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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública

versión On-line ISSN 1561-3127


DELGADO GARCIA, Gregorio. Etapas del desarrollo de la salud pública revolucionaria cubana. Rev Cubana Salud Pública [online]. 1996, vol.22, n.1, pp. 21-22. ISSN 1561-3127.

The stages that the author considers as corresponding to the development of public health in the Cuban socialist revolutionary period, are enumerated: 1st., of integration of the Unique National Health System (1959 and years of the '60s decade); 2nd., of consolidation of the Unique National Health System ('70s decade years); 3rd., of incorporation and development of high medical technology, impulse to researches, and dispensing or distributing health actions to the total of the country population by the family physician (years of the '80s decade), and 4th., of struggle for the preservation of conquests achieved in the public health field, and for their development under the circumstances of a deep economical crisis (years of the '90s decade). Several achievements and difficulties that characterize such stages, are briefly established and exposed.

Palabras clave : PUBLIC HEALTH [history]; CUBA; HEALTH SYSTEM [history]; PHYSICIAN, FAMILY [history]; TECHNOLOGY, MEDICAL [instrumentation].

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