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Revista Cubana de Endocrinología

versión On-line ISSN 1561-2953


CASTELO ELIAS-CALLES, Lizet  y  MACHADO PORRO, María C.. Some considerations on the PADAM syndrome. Rev Cubana Endocrinol [online]. 2006, vol.17, n.2, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1561-2953.

Unlike women, among whom there exists a perceptible event (cessation of menstruation) chronologically marking the end of the gonadal function, in the aging men the androgen decrease does not occur in a clear time-defined way and its progress is not uniform. It is known as partial androgen deficiency in aging male (PADAM) syndrome, which is characterized by clinical, biochemical and psychological manifestations that may converge with variable intensity without any element that chronologically marks its moment of appearance. Different studies have proved the existance of a reduction in the levels of total and free testosterone during aging. In spite of the fact that these levels are not well defined, hormone replacement therapy has been used as a therapeutic alternative and, specially, for males' chjef complaint: erectile sexual dysfunction (ESD). To the light of the current knowledge and evidences, it is made a review of the topic on the decline of gonadal function in men during aging that covers the testicular physiology in the aging process, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, therapeutic arsenal and impact on the quality of life. It is concluded that the PADAM syndrome requires special attention on the part of the doctors, mainly urologists and endocrinologists. There are many factors influencing on androgen deficiency. It is necessary to conduct longitudinal studies in sound populations aimed at determining how the hypophysotesticular axis behaves by age groups and its correlation with the appearance of clinical manifestations.

Palabras clave : Aging; androgens; erectile sexual dysfunction.

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