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vol.15 número1Enseñar a escribir en inglés: el enfoque proceso-producto orientado a la acciónLas cónicas en métricas no euclidianas: una mirada desde la teoría de los modos de pensamiento índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 2077-2955


FERNANDEZ DIAZ, Argelia. University and community interrelations: an enrolling model that promotes them. trf [online]. 2019, vol.15, n.1, pp. 27-38. ISSN 2077-2955.


This research aims at describing a study of university institution and communities from an analytical and constructive perspective of today’s panorama.


Theoretical methods were used to construct a framework, systematization was used to collect experiences and modeling to outline a pattern that emphasizes agents’ active participation.


The main finding provides the foundations for a model promoting university and community relation based on active participation of professors, students, and local inhabitants. Findings of community projects sponsored by Latin-American universities are appraised.


Today a university institution committed to community life is required, likewise, it should face the needs of citizens, and pursue the achievement of self-management.

Palabras clave : community development; community participation; university extension; School community cooperation.

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