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Revista Información Científica

versión On-line ISSN 1028-9933


MARZO RAMIREZ, Talía; RAMIREZ ROMAGUERA, Melba; AGUILERA PACHECO, Osvaldo  y  SANTOS ORTIZ, Laritza. Neurological morbidity in the "Ramón López Peña" Polyclinic, Santiago de Cuba, January to December 2018. Rev. inf. cient. [online]. 2019, vol.98, n.2, pp. 207-217. ISSN 1028-9933.


the ambulatory neurological demand has been growing steadily. There are few statistical data on neurological diseases in our population.


to characterize the neurological morbidity of the "Ramón López Peña" Polyclinic in the period from January to December 2018.


a cross-sectional descriptive study of 247 patients who attended the Neurology clinic of the "Ramón López Peña" polyclinic in Santiago de Cuba, from January to December 2018. The variables studied were age, sex, neurological diseases, etiopathogenic groups, origin of remission and diagnostic concordance.


the female sex predominated with 63.9% and the age group between 55 to 64 years represented by 61 patients for 25%, the most frequent neurological disease was headache with 63 patients, for 25.5%, followed by epilepsy with 34 patients (13.7%) and polyneuropathies with 31 patients (12.5%), the patients were predominantly referred by the family doctor and there was no diagnostic agreement in a third of the patients for a 37, 44%.


the most frequent neurological disorder was headache, in females from 55 to 64 years of age and the remissions were mostly made by the family doctor, there was no diagnostic agreement in a considerable percentage of the cases, which denotes the need to overcome at all levels in the knowledge of the semiology and pathology of the nervous system.

Palabras clave : neurological morbidity; primary care; neurology consultation.

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