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versión On-line ISSN 2077-2955


JIMENEZ CRUZ, Ivelissi. A comprehensive, didactic approach to the central integrated discipline at Spanish and Literature major. trf [online]. 2019, vol.15, n.1, pp. 1-13. ISSN 2077-2955.



The paper describes the outcomes of a research aimed at devising a comprehensive didactic approach to coordinate the activity of teachers working with the same class in the Spanish and Literature major.


The documentary analysis and interviews were used to collect the information needed for the diagnosis, whereas modeling was used to devise a methodology having a didactic and comprehensive nature.


The main finding of the research consist of a methodology based on a comprehensive approach to the curriculum.


The didactic-generalizing approach for the treatment of the Integrative Principal Discipline fosters the establishment of relationships between subsystems that allow analyzing the links of interdependence and complementarity of the set of subjects in the year, favoring learning, the professional development of teachers under training and the development of professional competencies.

Palabras clave : didactics; practice teaching; interdisciplinary approach; tutoring.

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