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Gaceta Médica Espirituana

versión On-line ISSN 1608-8921


MACIAS-CAMBA, Solange Patricia et al. Occupational hazard perceptions in nursing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Gac Méd Espirit [online]. 2023, vol.25, n.2  Epub 02-Ago-2023. ISSN 1608-8921.


The COVID-19 pandemic has increased occupational hazards in nursing professionals, therefore, it is necessary to know the perceptions of health staff as a qualitative value to be taken into account in the effective management of their work process.


To describe the perception of the Nursing professional in relation to occupational risks during the COVID-19 pandemic, from a phenomenological point of view.


Qualitative research (descriptive-explanatory) of the phenomenological type, studying the perceptions of 13 nursing professionals about physical occupational hazards, biological, physiological and ergonomic, occurred at the IESS Hospital "Dr. Efrén Jurado", in Guayaquil, Ecuador.


It was observed that the professionals use strategies for coping against occupational hazards, they also encourage self-care behaviors, follow biosafety protocols enhance effective communication in the work team, provide emotional support to the patient, project an attitude of positivity and compassion, and remain strong in God; professionals constantly experience fear of infection, sadness, frustration and powerlessness in their daily work.


Findings approach the health belief model, describing components that interact to create a risk prevention behavior or attitude among nurses, an individual perception that involves beliefs and modifiable factors such as emotional aspects related to feelings.

Palabras clave : Occupational risks; COVID-19; coronavirus infections; nurses.

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