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Ingeniería Electrónica, Automática y Comunicaciones

versión On-line ISSN 1815-5928


MAYOR, Cesar A. et al. Compensation and calibration of pressure tranmitters piezoresistive high performance simultaneously. EAC [online]. 2014, vol.35, n.3, pp. 16-32. ISSN 1815-5928.

A system is presented for time optimization of calibration and compensation process of piezoresistive pressure sensors for automation and control applications, with compensation of several error sources, specially, temperature dependencies and nonlinearity. This system enables the automation of the process based on the MAX1464 of MAXIM through a multiple measuring and programming system made from the interface developed by the manufacturer of the chip and modified according with specific needs. It enables the acquisition of signals on a single computer for up to 16 simultaneous transmitters, improving the total process time. The total process time has been reduced by about six hours for reach additional transmitter. In the case of 16 transmitters, the system without multiplexing would take 114 hours, while with multiplexing takes only 24 hours, representing a decrease of 78.9 % in the total processing time. The transmitters using the multiplexing system have TEB less than 0.1 % FS. It means that the designed system allows pressure transmitters to have performance characteristics equal to those achieved by the original system. The process of calibration and compensation strictly follows international standards for use in industrial process control systems, e.g. IEC 60770 standard.

Palabras clave : sensors for automation; instrumentation; sensor calibration; error compensation.

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