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Revista Cubana de Endocrinología

versión On-line ISSN 1561-2953


GRANELA CORTINAS, Kesia et al. Bone mineralization in children and adolescents presenting with a congenital hypothyroidism. Rev Cubana Endocrinol [online]. 2011, vol.22, n.2, pp. 118-132. ISSN 1561-2953.

Introduction: in the case of the congenital hypothyroidism the bone mineralization may be affected by disease or by the effects of the thyroid hormones treatment. Objective: to determine the bone mineralization in patients presenting with congenital hypothyroidism. Methods: a cross-sectional, matched and descriptive study was conducted in Cuban children with congenital hypothyroidism (n= 67) and a control group (n= 67). The bone mineralization was analyzed by densitometry taking into account age, sex, bone and sexual maturation, hormonal diagnosis and treatment. The 95 % CI were applied, variance analysis and correlation with significance. Results: density, bone mineral content and z-score in Cuban children with congenital hypothyroidism and the control group there was significantly different (p= 0,466; 0,155; 0,416), respectively. The estimations of bone mineralization association according to age showed a significant difference in bone mineralization density and the bone mineral content (p= 0,000) for both groups, and the z-score only for the sick persons. The bone mineralization was marked in mean dose with levothyroxine during the second and third bone phase and the treatment time. In the case of permanent congenital hypothyroidism there was a correlation with hormonal diagnosis and the treatment time (p= 0,000). Conclusions: the bone mineralization is homogeneous in both groups. Density and bone mineral content in Cuban children with congenital hypothyroidism and the control group are associated with age independently of sex in both groups. Density and bone mineral content are different in the children with congenital hypothyroidism.

Palabras clave : Congenital hypothyroidism; bone mineralization; densitometry.

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