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versión On-line ISSN 1028-4818


PEREZ CUERVO, Juan José; PEREZ ALCANTUD, Roxana  y  YERO GONZALEZ, Rosa Caridad. Humanism, as an essential value in the formation of the student of medical sciences. Multimed [online]. 2022, vol.26, n.5  Epub 28-Sep-2022. ISSN 1028-4818.

Medical science careers require that their students first of all have a vocation to serve, to help the sick, those who require care, those who need love, in the globalized context of a world that is deteriorating spiritually, where values ​​are being destroyed, and where the technology of the first world is replacing medical thinking, the individualized analysis of each patient, with the aim of achieving a cure, relief or understanding of their illness. It reflects on the need for humanistic training in the Medical University, as the fundamental spiritual axis to achieve the professional that society needs. Humanizing medical action requires teaching ethics and bioethics in undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing education, but without forgetting the personal example, the one that is not in books or magazines to harvest a high human sensitivity of the doctor and in general sense of the health professionals and workers.

Palabras clave : Humanism; Humanistic formation; Ethics; Bioethics; Learners.

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