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vol.29 número2Tabla de vida de Macrolophus basicornis (Hemiptera: Miridae) teniendo como presas a Myzus persicae (Sulzer) y Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas) (Hemiptera: Aphididae)Antagonismo in vitro de cepas de Trichoderma spp. frente a Sarocladium oryzae (Sawada) W. Gams & D. Hawksworth índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista de Protección Vegetal

versión impresa ISSN 1010-2752


DUARTE, Leticia et al. Nesidiocoris tenuis Reuter (Hemiptera: Miridae) and Cycloneda sanguinea limbifer (Casey) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae): behaviour and predatory activity on Myzus persicae Zulzer (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Rev. Protección Veg. [online]. 2014, vol.29, n.2, pp. 99-105. ISSN 1010-2752.

The aim of this work was to evaluate the predation and behavior activities of the predatory bug Nesidiocoris tenuis Reuter and the lady beetle Cycloneda sanguinea limbifer (Casey) on the aphid. Myzus persicae Zulzer, as well as their effect on this prey dispersal. The experiments were carried out in an acclimatized room at 23.7±1, 8oC, RH 62,6±5% and 12 h photofase. The number of aphids on the infested and non-infested plants was recorded after 24 hours. Behavioral activities such as moving, searching, resting, encountering aphids, feeding, encountering aphid exuviae, and cleaning, and the time spent in each one were recorded. C. sanguinea limbifer was more voracious than N. tenuis on M. persicae. The ladybeetle led to more aphid dispersion than N. tenuis; however, the highest aphid dispersion occurred when a higher number of both predatory species was used. Significant differences were not observed in the time spent by both predators in moving, encountering and feeding activities, but the time spent in feeding by N. tenuis was longer than that spent by C. sanguinea limbifer. N. tenuis spent longer time in resting activity than C. sanguinea limbifer (p=0,0088). The lady beetle spent longer time searching for the prey than the predatory bug (p=0,0007), but the time needed by C. sanguinea limbifer for cleaning its mouthparts with its front legs was longer than that used by N. tenuis for cleaning its whole body (p=0,0218). The results showed that M. persicae dispersion was an effect of its antipredator behavior in the presence of the predator.

Palabras clave : biological control; bug; lady beetle; aphid; pepper.

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