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vol.99 número3La COVID-19 y sus consecuencias en el sistema ocular índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Información Científica

versión On-line ISSN 1028-9933


BAYES-CACERES, Edgar; PARDO-FERNANDEZ, Alfredo; CACERES-DIEGUEZ, Aglae  y  RODRIGUEZ-SOTOMAYOR, Yamilé. The changes in paradigms in the public health and the technologies of information and knowledge. Rev. inf. cient. [online]. 2020, vol.99, n.3, pp. 293-306.  Epub 14-Sep-2020. ISSN 1028-9933.


The work went through the relation between the changes in paradigms in the public health and the technologies of information and knowledge.


Systematize on the relation between the changes in paradigms in the public health as a tangible good and its relation with the information technologies as an intangible good.


A bibliographical review about the topic was carried out in the School of Medicine in Santiago de Cuba, through search on electronic databases (Virtual Health Library): LILACS, PubMed, Scielo and Scopus, also including online newspaper publications about how the changes in the paradigms in the public health are deeply related with technologies of information and knowledge.


28 documents were chosen out of a list of 100 of them to be reviewed. The information was structured from the theory based in the following aspects: 1) historical premises of the relation between knowledge and information, and the change of paradigms in the society. 2) the changes in paradigms in the public health and the technologies of information and knowledge. 3) the role of the universities and the research, academic and job training to stimulate and sensitize the information and document management.


A theoretical reference is elaborated, aimed to the healthcare professional. Regularities concerning the relation between the change of paradigms in the public health and the technologies of information and knowledge are identified.

Palabras clave : information technologies; paradigms; public health; universities.

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