoma, it is important to define the extent of the infection to determine the type of treatment to use, since it can save the patient's life if properly used and in a timely manner without leaving serious sequelae.
Palabras clave : Nocardia asteroides infection; lower limb mycetoma; actinomycetoma.