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Revista Cubana de Endocrinología

versión On-line ISSN 1561-2953


CRUZ HERNANDEZ, Jeddú  y  MARQUEZ GUILLEN, Antonio. Jacinto Lang and preconception care for women with diabetes mellitus in Cuba. Rev Cubana Endocrinol [online]. 2019, vol.30, n.2  Epub 26-Mayo-2020. ISSN 1561-2953.

Dr. Jacinto Lang Prieto was one of the pioneers of preconception care for women suffering from diabetes in Cuba, which began in the early 1990s at the Center for Diabetic Care of the National Institute of Endocrinology. Together with his tutor, Dr. Antonio Márquez Guillén, he created a consultation at this institution in order to offer this care. Thanks to the work of these doctors, in 2007, the expansion of preconceptional care throughout the country began and this activity was established nationwide in 2012. At present, preconception care is part of the risk management to the diabetes reproductive women. Primary health care professionals should play a leading role in providing this care. Improving preconceptional care for diabetes women as part of national strategy of is one of the current challenges in this field in Cuba.

Palabras clave : Jacinto Lang; Mellitus diabetes; preconception care; reproductive risk.

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