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Gaceta Médica Espirituana

versión On-line ISSN 1608-8921


TIRADO CARABALLO, Robelkys et al. Knowledge intervention on preconception risk in women from a health area in Guantánamo. Gac Méd Espirit [online]. 2022, vol.24, n.3  Epub 03-Dic-2022. ISSN 1608-8921.


Reproductive health is present during women and men’s life cycle, so family planning, knowledge and management of reproductive risk play a significant role.


To evaluate the effectiveness of a knowledge intervention in fertile age women with preconception risk, at “La Colonia” clinic, in “Rafael Teope Fonseca” Polyclinic, “El Salvador”, Guantánamo, from September 2017 to April 2019.


A quasi-experimental study was conducted, of educational intervention type on preconception risk, with formerly and subsequently designs. The universe was 65 women of fertile age. Intentional non-probabilistic sampling was used. The sample was 45 women with preconception risk. The research was conducted in 3 stages: diagnosis, intervention and evaluation. The information was collected in a semi-structured survey applied before and after the intervention. The variables were: methods for planning pregnancy, optimal age for pregnancy, unfavorable obstetric history, importance of folic acid intake before pregnancy, and general knowledge on the subject. The McNemar test was determined for the statistical analysis and the Kappa index to determine the effectiveness of the intervention.


Before the intervention, an inadequate level of knowledge was diagnosed about the methods for planning pregnancy (42 %), the optimal age for pregnancy (40 %) and the obstetric history (36 %). After the intervention, the adequate level of knowledge was significant (p<0.05) in all the variables. The Kappa index showed considerable agreement.


The educational intervention was effective.

Palabras clave : Folic acid; knowledge; risk factors; risk; family planning; reproductive health; preconception care; health education and methods.

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